Fall Down the Rabbit Hole with Phone Sex Goddess Savannah

Rabbit holes….. There is always a negative condensation around them. Certain phone sex goddess’ are always tossing them in front of you telling you how you will never find your way out. Once your in you cant dig yourself out.

hypnosis phone sex goddess

Sure that is one way to look at them but I dont look at them that way. For rabbit holes can be rather exciting and interesting adventure. Sure you can get lost in them but isnt that why your here to escape the insanity of reality. To fall into this comfortable abyss where the outside world of responsibilities and deadlines dont exist. A world we create together. I know rather deep way to look at things.

You venture to me to help you explore something different to look at your fantasies in a new way. So rather than look at that rabbit hole negatively I would much rather view it as a positive experience. One where yes you can hide away but always one where you leave in a better frame of mind then in which you arrived. Happy. Relaxed. With a smile on your face.

For you know that I am one that is always greeting you with a smile and a sweet teasing tone to my voice before guiding you into a relaxed state of erotic hypnosis.

Yes this blog started from a conversation I was having with a fellow caller who was surprised by my view on rabbit holes and didnt think that my sweet style would ever view our calls as that. Once I explained my view the light bulb clicked and he was lured into looking over the edge of the hole.

No he didnt call but it wasnt his time to slip into the hole of ecstasy.

Nor was I about to push him.

For you all know the right time in which to enter and I am not going to push someone.

Is it your time to fall into the rabbit hole with me,  your erotic phone sex goddess?

If so you know exactly what do to.


AIM hypnoticfetish as of December 15th, 2017 I will no longer be using this messenger due to AOL discontinuing it.

I am no longer using Yahoo Messenger. Sorry for the inconvenience

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

erotic hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Supernatural Transformation Phone Sex Fantasy with Savannah

As I sat down to write this blog I did a quick little google search to see when the full moon was to appear next. Imagine my surprise when I realized that in a few days we will be blessed with another blue moon. Yes March got 2 full moons one on the first and the other on the 31st. Which means my werewolf boys will be eager to call their hypno goddess for a supernatural transformation phone sex fantasy.

supernatural transformation phone sex

Ok so maybe its more I am eager to have them call me for I do love doing werewolf transformation hypnosis sessions on or around the full moon. Something about the moon being in its full glory just adds to the fantasy.

Now that I have the giddiness out of the way on to talking about my latest erotic hypnosis session with a few of my werewolves. I had been off for a good week due to being under the weather and when I came back I was greeted by 2 of my wolves calling me on the exact same day. What are the chances of that?

The first one was someone who hadnt called me in some time. He was the wolf that sort of started my discussion on this blog towards combining hypnosis and super natural fantasies. We sort of argued over how long it had been but life situations had kept him busy and unable to call. Finally his schedule opened up and he was eager to fall under my hypnotic trance.

To drift away into a dreamy fantasy land where he was transformed into a female werewolf. Yes I know not quite what you were expecting. Seems my sissy wolf had a crush on a certain woman in his life and we combined his love for becoming feminine, wolf like and her into one very erotic hypno fantasy.

My other wolf is someone who travels a great deal so when we are able to connect up on the phone its always a wonderful treat for never know what idea he has come up with on his travels. Usually what happens is he tells me what he was fantasizing about during the long commutes and I use those ideas as a leap off point for our werewolf transformation adventures.

Never quite know what will trigger the fantasy be it his last location, some person he saw or just a horny thought he had been stroking too for a few weeks. I take that and twist it into the most intense hypnotic session for him. Believe the last one was a continuation of an old fantasy where he was fighting the urge to transform during a 3way with a sexy married couple.

Flash forward to this hypno call and he was discovering his one night affair he accidentally scratched her and made her a werewolf too. Which course leads to some very hot, steamy sex mid transformation.

Ok I realize I could go on and on about these supernatural transformation phone sex hypnosis calls but I really should draw this blog to an end. Shall say if you desire to be a werewolf or perhaps vampire I would love to spend some time working my hypnotic trance on you. Come up with a fantasy that will have you left speechless.

Remember March 31st is the blue moon. Come out and see me wolf boys.


My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

supernatural transformation phone sex fantasy

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Prostate Milking Fantasy with Hypnotic Savannah

In complete aww right now. For just discovered there was a fetish out there I had yet to do with someone while they were in a hypnotic state. Yes I had to pick my jaw up off the floor too. In all these years I had assumed there wasnt many fetishes out there I hadnt covered. Well that fetish was prostate milking fantasy during hypnosis.

prostate milking fantasy

Now unlike most I fully admit when I havent done a fetish or fantasy. I like to be as transparent as possible with what I am fully confident in and what I am literally winging it on. Thankfully this gentleman had called me a few other times for erotic hypnosis fantasies so he had full trust in my abilities. He actually was rather honored to know I was gobsmacked with a fetish yet to be done by myself. Yup big ole gold star to you!

As we proceeded with the prostate milking fantasy it became rather evident to the guy he was unable to bear the thought of not experiencing an orgasm. So his moans of pleasure while he massaged his prostate with his milking toy turned into begging for his orgasm. My guess his balls were just getting to full and well orgasm won over.

Did I let him orgasm?

Yes I did actually. With this type of call I very much let him lead the way things were gonna go for it was an experimentation on my end. Were we close to milking his prostate. Hmm dont know.

Did he have a good time being my guinea pig? That I can definitely say yes too. For it took him a few minutes to gather his thoughts after such a mind blowing orgasm.

Was most definitely a fun time and look forward to playing around with him again. To see if cant actually milk him through mind control. Till then I will have to do some serious thinking on ways to up the intensity for our next prostate milking fantasy.

Thank you for being my guinea pig! Was so much fun.


My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

prostate milking fantasy

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Cock Worship Phone Sex Hypnosis with Savannah

Are you someone who has a secret desire to suck cock?

Your not even at that point where your saying it out loud yet but its more a “hmm thats a fucking hot cock pounding that pussy” sort of thought when watching porn. Perhaps its that thought that helps you choose what porn you watch?

cock worship phone sex

Definitely not one to judge, for I am sure I have fantasies that would leave you pondering.

What I can say though is instead of just watching some porn and leaving those thoughts to brew by themselves perhaps you will want to share them. Share them with me someone who wont judge you for that secret desire to play with a cock. Someone elses cock not just your own.

Sure we can talk about it during a hot steamy cock worship phone sex fantasy but I think it would be more interesting to do that while your under an erotic hypnosis trance. Then you can fully immerse your senses in what it would be like to have another cock in your hand. A strangers cock.

Course its all done at your pace be it just watching through a cuckold sort of fantasy or taking it to a complete bisexual level and having you engage with that cock. Are you at the cock sucking stage in your mind? Could you be with the help of some erotic hypnosis?

Truly anything is possible during our cock worship phone sex fantasy. I leave the depth of our exploration up to you. There is no right or wrong just pure sexual excitement.

So think about it and I shall be here. Waiting patiently for your call on how deep your want to explore. OH and this goes for anything not just those bisexual cravings.


AIM hypnoticfetish as of December 15th, 2017 I will no longer be using this messenger due to AOL discontinuing it.

I am no longer using Yahoo Messenger. Sorry for the inconvenience

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

erotic hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Taming the Wolf Spirit through Erotic Hypnosis

erotic hypnosis phone sex

January is a few sleeps away and its not that I am eager to be done with 2017 but I will admit rather excited to start 2018 with a blue moon month. Yes January has 2 full moons!

Why the excitement?

Well to put it rather simply I have 2 callers who identify with their wolf instincts. To act upon the raw savage powers of that majestic predator of the wild. No they are not identical in how they draw upon the wolf energy but none the less their power is felt so strong under the full moon. From a werewolf supernatural transformation to wolf sexual energy.

So as someone who delights in drawing in her surrounding for an erotic hypnosis phone sex call gotta say the full moon is exciting for such wolf transformations. Also helps the full moon on January 1st, 2018 is called a wolf moon. Yes reading that did have my inner sexual goddess doing back flips.

Who wouldnt want to take control of her wolf men under a wolf moon? Yup that would be me haha.

Looking forward to my werewolf calling and seeing where our supernatural fantasy will go. Be it a soft sensual one or something a bit off the wall. The unknown is so exciting with my werewolf.

As for my wolf I know he will desire something more planned out for he is a predator that loves to take his time and stalk before leaping. Which makes the set up so exciting to see him control his desires.

Have a wonderful NYE’s. Most likely I will be taking calls. Will try to post on twitter my hours that evening. Definitely gonna be around on the first to take advantage of the full moon. Fingers crossed both my wolves call for some erotic hypnosis fantasy.

Stay safe and have a most wonderful 2018!


AIM hypnoticfetish as of December 15th, 2017 I will no longer be using this messenger due to AOL discontinuing it.

I am no longer using Yahoo Messenger. Sorry for the inconvenience

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

erotic hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Blue Ball Phone Sex Teasing with Sexy Savannah

Today I woke up in a rather impish mood. Not saying that’s a bad thing. Well suppose it is depending on which side of the phone your sitting on. For this mood has me feeling like I need and well want to tease and deny a man to the point of blue balls. Yes I think some blue ball phone sex teasing is in order.

Now where would a sexy imp like myself start?

Hmm well that I suppose is rather up to you for there is the classic version that has me giving you some jerk off instructions. Something soft and slow to start so that we can build up that delightful full sensation in your balls.

blue ball phone sex

Really who doesnt love a sexy woman guiding your every masturbatory stroke that leads you to panting as you dare not cum for your sexy controlling red headed vixen has told you not too. It simply wasnt in the instructions.

Yes I do rather enjoy those moments.

Then we have blue ball phone sex teasing where I combine some erotic hypnosis to the mix. A few simple commands planted deep in your subconscious that will have you obeying my every word. There is not accidental over stroking for you cant. I wont let you.

You see where this is going right?

I have complete control over your cock and your orgasm. Making orgasm denial very easy for me.

Not everyone is ready to hand over such control and I respect that which is why you have the two options when it comes to blue balls phone sex teasing. Neither is more right than the other for each has their delightful benefits. Trust me when I say we can start out with the JOI and you can move to the next level of cock control via hypnosis.

Think about where you wish to start. I shall be here waiting your call. Just a reminder if you choose the erotic hypnosis version it requires a minimum of 30 minutes and really do you want to rush the blue ball experience? I think not.


AIM hypnoticfetish as of December 15th, 2017 I will no longer be using this messenger due to AOL discontinuing it.

I am no longer using Yahoo Messenger. Sorry for the inconvenience

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hypnosis Phone Sex Obedience with Savannah

Obey! A word a few have heard me say in the course of an erotic hypnosis phone sex session. For anyone who has fallen under my erotic mind control however, this one word means a wide variety of things.


May bring a shiver up your spine. A throbbing to your cock. Or simply a smile to your face. I shall not lie to any of you that have fallen under my spell. I love that word. I love using that word when I take you under. I love making you obey my voice. My commands. Just my everything.

hypnosis phone sex obedience

Now I may use the word obey quite often for I shall admit I do love the way it has you pause in your breathing. Has you give out a soft moan when you hear me say it. However, that is where it ends for that one word will always have a different meaning with each person I put under.

Once example of that would be Wolfy. Now there is no need to confuse him with the man who calls to feel the effects of the full moon upon his transforming flesh. No for Wolfy is someone whose inner spirit is very much the lone wolf. That was until he met me.

See Wolfy was quite content to be the one leading the pack and keeping them at bay. Never letting them get too close to himself. That was until he had a curiosity for erotic hypnosis phone sex. Sure as any lone Wolf he believed he was in capable of being put under. Which have to say was his first mistake for this Hypno Goddess likes a challenge in that regards.

Now I know your probably wondering if he went under?

Did my style of erotic hypnosis work on someone like himself?

Yes it did for this lone wolf went from circling my garden to being an obedient pet curled up at my feet waiting for the next command from his stunning Goddess. Such a good boy he is. I will not lie for its been a long journey with Wolfy and I do like those sorts of challenges where you slowly see the changes over time. The gradual change is a shock to them so thats the fun part for me.

You will probably see more Wolfy blogs over time till now I kept his journey a secret till he was ready for others to know he had become my pet wolf. Didnt want to spook his wild spirit.

Welcome to being my pet Wolfy.


AIM hypnoticfetish as of December 15th, 2017 I will no longer be using this messenger due to AOL discontinuing it.

I am no longer using Yahoo Messenger. Sorry for the inconvenience

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Supernatural Hypnosis Phone Sex with Savannah

Halloween is fast approaching and I have to say it is one of my favorite days of the year. Not ever sure what it is about Halloween that grabbed my attention perhaps its the costumes or the folklore or just the fact such creative stories happen around this day.

supernatural hypnosis phone sex

Now what does Halloween have to do with hypnosis phone sex?

Well everything!

For with adding in erotic hypnosis you can explore some of your wildest spooky supernatural fantasies. Have it feel like your are right there experiencing things. Like perhaps a sexy succubus seducing you to steal your very soul?

Or perhaps you have a fondness for the werewolf folklore and the idea of hot wolf sex gets your going? Must say there is something about focusing on the transformation from man to wolf that is very hot.

Oh my personal favorite is vampires. The eroticism around neck biting and leaving marks! Please.

Now granted your ideas around a kinky spooky fantasy might be rather different than diving into vampires and werewolves it might be more the idea of cosplay and sex in costumes. Hell I am game for that too. As you know I love exploring any fantasy or role play with you under an hypnotic trance. Just a matter of putting your into my mind fucking spell.

