Hypno Phone Sex Fantasy with Savannah

Well Summer came crashing through the front door on the west coast and have to say that heat wave was melting this Canadian Hypno Phone Sex Goddess. Like seriously I am not built for that heat! Not sure how anyone who lives in the south deals with those temps. My poor butt was not around taking calls just cause I wouldnt of heard anyone on the other end of the phone due to the humm of my fans.

hypno phone sex

Slowly getting back to normal and logging back in for some erotic hypnosis fun.

As for what to blog that is rather a good question?

Gotta say that my mind has been stuck on just some sensual fantasies. Sure kinky or fetish might come in there but the main focus in just one setting a scene. Painting that perfect hypnotic scenario that will bring the most erotic enjoyment.

That could be just the idea of laying back on a bed with another’s legs draped over yours while both are masturbating till pure orgasmic bliss. Or getting loss in a pussy worship fantasy being able to get lost in the scent and taste of the perfect pussy. Could be mine or maybe its that person you been lusting over, past or present.

Just an hypno phone sex fantasy where the focus is on pleasure. To let your mind relax into that wonderful body rush of excitement.

Am betting you have a few sensual ideas that you let your mind wander on from time to time?

Definitely love to hear them and see where an erotic trance will take us.


As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 12 am PST Monday to Saturday (This is a rough guideline)

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

masturbation phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Rabbit Hole of Hypnotic Seduction

Realize its been some time since I sat down to write something. Never fails any time I put my fingers to the keyboard the phone will ring. Not complaining for I do prefer to guide someone down that wonderful rabbit hole of hypnotic seduction over spin my web through words on a screen. This time I got smart and have yet to turn the phones on.

Instead its the constant hum of the fan going to try and cool down my office space. Which is only making me thinking I should be grabbing my lap top and head off to my back yard to sit in the grass to type away. And that of course will only lead me to even more distractions like it is now hah.

hypnotic seduction

Your not alone in that crazy mind swirls and we all need that time to just plant our feet and relax. To dip down into a sense of calmness. Which is what an erotic hypnosis phone sex call offers. Think right now that is something important to point out. Cause we are all in that quest right now to find a bit of serenity. That place where we can just stop the world from spinning so fast. To break away and focus on things not so out of control.

Diving down that rabbit hole of hypnotic seduction can be that place. It doesnt have to be a place of fetish and taboo. It can be a simple place of erotism. The sensation of feeling lace against your body. Enjoying a warm breath dancing down your neck.

Just allowing someone else to paint the picture within your mind. Most importantly your not having to over think things. You get to lay back and let my sensual voice drift into your mind and guide you. Guide your thoughts through that intimate image created.

If your ready to just to escape and fall down that rabbit hole of hypnotic seduction then give me a call. Dont worry if you have never called before I love guiding new minds through an erotic hypnosis session.

Remember just ask for Hypno Goddess Savannah when you call the number below.

As always please note with an erotic hypnosis mind fucked phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 1 pm to 12 am PST Monday to Saturday (This is a rough guideline)

Sundays are my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Age Regression Erotic Hypnosis with Savannah

Always find it interesting with erotic hypnosis calls for there are moments where I spend all my time talking with regular clients. Then other moments where it seems something is in the air and a bunch of fresh minds are calling to fall under my trance. This month is one of those new minds coming my way.

Now I enjoy exploring erotic hypnosis no matter who it is with.

age regression erotic hypnosis

However this exploration was a bit different in a way or should say it sparked a blog entry for sure as it was an age regression erotic hypnosis phone sex call. Now I know its not one I blog about often mainly cause there are some aspects of that fantasy that I admittedly shy away from.

See age regression is an umbrella for a broad category of fetishes from adult baby to ageplay, even that is probably simplifying things too much.

In regards to adult baby I do shy away from this particular fantasy only cause its such a vast fetish and every adult baby is so different in what they want. Which yes I know other fantasies are like that but in regards to AB/DL, I guess my idea of what it should be and the few I have explored it with have never lined up. So this is a fantasy that I rather steer away from unless you have the time to explain rather in depth what your looking for as an adult baby. This way I can be sure to give you the hypnosis experience your looking for.

However, where age regression relates to age play scenarios I have no problem taking someone back to a time in their past and enjoying a new spin on the situation. Be it the first time you started jerking off. The time you were spanked by the babysitter. Or getting caught in the shower masturbating by your sister. Being able to send you back to that moment where you can wrap yourself up in that memory is rather fun.

