Calling More than One Phone Sex Hypno Mistress

phone sex hypno mistress

Hello Hypno Lovers. I will start by saying I love getting questions from callers or on instant messages. Some can be very specific to phone sex while others are a bit more off the wall. I do my best to answer them. Then there are times where I get a question that is a great question over all and something that I am sure others are wondering.

Like one person asked about serving or calling more than one Phone Sex Hypno Mistress?

Now I think if you are new to erotic hypnosis its very important to call around. For every girl is going to have different ways to put you under and well different ways to explore your fantasy. Often times I hear that a guy went under once and it didnt work for them. Well it could be a wide variety of reasons why that particular session didnt work. Course be they were too nervous, the style of trance or just the girl herself the voice wasnt getting you there or what ever.

By exploring other Phone Mistress you will be able to explore other styles in the way of hypnosis trances. There might be a certain trance over another that works better for you. I know of a number of men that have a few hypno goddess’ that they call for different reasons. Some of its as simple as girls work different times of the day and they have their needs meet no matter when. The other is the guy has different fantasies and he likes how one girl over the other handles those fantasies.

A guy wont run into any issues with having more than one trance working in his mind. Every hypno mistress will use different triggers so you will be all right.

I am around most evenings till around 3am PST. When I log in does vary but do ensure to be in by 6pm PST.


AIM:YIM hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Mind Fucking Phone Sex Hypno

Hello Hypnosis Lovers

Its always enjoyable when a caller who has experienced my hypnotic trance comes back for another mind fucking phone sex session. I mean I know that schedules will conflict and things get in the way so some times it will be a bit before you get to hear my sweet, alluring, seductive voice again. That is what happened with my hypno slut, some time had passed since our last trancing session but my triggers are always there. hypno slut fell right under my hypnotic mind control. Nothing else matters but hearing my voice losing control the more you hear my voice. I mean drooling over my pictures is one thing. Reading my hypno blogs gives you an idea.

mind fucking phone sex

But my voice.

That is where the mind control happens. That is where you become weak for Me.

My Hypnotic Voice captivating you into that mind fucking hypnotic control.

All I can say is welcome back.

Welcome back to the wonderful mind fuck. I shouldnt really welcome you back as I know the mind fuck never left. Its always been there. That scratch in the middle of your back you cant reach. Well I am here to scratch it. Make it feel really good. So good that you will want to keep coming back to be lulled back under.

Yes your addiction is about to get vamped up to a whole new level now.

Hope your ready?


AIM:YIM hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Bimbo Slut Phone Sex Hypnosis

bimbo slut phone sex hypnosis

Last night got to have fun with a certain slut, most would know her from the bimbo slut phone sex hypnosis calls. Putting her under, transforming her body into the ultimate female form of her dreams. The over pumped up lips and massive tits are a few of the features that are a part of this bimbos must haves.

Lately, our time has taken a bit of a twist. Which would come as no surprise to anyone. When someone calls a person regularily you tend to expand and explore your fantasies. Always looking for a new way to intensify the effect. With this bimbo its all about adding new things to her vocabulary. You might think its about adding some OMG or like’s but not this bimbo that seeks out to be over the top indulgent and really to stand out.

The word to add to the vocabulary was MOO.

So before you wonder where does a phone sex hypnosis session come in? Very simple Miss Bimbo wanted that word to float in without thought. Didnt want to have to be thinking of it. Just a quick easy transition where words would be replaced by that one. Sentences would be transformed as they left those over pumped lips.

So you can see how the fun starts. How everyone would be looking at her going what did you just say? Did you just mooo?

We have done this fantasy quite a few time but it had been some time and the effects were starting to wear off. So it was time to have those triggers reinvigorated.

To add to the fun it was done just a few days before the bimbo’s birthday celebration. What a great time to re-awaken the wonderful triggers. Have a great moo celebration!


AIM:YIM hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Sadistic Phone Sex Brainwashing

sadistic phone sex brainwash

As per usually just got off a sadistic phone sex brainwashing with Bathroom Wanker. That would be quoting him. Its a rather ever evolving fantasy really with Bathroom Wanker. There are usually some videos he has been watching on youtube with pretty bikini or lingerie models in a pageant or fashion show. He will watch those clips on repeat till he has some alone time.

The alone time will be when his wife is tucked away in bed that is when he sneaks off and sets himself up in the downstairs bathroom. Laptop. Pillow. Towels. Oh and him stripped naked of course. BW loves to jump on cam so that I can see the full effect my erotic hypnosis trance has over his body. Really the moment he hears my voice that cock will start rising up.

Tonight thought it would be more fun to have in slip on his wifes panties and grab a bra. Course he ventured off and dove into her laundry hamper for some dirty ones. In my mind it would of been more exciting to grab the ones she would be wearing that day. But considering he was trying to get in there and not wake her. I let him use the dirty ones this time.

It wont fly next time Wanker.

So with those panties on and the hot lingerie girls fresh in his mind it was time to brain wash him. Making him know that no girl that hot wants to fuck him. His dick never deserves a pussy. Spinning the cruel mind fuck that has Bathroom Wanker fucking the air, I am sure only dreaming and wishing their was a hot chick on top of it.

As if I would let that thought enter his head for long. I will crush it for sure.


aim:yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Do I have to be Submissive to do Erotic Hypnosis?


Hello Hypno Lovers. Often times I find men contact me asking if they have to be a submissive to do an erotic hypnosis phone sex call? Seems only natural type of question since so many girls out there are doing calls that revolve around telling guys they have to be submissive in order to do hypnosis or that submissive minded men make the best hypno subjects.

Well I am here to say that I dont feel that way.

I think that anyone can do a hypnosis fantasy. Sure often times men love how a hypno trance brings out the true submissive within them. Not going to lie on that aspect. However, I have men who just love falling into a mind altering state where they can explore those taboo role plays that they wouldnt dream of doing in real life. Hypnosis allows them the chance to indulge in those forbidden fantasies.

Suppose this personal attitude or belief that anyone can do hypno,  has allowed me some unique opportunities to meld hypnosis with fantasies or fetishes that most wouldnt think of doing. Hopefully my blogs do reflect that and give you a taste for what can happen or the wonderful experiences that do happen while a guy is under.

So in to sum it up here:

Do you have to be submissive to do hypnosis? NO.

Can you be? Absolutely. If that is the fantasy that you enjoy or want to indulge in while under.

With that being said my phone is ringing and I must go and answer it.

Talk to you soon, Savannah

AIM: YIM hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Girlfriend Experience Phone Sex

The other day I was reconnecting with an old friend. Sat over lunch catching up with events and gossip that were going on in each other lives. She knew roughly that I am a phone sex girl. So course over lunch she was asking me questions based on her perception. Which when I started ages ago were probably my perceptions too. Mind you as I was trying to answer the questions I was trying to do it in the most tamest of ways so not to scare her. Think hitting her with a flood of taboo fetish stuff would of had her eyes bugging out.


One of her biggest perceptions was that men only called for a one time thing. Called got off then moved on to the next girl. Which is very true. Some guys love that about phone sex they can experience a different girl each and every time they call.

I had to change that perception for her as I started to tell her that the majority of the men who call me are guys who continue to call me after the first call. Most would refer to it as a girlfriend experience phone sex call. Saying that had her eyes glazing over. I said men who have complex fetishes or role plays prefer to call the same girl so that they can build those fantasies together plus they dont have to continually explain what they are looking for. They are able to call and just dive into the scenario. Which makes it nice for when he only has a few moments to spare but has that craving.

Course my friend, like most, got wrapped up on the girlfriend experience term. So was more saying that girlfriend experience phone sex more explains that you will develop that air of familiarity with someone not so much do gfe things together which does happen. Dont get me wrong. For GFE calls cover such a wide variety of things but I personally feel that when someone talks to you for so many years you move beyond that call girl/client vibe and onto something more personal.

Think she was rather surprised that I talked so warmly about the guys I talk with. Yes a few of you were spoken of during our conversation. I mean she did ask and well nothing anyone else wouldnt of read in my blog anyways.

Love to develop that personal connection with you through either an erotic hypnosis session or the fetish that you cant get enough of.


hypnoticfetish aim:yim

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Orgasm Denial Phone Sex: Using Hypno To Deny

Hello! Tim wasnt quite ready for the strength of my erotic hypnosis trance when he ask for me to take complete control of his orgasms. He had mentioned he wanted to understand what it was like to experience a complete orgasm denial phone sex call. Well luckily or unluckily he met me and I have the ability to fuck his mind in such a way that he will not be able to orgasm until I say the wonderful hypno trigger that allows him too. That is when I decide too.

orgasm denial phone sex

Arent you so lucky Tim for you now get to understand what a true orgasm denial session is truly like. Where no matter how much stroking you do will only add to that full feeling in your balls. There is no release. None!

I am the only one to give it to you. When I so choose to give it to you. So looks like you might have to start being nice to your orgasm denial diva. For buttering me up with gifts could help. I know right now after a few days your still in awe of what happened but trust me after a few weeks that awe will fade and you will be begging me to let you cum.

Will I?

Is the question.


hypnoticfetish aim:yim

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Financial Domination Phone Sex: Wishlist Pay Pigs

Hello. Well this weekend was a bit of a whirl wind. I got asked by my dear friend at rather the last minute to head to the island for a spa weekend. Seems she was in need of a little relaxation and knew I would drop everything to indulge in a little pampering. Course after telling a few special pay pigs they were more than happy to tip away to ensure that I had a fabulous weekend with no cost to me.

financial domination phone sex


I walked onto the ferry so that my friend could pick me up on the other side. No real reason to take my car over there only to park it at her house. Its rather nice to just walk on and not deal with the ferry line up and delays when it comes to taking a car. The weather was perfect to go over. Sat with the sun shining down on my pale skin reading my book and playing some Candy Rush.  I was doing really well avoiding the whole Candy Rush fan fair till one of my so called friends downloaded it on to my phone and then well when I was waiting for an appointment I started playing. That was it for me. I am not addicted as some of my friends but when I get into it thats it.

So needless to say the 2 hour ferry ride went by rather quickly when your rather distracted with a game. The moment my friend picked me up we were off as we still had a few hours of driving ahead of us. So it was a ride of car karaoke singing along to her ipod drive tunes playlist. Little bit of Black Eye Peas, Pink (one of my favorites), Bruno Mars, Sarah McLachlan, and Flo Rida etc. So we were in for a great time.

The hotel was great it was over looking the river in this quaint little town. I was all ready for some girl fun. She had a spa appointment set for each day. That night we had nothing plan other than grabbing a nice little dinner and sitting by the fire in out room chatting with some drinks. I love our talks.

We spent our time getting pedicures, manicures and full hour massages. Oh my body felt so good. When we werent in the spa we were wandering around the town doing some shopping up and down the main street. Some really cute shops. Manage to find a few gifts for some family and friends for their birthdays and Christmas (yes I shop early).

After a wonderful time away it was time to come home. I was rather excited to come back for I was missing the phones. Well more like the men I work my hypnotic trance over. So on the ferry was ponder who I was going to be hypnotizing first (between Candy Rush games). When I got back to the mainland go to pick up my luggage and this is when my delightful trip came to a horrible ending. The baggage handlers had tossed my luggage so hard they actually broke the wheels off. Yes not very impressed at all. What do they do jump on them?

Now as I admit I was really upset about my luggage for they were the luggage I had bought years and years ago when I first started doing phone sex part time. With my first paycheck I stumbled upon the betty boop set and well I bought them. So they had a soft spot in my heart. As I walked back to my car, I realized that I didnt need to be upset for this was a great opportunity for a pay pig to make me happy with some new luggage. So I have added a few to my wishlist. Some carry on options and well some luggage sets that would make me smile.

Course it would be extra fun to hypnotize you into clicking away on my wishlist. Making you unable to say no to me during a financial domination phone sex call.

Who desires to be my wishlist pay pig?

My Amazon Wish List


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Become Entranced with Savannahs Nails

Trust everyone is having a wonderful summer. Well what is left of it now. I know myself I have been super busy between erotic hypnosis phone sex calls and just being out enjoying the amazing weather the west coast has been having. So unfortunately my blog did suffer a bit. Sorry guys. Some times a girl does need a break from the typing to go out and have some fun.

Over the last few months a few friends and I have managed to steal a few weekends away quite regularly, which rarely happens to have all our work schedules line up so perfectly. So we have been going off and I would saying finding some wonderful adventures but usually its just us tossing on our bikinis and finding some beach to lay on by day and some great restaurant to dine in at night. Nothing wrong with that as long as I am with my girlfriends its all great.


Now it was on one of these amazing girls only weekends that I was sort of giggling to myself while we were all gathered around getting our nails done. I had got a polish with quite a bit of sparkle in it. Something that would catch the sun quite well and captivate any man’s eye really. I sat there as the polish dried under the light moving my fingers back and forth admiring how the silvery flecks caught the light and wondering how many men would be mesmerized by it. Would I be able to hypnotize a man with my fingers alone?

Does get you wondering doesn’t it? I mean how many guys out there say they lock on to one thing a woman does and just lose track of time. Can be a pendent or her beautifully painted lips. Well I can tell you that the sun has been quite perfect and though this isnt a colour that I would normally go for. I think its just right for the summer sun. As I have been sitting out on the patios where ever I go for a drink or to eat and allowing that gleam off my nails to enrapture a man’s attention.

I am all ready to captivate your mind and make you my newest hypnotic addition.


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Unlocking your Inner Sissy Boy

Never fails with the changing of the seasons there seems to be more sissy boys that come my way to fall into a deep trance. Perhaps its all the focus on the new dresses for the up coming warm weather and the adorable shoes. The summer season always brings out the girlie girl in the way of fashion everything is pink and pastel. How could a sissy boy not be excited?

sissy boy

So with being surrounded with such pretty things in the store and in the magazines lining the check out aisle. How can you not want to come home. Hurry really. Since you have a stash of pretty things waiting for you. Though once home and amongst those sexy things you have acquired over time. You realize your missing that something.

Sure your standing in front of the mirror admiring your pretty make up skills and that dress you bought a few months ago cause Vogue said it was the it dress of the season. But there is no one there to share your excitement of being so pretty. That is when you turn to the internet looking for someone who can share in that excitement the thrill really you feel.

Stumbling upon my site that says I understand your need to feel pretty. The need to feel girlie. The need to feel well slutty at times. Now how about we crank those feelings up a few with the use of sensual hypnosis? Yes. Hypnosis can vamp up the sensations you feel in your fantasies. Such as I can plant triggers within your mind once you under to have you feel as if you are that woman. To lose all aspect of your male anatomy. To become that inner slut that you close your eyes and only wish you could see in the mirror.

Its time to unlock your inner sissy through the use of sensual hypnosis.


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah