Deciding on the Right Hypno Fantasy

So many times I am asked What can I expect during an erotic hypnosis phone sex call? Really if your new and reading erotic hypnosis blog after blog its almost like they are geared for those who know what to expect rather than for a new person surfing their way through.

hypnosis phone sex


There are a few things you need to do before you even pick up the phone.  The first is figuring out what you would like to do when your under an erotic trance. Often times this is the hardest for someone to figure out. You have read countless blogs and cant figure out which way you want to go is it an orgasm denial, feminization or something bit more sensual.

The possibilities are truly endless and an experienced hypno domme will guide you any where you crave to go. Even help narrow things down when you seem lost in all the wonderful fetishes.

If you are on the phone with a hypno domme who is trying to push you into an erotic hypnosis fantasy or fetish you are not comfortable with then you are with someone who has no grasping of the hypnosis fetish and you will not enjoy yourself.  The whole point of choosing an erotic hypnosis domme is to find someone who will enhance your fantasies and desires, actually transform them into something wonderful beyond what you thought they could be.

Personally, I recommend that a new caller stick to a fetish or fantasy they already have experience with.  Chances are if we have never played before on the phone that I will already add a new twist to your fantasy any ways but this allows you to experience the full effect of hypnosis and see if you really do enjoy it. Rather than being over whelmed with too many new experiences. This little tip has ensure that all my new callers have had the most wonderful first experience.

You can reach me via aim or yahoo hypnoticfetish if you have any questions.

Other wise I am usually around for calls from 5pm to 3am PST. This is a guideline for time.

Look forward to taking control of your mind soon.


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hypnotically Opening Your Wallet

I know you want to open that wallet but you just have that little hesitation. Everyone has it. Luckily for you I have the key to make your hesitation disappear. Weaving my erotic trance over your mind so that you not longer hold back. All you can thing about is making me happy. Its looking over my wish list and going yes Mistress wants this. I must get it for her. I must make her happy and this will make her happy. Watching as you click away your cock becoming harder and harder.
Some times its not even about talking to me.
You call up only to have the triggers placed then its all about being a distant pay piggie. Just clicking away and waiting for that tweet on twitter to say I got that gift or will I blog about it? That little moment of being recognized that will get you even more excited to click more.
Well here is my wish list so you can have a look. See what gets you desiring to click.
My email for when you need to send gift cards for I do love those.
My number so you can call for that erotic hypnosis trance 1-888-904-9766 just ask for Savannah

hypnoticfetish aim:yim
All calls 2.50/minute with a 10 minute minimum

Eat Your Own Cum Hypnosis

Ever find the idea of eating your own cum just gets you stroking your cock harder and harder. However, there is that point where you get that sticky puddle on your belly that eating it no longer seems appealing any more. No matter how much you try you cant get back into that hyped up cum eating zone again.

eat your own cum hypnosis

Well lucky for you, you have stumbled upon me for I have a little secret in my back pocket that will have you craving to not just to run your fingers through that sticky puddle in your belly button but taking those cum dripping fingers and raising them up to your mouth for a little taste. Yes even when your not horny.

I know your wondering what it is?

Well erotic hypnosis of course.

Taking you into that deep state of relaxation where your mind is so open to anything and everything. Where the cum eating fantasy I weave excites you far more than you have ever dreamed of during your masturbation sessions. My hypnosis phone sex will ensure that excitement you feel while your jerking your cock so intensely will carry through until you taste that wonderful goo.

Now I could do this with you being a willing participant in the whole idea someone who wants me to plant those triggers and encourages me to race to the end of the masturbation session so that you can eat that cum with the use my hypnotic triggers.

Or there is always the times where you need to be forced to eat your cum. I can help with that as well. Weaving my triggers so that your not even aware of them. Sure you tell me you want that type of fantasy but what if I make you forget you tell me. It all disappears from your mind so your left thinking its just a wonderful tease and denial session? Then I hit you with that cum eating hypnosis trigger.

Oh I guess you starting to see just how sneaky I can be. Well that is what you get when you call someone who has years of experience when it comes to erotic hypnosis. I have a bunch of secret cards up my sleeve and I am not afraid to use them either.

Look forward to a wonderful time with you.


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Small Cock Humiliation Hypnosis

Often times I get erotic hypnosis phone sex requests to shrink a man’s cock. Some would think its an unusual request but for some they have an alright cock. Never had any complaints about size from the woman they have slept with. But they have this undying need to feel that ultimate in humiliation. When you think about it hearing a woman laugh at you and tell you that your completely unfuckable would be just that.


small cock humiliation


Course if you are that man pretending to have a small cock while phone girls laugh away just isnt enough any more is it. You need that next thing. That thing that will up not just the humiliation level but the masturbation level. Well welcome to hypnosis for planting those trigger to make your cock feel not just small but micro small will have you feeling that humiliation level you been imagining. Only there is no imagination involved. Your mind is telling you, your cock is small.

Gets you excited doesnt it?