The age regression hypnosis phone sex call that inspired this blog was a guy who wanted to get busted masturbating by his mom. Was a fun memory trip to go on with him as I could hear his breathing change as I painted the image in his hypnotized mind. Taking him back to his bedroom at home. The smell of the house as his mom was down the hallway cooking dinner. Listening to her walk in the kitchen while he quietly stroke to dirty pictures.

Every moment I painted his breathing getting more and more excited. That was even before the fun started of him getting busted in the moment.

If you were to do an age regression erotic hypnosis fantasy is there a particular moment you would want to relive or maybe a moment you would like to explore a different outcome too?

Maybe today is the day to explore such a fantasy.

Just ask for Savannah

As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

age regression erotic hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hitch Hiking Hypnosis Phone Sex with Savannah

As anyone who follows my hypnosis phone sex blog knows I enjoy getting new minds to mess with. Always interesting to see the spin they bring to erotic hypnosis. The fantasy or fetish they seek. Which is just what happened last night.

hypnosis phone sex

Someone who isnt new to the hypno kink world called me up after watching my twitter for some time. Which I suppose I should apologize now since its been nothing more than just streams of when I am taking calls. But after some time of following my hypnotic trail of yes taking calls. He opted to call.

We chatted some about this and that then dove into what fantasies he enjoyed doing. Which for him it was simply to fall under.

To enjoy the seduction that hypnosis brings.

To ultimately obey.

Well didnt he find the right Hypno Goddess.

Course being someone knew it was asking him questions on what seduction and obeying meant for him. For each person has their own definition of those things.  I know for myself I interpret them very differently and would hate to assume that my interpretation is the same as yours.

So he fully indulged me in what fantasies were running through his mind at that moment. Course as a few of you know as your describing a fantasy often times my mind will just start to click with something and after a few words I have a complete scene fall into place in my own head. Which is exactly what happened here.

He was describing the idea of picking up a female hitchhiker being lulled into a hypnotic state between the drive and her voice then simply obeying her wishes.

Well that was all I needed for a side of the road fun anonymous sex scene.

Him already feeling the lull of the road from the sound of the tires as its that time of the night where your bored by the drive. Dusk where everything is becoming dark and your vision is nothing more than the road in front of you. Your eyes having nothing to see but the marking that rush by you.

In his hypnotic state of course he is lured into picking up the woman on the side of the road by her broken down car. The flashing lights of her car only adding to his trance.

Before he even hears my sensual hypnotic voice he is already halfway there to craving to obey my every command.

I know your wondering what all happens once I enter the car but I think somethings really should left between me and my driver……

Just ask for Savannah

As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

masturbation phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Werewolf Transformation Fantasy

Sitting here in my office trying to decide what to blog my eyes keep wandering out the window to the grey sky and the soft rain falling. The grey sky lures me back to a call I did a few weeks ago with one of my gentlemen who love a good werewolf transformation fantasy. This mind wandering gets me googling when the next full moon is … January 20 which happens to be a Wolf Moon.

werewolf transformation fantasy

Now if that doesnt inspire a werewolf phone sex hypnosis blog then nothing can. For this is a subtle little reminder to my pack of wolves that you have a hot date with me on the 20-21st of this month cause I can not see that date going by without a werewolf transformation fantasy or two.

Funny I wanna say I remember my last werewolf fantasy call but I have to say the one that is coming to mind might of been the time before last. We did a couple hypnosis phone sex session within a few weeks of each other and now that I sit down to write about it my mind is playing tricks on me was to which was the last one. So if your reading this forgive me and my mind being fucked up, for your the one suppose to have your mind fucked not me.

However, it was one where it was a bit of a werewolf gathering in the middle of the woods to celebrate the winter solstice. A gigantic bonfire in a clearing surrounded by tall trees. The ground was covered with a layer of crunchy snow from a few days ago. It sparkled under the full moon that reached it through the tree tops.

People were gathered around the fire dancing and swirling around the heat their clothes tossed in a pile for they didnt want to rip them when the transformation happened. The dancing was to get the blood flowing and have the werewolf hormones flow more easily. For yes the moon brought upon the change but so did the rush of endorphins as the blood pumped through their veins.

Now I could keep going with this werewolf transformation fantasy but you know me I like to save the hot details for when your under my hypnotic trance. This is but a taste of what you could expect. The level of details used to create your most vivid fantasy.