Ohh we never did discuss witches hmmm. Now there is something to consider. Anyways you get your mind thinking of what you would like to explore in the way of a spooky Halloween fantasy and I will be near my phone ready to work my hypnotic trance over you.

Please remember to get the most from your erotic hypnosis phone sex session they require a minimum of 30 minutes. Thanks.


AIM hypnoticfetish

I am no longer using Yahoo Messenger. Sorry for the inconvenience but AIM is the only messenger I am using currently.

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

Supernatural hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hypnotizing Men Thru Hypnosis Phone Sex

I was always one of those girls who never felt the need to yell. My voice is soft by nature which is just fine by me. Sure when I was younger I hated not being heard in a crowd but I soon learned you do not need a loud voice to be powerful. For speaking in a soft, sultry tone does have its major advantages such as the case with hypnotizing men.

hypnosis phone sex

For I am the one you least expect to take you under a hypnotic trance, much less mind fuck you. Then again I am a red head and well we are known to be dangerous vixens.

Anyways, it was in this time of learning that my soft voice had so much power over men. For they would lean in to hear me talk. Feel my breathy words sweep down over their neck and tickle the fine little hairs at the base of their necks. The ones that would send shivers up and down their spines.

I knew if I could get them to do a small shiver their mind was most susceptible to my hypnotic words. Granted during an erotic hypnosis phone sex call you dont have the option of feeling my breath dance over your skin but you do have the joy of my hypnotic melody twirling within your mind.

Taking you to a place you long for yet dare not admit.

Total surrender to the most perfect of sensual dommes. Someone who will guide you. Control you. Yet care for your very soul.

See to me having you fall under my hypnotic control is a gift and one you must nurture. For great things come from this mental power exchange and I want you to enjoy every moment of it.

Now if you have done an erotic hypnosis phone sex call with me you know that I respect your limits and boundaries. For that is a trust never to be broken. This in no ways limits our fun only enhances it for you know your safe diving into a complete hypnotic state with me.

Yes I feel this is something of importance to remind you of today.


AIM hypnoticfetish

I am no longer using Yahoo Messenger. Sorry for the inconvenience but AIM is the only messenger I am using currently.

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

erotic hypnosis phone sex inhibitions

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Erotic Hypnosis Phone Sex ~ Lowering Your Inhibitions

Erotic hypnosis phone sex can be an amazing thing when it comes to lowering ones inhibitions. To make you be able to lose your nerves around certain thoughts or fantasies you may have.

We all have those kinky fantasies in our mind the ones we jerk off too and wish we could actually act out or go do for they seem so fun in our mind. Often times we have a hard time sharing those deep desires with another person. That is where erotic hypnosis comes in. It will shake those nerves away and help give you some confidence to either go out and enjoy that fantasy or just talk about it with your partner.

erotic hypnosis phone sex

Now I know this all seems so vast and confusing like I am talking in circles with things but its really if you have experienced an erotic hypnosis phone sex session then you know what a mind opening experience it can be.

For example, you watch porn and find yourself drawn to looking at the cocks on the screen vs the pussy. Wanting to watch porn that deals with things like women forcing their men into a cuckold lifestyle. Now all this sounds like an interesting topic to jerk off too. However, if you watch it long enough you may find yourself wondering what would it be like to touch another mans cock. Since your watching cuckold movies and seeing those women forcing their men to touch and or suck another man’s cock.

Sure right now your going ohhhh hell no! But just bare with me for a moment. Your turned on by the thought yet your nerves are making you freak out at the idea of doing it for real. All perfectly normal yet you cant shake the feeling of wondering what it would be like to engage in some activity with another man. To want to go hang out at a bathhouse just to watch men suck each other off. Not to participate but just watch.

That is where I would come in and help you reach that level of comfort in going to a bathhouse and watching things. In no way can I force you to participate before your ready but I can help you along the path to achieving your sexual dreams that you have.

Now the bathhouse is just an example this can work with most anything. To really find out the benefits of what an erotic hypnosis phoen sex call can do for you I recommend giving me a call. Least for 10 minutes to chat and go over your fantasies. If you like what you hear then we can book a longer session where I can put you under. For an erotic hypnosis phone sex fantasy does take some time and requires a minimum of 30 minutes.

Look forward to putting you under my trance soon, Savannah.


AIM hypnoticfetish

I am no longer using Yahoo Messenger. Sorry for the inconvenience but AIM is the only messenger I am using currently.

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

erotic hypnosis phone sex inhibitions

Is the number to call to reach Savannah