Well I have ways to intensify that humiliation aside from my sexy voice tossing insults at you for being a less that adequate lover.

I would tell you what I have planned for you shrinking cock but then again if you know me at all you know I wont reveal that info. I am a tease after all and somethings are better left to find out during the call.

So if your on the hunt for some extreme small cock humiliation then you best being calling me.


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hypnosis Phone Sex

Hello Hypnosis Phone Sex Admires! So been a wee bit absent from my blog been rather busy since returning from holidays the end of January with hypno calls. Seems everyone missed their favorite erotic hypnosis phone sex vixen. As I told a few of you once you get my voice in your head. Well it truly does become rather intoxicating and addicting.

erotic hypnosis phone sex

My vacation was wonderful and oh so relaxing. Have to say I was never looking forward to a trip more. Had been sick just around Christmas and holidays got rescheduled and stuff so to finally get away and truly unwind was perfect. I had spent it doing what all girls love shopping, pedicures, and massages. Oh and some tlc by the pool with a good book and a nice drink. So was one very happy girl when I got back.

Now sitting here and its approaching the end of February. Sound like my mother when I say days just fly by. The end of February marks a special time for me with my phone sex anniversary. Was talking to someone tonight and he was rather surprised that I remember the actual day I started. Don’t ask me why I remember that day so vividly. Usually I am not one to remember actual days. I will remember rough times or years but never the exact day. But this one I do. Also helps I have it written down some where, but not fully going to admit to that.

Love to spend the next few days with you in celebration doing what I love to do which is erotic hypnosis phone sex calls. Come find out why everyone else is addicted.

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Erotic Hypnosis: Why 30-60 Minutes?

Over the years I have been asked to do erotic hypnosis phone sex calls for under 30 minutes. Which I have always denied doing. I know many guys have been disappointed with my response even argued with me.

There is a really good reason.

The reason being that you cant be put into a nice state of relaxation for under that. I get rather frustrated for the guys who call the phone girls claiming they can put a guy under for far less time. A true erotic hypnosis lover will know that girl is well not a true expert on the subject and leading so many men down a horrible path and making them jaded for the next girl who actually knows her craft.

erotic hypnosis phone sex

30 minutes is the minimum for generally 10-15 minutes of that time is putting you at ease and well under a mind trance. Often times someone is new to erotic hypnosis phone sex and there is a few questions to be asked in the beginning. Or just some moments to put one at ease. There is always first time jitters no matter what you try for the first time. With hypno its about easing those jitters so you can find that level of relaxation to put you under.

I will say that if you try to book an erotic hypnosis phone sex call under the 30 minutes, especially if its your first time, your only doing yourself a disservice. For your not going to get the most from a hypno call. Your expecting the erotic hypnosis domme to rush which ruins the pace of the call. It might not seem as much to you at the moment but its in that pacing of the call that you are drifted off into that deep state of mind control.

No matter who you call they will have their own time frame that they feel they need to put you under. The consensus around most the hypno dommes I know seems to be 30 minutes. Its always best to check with the girl who your looking to contact to see what she recommends. Course the 30 minutes is a minimum for some fantasies and fetishes are far more fun with more time. Just think about what you want from your erotic hypnosis phone sex call. I know the orgasm denial and edging calls benefit from longer times, such as an hour. Contact the one you wish to do the call with and she will tell you what time frame she will will recommend in the 30-60 time frame.

Hopefully that answers the time requirement question on erotic hypnosis phone sex calls.


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Erotic Hypnosis Domme

Everyone is in search for the perfect erotic hypnosis domme.

Googling erotic hypnosis phone sex and its variations has you turning up with millions of possibilities but really are any of them the perfect one for you?

That is always the question?

You search and hunt through sites of girls who talk about mind fuck, mind control, planting triggers and hypnotizing you, but do they truly understand the art that is erotic hypnosis.

Tons of questions start to come up how do I know this girl can do what she says? How long has she done erotic hypnosis phone sex?

erotic hypnosis domme

So often you are faced with a girl who is latching on to hypnosis as a way to simply pad her paycheque. She just watched a few videos online and thinks ya what the fuck I can do that. Her bio will tell you that. The scattering of 500 fetishes oh and by the way I do erotic hypnosis too.

Erotic Hypnosis Phone Sex should never be the last item on the list. Well its not on mine. Its THE fetish! I have always stated that I adore hypnosis calls, I could do them sun up to sun down or with my odd ball schedule sun down to sun up.

Hell I have been doing erotic hypnosis call for over 6 years. I know it rather shocked me when I was thinking about it too. That is 6 years of putting countless minds under and many of those minds are repeat guys craving to fall back under for they loves how I just “got” their needs.

They loved the hypno trance that I have developed over that years. I can say my trance is probably not for everyone and that is the joy of there being so many erotic hypnosis dommes out there you can find the girl who will do a trance you fall under for. I just happened to find one that works well for me and for my guys. (Yes I call you my guys!)

So am I the perfect erotic hypnosis domme for you? Guess that would require a hypnosis phone sex call to ultimately find out.

Look forward to weaving my trance through your mind.


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Feminization Transformation Hypnosis

During an erotic hypnosis phone sex call last night I got asked and interesting question. What got me into feminization transformation hypnosis? For my caller had been doing his fair share of searching for someone to transform him in his search he kept stumbling upon my various hypnotic transformations blogs. So as he kept reading he felt he wanted to call and find out what it was the drew everyone to me.

So during our call I had answered his question and must say it was one of those questions that got me thinking this would probably make a good hypnosis blog post and well here we are. I cant say what really got me into it for most hypnosis fetishes I rather fall into them. It all starts with someone calling and introducing me to their fetish. with feminization transformation hypnosis I would have to say when I got introduced to me from a few sissy boys it was awesome.

I loved it instantly.

I loved the guiding them through their transformation into being a pretty woman.

feminiaztion transformation hypnosis

But probably what I enjoyed most after guiding them down into a hypnotic world of feminine wonder was to hear their moans as I told them to touch their new bodies. For their hands to glide over their oh so soft skin and feel their new blossoming breasts unfold. To feel how sensitive their nipples were. To know that the masculine body that they laid down with before the call is not the one that is in their mind any more and definitely not the one their finger tips are feeling. For they are transformed. Each exploitative touch exposing more of sweet delights of their feminine form.

Their moans and gasps of sweet surprise and most of all enjoyment told me they were loving what they were feeling. That their fingers were feeling what was trapped in their mind for oh so long.

That is what truly got me into feminization transformation hypnosis the joy the caller got from the change.

Course I would be lying if I failed to mention that what we did with that body during the rest of the hypnosis phone sex call didnt have me craving to do more of those calls. For it does. You guys never fail to surprise me on where a call can go.

So if you have any other questions you want to see me answer feel free to IM me or call and ask away. Who know it might end up in a blog post


Aim:Yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Erotic Hypnosis Phone Sex

Hypnosis Phone Sex Addiction

Cum Eating Phone Sex

When it comes to mixing erotic hypnosis with a cum eating phone sex call the premise is the caller wanting hypnosis to give him that extra little boost to complete his desire of eating his cum. For most guys the idea of slurping back that sticky load is beyond hot while they are masturbating and building up their ball batter. However once that load is blown its game over on the cum eating fantasy.

cum eating phone sex

Well Jason called me up and wanted to do a cum eating phone sex hypnosis call but there was a twist. Now I full admit when someone tells me there is a twist to a phone call fantasy I am all ears. For its the twists that make calls the most memorable. Jason started to tell me that he never really had much craving to eat his cum. Sure he had tasted it once or twice off his fingers but it was more of an oops than a purposeful thing. So as he was telling me I did wonder where this was going. For the guys who call for a cum eating phone sex hypno call are someone who have the craving and from what Jason was describing, he had no desire to eat his jizz. So I was rather confused.

As I explained my confusion to Jason that I was a bit lost on his reason to call on a fetish that just didnt seem to fascinate him. That is when Jason goes, “Oh I left out I am doing this for my girlfriend!” She wants me to eat my cum for her.

Well there we had it the why! Which was exactly what I was missing in the reason for Jason’s desire to be hypnotized to eat his own cum ~ The girlfriend.

Jason then explained that his girlfriend thought it would be hot for him to eat his fresh cum load out of her pussy after he had fucked it. As much he loves eating out her pussy he just couldnt bring himself to go down there when his thick, white sperm was leaking out of those luscious pink folds.

Being someone who wanted to please his girlfriend he knew he had to do something so he could fulfill this sexual fantasy of hers. He had done a few quick searches and cum eating phone sex hypnosis kept popping up. So that is when he called me.

I have done a variety of cum eating phone sex calls but have to say this was probably the first time to my knowledge of hypnotizing someone to eat their cum to please their girlfriend.

So it was all about putting Jason under with my erotic trance and planting the triggers that would allow him to desire to eat cum. Yes it was only his cum for those wondering how twisted I would be to him.

I have yet to hear from Jason but hopefully I will hear from him soon and he will tell me his mouth has been gobbling up loads of cum.


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hypnotized Bimbo Slut Phone Sex

To become one of my hypnotized bimbo sluts well obviously you have to start with the first step which is to become hypnotized. Sure I could dress you up all sexy but the push up bra, lace thong panties, thigh high stocking and well slutty dress arent going to have your mind be consumed with sucking a cock.

Far from it.

You need that little hypno trigger in your mind that says you are a cock sucking bimbo.

You need to wrap your lipstick lips around a thick cock.

Your not happy until your belly is full of cum.

Those are only a few of my bimbo slut hypno mantras that will run through your mind over and over again. I know your probably reading them and thinking they just sounds so soothing. To be honest those phrases will have a far deeper intensity in your very soul when you have fallen under my hypnotic trance.

So give me a call and book your bimbo slut hypnosis session


hypnoticfetish aim:yim

Dial to reach Savannah