Remember the Wolf Moon happens on January 20th I have it marked on my calendar hope you do too.

Just ask for Savannah

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

werewolf transformation fantasy

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Push Your Boundaries via Erotic Hypnosis Phone Sex

Push your boundaries.

Such an interesting statement and it means different things to each person.

pushing boundaries hypnosis phone sex

For some its pushing them into an area they are uncomfortable with. Some fantasy or fetish that they often dont let them self explore or maybe are too afraid to admit to themselves that they are turned on by it. Some how exploring it with a sensual domme on the phone allows them to feel they have no control over what arouses them or they can write it off that its her control that got them off not that subject.

Then there are those that want to explore their own fetishes and fantasies deeper. They are enjoying the journey. Become intoxicated by the arousal as they let them self go and give into all the fetish has to offer.

Where does erotic hypnosis come into play with someone pushing their boundaries?

Well simple it allows you to lower your inhibitions around those boundaries. Now I will say here I will not be able to make you do anything your not comfortable with or things your dead set against. Nor would I. I believe in building a level of trust with my client and only thing will boundary exploration happen for your mind will feel that leave of comfort to push past things. Its not something to leap into.

However, when your is in that deep state of relaxation and those fantasies or fetishes that interest you. Intrigue you. Perk your interest are discussed or explored then I will push. Small at first. Minor little add ons into our regular fantasy play. When you feel comfortable with how arousing that is then I will add in more.

Will fully admit that I may hold back depending on what the boundary is you wish to explore depending on how nervous you appear on the phone discussing it with me. Various times through our erotic hypnosis phone sex call I will check in with you and if I sense your excitement is to push those boundaries more then I will do so. See as much as I am pushing your boundaries your guiding the experience through your arousal.

How we get to the arousal state is up to you. Be it you think I took you there and you had no control over the pushing or well you spiraled into it. Both are fun.

Are you ready to push your boundaries?

Please remember if your new to an erotic hypnosis trance with myself to book a minimum of 30 minutes for its never any fun to have to rush the trance.

Just ask for Savannah

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

push your boundaries erotic hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hypnotic Phone Sex Girlfriend Savannah

Now I know the title hypnotic phone sex girlfriend will have you going WTF Savannah?

Bear with me a moment. Part of this blog title goes against my whole go out and try various hypnosis girls but I still stand by shop around when it comes to finding the right trance and voice that works for you. However, there is a trend once you find that girl who can put you under with ease that you stick with her and she becomes your phone sex girlfriend so to say.

hypnotic phone sex girlfriend

Now the word girlfriend can mean so many things depending on who you are but that friendly voice on the other end of the line who just gets you. Gets your fantasy, there is no re-explaining your fetish or fantasies. There is often continuing off on the same fantasy you had last week or using it as a jump off point for the new phone sex adventure you been thinking about.

With hypnosis especially the sense of gfe is not having to repeat the induction over and over again unless you want too. There is also that sense of familiarity that builds trust so that your able to fall into a deeper trance.

One of the things I pride myself on is ensuring those that call me get the ultimate hypnotic experience be them new or seasoned clients. Granted when someone calls me a bit there is the little jokes that start to form. There is the knowing of the boundaries and respecting them unless my guy wishes to push them.

All these things create a hypnotic phone sex girlfriend experience. The ability to grown and explore with someone. To continue on with the tide and true fantasy or seeking to explore something they are nervous about doing in real life.

Each is special in their own way and I hope that when you call for an erotic hypnosis fantasy you discover that our first session will only be the start of an amazing experience together.

Please remember if your new to an erotic hypnosis trance with myself to book a minimum of 30 minutes for its never any fun to have to rush the trance.

Just ask for Savannah

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

erotic hypnosis

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Erotic Hypnosis Glory Hole Slut Trance

My love affair with erotic hypnosis has me combining it with all sorts of extreme fetishes, such as the idea of spinning a mind fucking trance around you becoming a glory hole slut.

glory hole slut hypnosis

Have to say that I have never visited a glory hole before but the idea of taking someone even if its in a hypnotic fantasy rather hot. Us sitting in the car before we even enter and that is where I have you recline the seat back. Getting nice and comfortable. So that I can begin putting you into that mind fucking state where you are the most susceptible to my triggers. The ones where I will have you wishing you were a cum gobbling whore. Eager to suck back as many cocks as you possibly can for you are a slut.

The biggest.

The baddest.

Cock sucking slut that ever walk through those doors.

Your still under my erotic hypnosis trance but already licking your lips as you visualize the cocks slipping through that hole in the wall. Hungry to be fed.

Slowly I bring you out of the hypnotic state. With your eyes focusing on my smile I simply ask ” Are you ready to go in?”

Nodding quickly but unsure why your so excited to go into an adult store. Not like you havent been in one before. See those triggers are embedded so deep in your subconscious that your not even aware of what just happened. You thought you laid back to have a conversation but poof you were out. Falling into that deep state of trance where I take control of your thoughts and desires.

Walking into the building your belly starts to grumble. Your mouth salivates. You have this look of confusion on your face for your not even sure why your  hungry when we stopped for lunch on the way.

Oh but baby this meal will be different. You left plenty of room for a sticky dessert.

We walk back and peel back the curtain to reveal that grand hole. The glory hole!

Oh what a magical day it will be.

I could keep going on about this erotic hypnosis phone sex fantasy around being a glory hole slut but I would much rather finish it with you. For you know the ending will be far different than even I could write down.

So give me a call and show me how big of a glory hole slut your wanting to be for me.


AIM hypnoticfetish as of December 15th, 2017 I will no longer be using this messenger due to AOL discontinuing it.

I am no longer using Yahoo Messenger. Sorry for the inconvenience

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

erotic hypnosis phone sex glory hole slut

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Supernatural Hypnosis Phone Sex with Savannah

Halloween is fast approaching and I have to say it is one of my favorite days of the year. Not ever sure what it is about Halloween that grabbed my attention perhaps its the costumes or the folklore or just the fact such creative stories happen around this day.

supernatural hypnosis phone sex

Now what does Halloween have to do with hypnosis phone sex?

Well everything!

For with adding in erotic hypnosis you can explore some of your wildest spooky supernatural fantasies. Have it feel like your are right there experiencing things. Like perhaps a sexy succubus seducing you to steal your very soul?

Or perhaps you have a fondness for the werewolf folklore and the idea of hot wolf sex gets your going? Must say there is something about focusing on the transformation from man to wolf that is very hot.

Oh my personal favorite is vampires. The eroticism around neck biting and leaving marks! Please.

Now granted your ideas around a kinky spooky fantasy might be rather different than diving into vampires and werewolves it might be more the idea of cosplay and sex in costumes. Hell I am game for that too. As you know I love exploring any fantasy or role play with you under an hypnotic trance. Just a matter of putting your into my mind fucking spell.

Ohh we never did discuss witches hmmm. Now there is something to consider. Anyways you get your mind thinking of what you would like to explore in the way of a spooky Halloween fantasy and I will be near my phone ready to work my hypnotic trance over you.

Please remember to get the most from your erotic hypnosis phone sex session they require a minimum of 30 minutes. Thanks.


AIM hypnoticfetish

I am no longer using Yahoo Messenger. Sorry for the inconvenience but AIM is the only messenger I am using currently.

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

Supernatural hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Ultimate Erotic Hypnosis Mind Fuck with Savannah

mind fuck erotic hypnosis phone sex

Often times one has to wonder which is more addicting my voice or the hypnotic trance they experience. Really both sort of go hand in hand for when you find the right voice who can trance you to the ultimate mind fucking level there is no better rush.

This is rather common with those that call for an erotic hypnosis phone sex session. They get wrapped up in the sensuality of my voice. Soothed into that space between here and there. Their mind lets go and before they know it they are experiencing something new.

What is the new?

Its not like I am taking them on a new sexual adventure. For often times its the same erotic fantasy they have had a thousand times before but I am enhancing it with the use of erotic hypnosis. Adding an extra hind of sensuality to the play. Heightening their sense of awareness to all things around them.

See that is what erotic hypnosis is adding more sensuality to you phone play. Bringing in more than just your sense of hearing. Its making your body become apart of the role play or fantasy. My voice just soothes you to that level where its possible. To allow you to drift off into a mindless state of trance that  you can focus on nothing yet everything all at once. I know its sounds odd and a bit of a mind fuck all on its own but trust me its the best experience you will ever have.

The only thing you need to do is come open to the idea of a complete arousal like you have never experienced before. One for the body and mind. Bring your perfect masturbation fantasy and let me enhance it with erotic hypnosis. Let me make your orgasm so intense your wondering how you have never done this before.


AIM:YIM hypnoticfetish

I am logging in more during the day. Can be found on by 1pm – 2am PST.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

erotic hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah