Denial Phone Sex Mistress

denial phone sex mistress


Often times there are a long break in phone sessions with someone. There are lots of reasons as to why dont have the time, just need a break or my favourite they were just overwhelmed with the intensity they were feeling. The connection was just too intense they had to back away from their phone sex mistress.

I have had this happen multiple times so I know that exact intensity someone tries to explain. Well not so much on my end but from the guys perspective. Where I am able to just get into their mind so deeply I almost know what they need better than they do. It becomes the ultimate!

That is what some seek yet when they get it often become scared of it for its so much easier to continue the trek for that elusive perfect phone sex mistress rather than realizing you found her. Especially a hot red headed Canadian version.

A tempting, teasing mistress that will weave herself into your mind and find out your secret desires and fantasies without you really realizing what you have just said. The time you talk just whisks away so fast you just find that your begging for more time.

This is exactly what happened with David. Though he had the perfect pairing in a phone sex mistress ages ago, granted it wasnt with me but that is perfectly alright. We all find that wonder somewhere. However that captivation of her scared him and had him running away.

Now sure your going but Savannah, why does he not return to his Utopia? Well see David made sure to never call there again. So sad for him Win for me. As after relentless calls he discovered me and my amazing voice. The voice that is just the right bit of sultry seduction and edge to tease him into stroking his cock. To tempt him into confessing his desires.

Course right now we are on the hunt to find the next girl to add to our tease and denial cock stroking sessions. For some times 2 hot sexy voices are better than 1. Ultimately its up to David as to who is the perfect pairing with his sinful redhead. I have to say that I am enjoying humiliating him with each girl we speak too. Oh the fun of telling his secrets off too.

Looking forward to the next round of teasing calls David.


AIM:YIM hypnoticfetish

I am logging in more during the day. Can be found on by 11am – 2am PST.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Humiliation Phone Sex with a Hypnotic Brain Fuck Twist

humiliation phone sex


Once again Bathroom Wanker is back for a deep intense humiliating hypnosis session. Our last call he had made a pocket pussy it was something he had found on the world wide perverted web which in all honestly was rather surprised he was able to pull himself away from the barely legal princesses in bikini and lingerie long enough to google something else. Course I am sure his hand was getting exhausted and he did need something else to pump his useless cock into since over the years of my erotic hypnosis he is unable to find pleasure in his wife’s pussy now.

We have done a few phone conversations around this home made pocket pussy which consists of some towels wrapped up and duct tape, sure there is more but really I am laughing to hard to really get a good view of it. Nor do I care what the fuck he is jabbing his dick into as long as its not a real pussy.

So in our conversation about where his cum will go Wanker mentioned he saw one of those ads for a flesh light and was hoping I would grant him the joy of purchasing one. Hmmm see I knew his hand was getting bored of the same stroking day in and out. Needed something new.

Now with all the mind fucking that is going on I was debating would a flesh light be the way to go?

Could work up an erotic hypnosis fantasy where Wanker would no longer want to fuck a pussy but one of those plastic dick lights?

Of course I can!

So began the joy of picking out the perfect flesh light for him. For there are various models etc. Now if you are one of my hypno slaves there will be a link on the bottom of the blog for you to have a look at all they have to offer and even pick out your own flesh light.

Well then became the long wait for the toy. Would his wife find it. Would she open it?

Honestly with being so close to Christmas I rather doubted it but unless she is one of those nosey girls that opens it without your knowledge to see what gift you have bought them. I have done that 😉

Well the flesh light arrived and true to form she was the one to hand him the box. Yup. Extra fun and excitement in the humiliation factor.

The moment that box was in his hand Wanker just knew he had to call and get his mind fucked with. To dip his cock into that sweet flesh light and have his favourite Hypno Mistress brain wash him into never wanting a real pussy again.

All of which I was more than happy to do. I mean its involving the humiliation of a wanker so right there I am all about ensuring he had no desires to fuck another pussy. Think of it my public service for other women out there. Especially his wife. She should be sending me thank you gifts cause I have seen what she has had to endure.

Your welcome!

True to form Bathroom Wanker had set that flesh light up into some contraption of towels to make it look like he was fucking something other than a pocket pussy. When I saw him on cam for the first time I just broke out into laughter. It was the most hilarious thing ever.

I could keep going on and on about my erotic hypnosis phone sex call with Bathroom Wanker but I think I will stop there for I am sure he is already wanking off with his flesh light and well you are eager to purchase your own for a sweet humiliating brain washing call with myself.

Till the next time!


AIM:YIM hypnoticfetish

I am logging in more during the day. Can be found on by 11am – 2am PST.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

Is the number to call to reach Savannah
How to use your Fleshlight masturbator

Humiliating Hypnosis Adventure

humiliating hypnosis phone sex

It was another Bathroom Wanker adventure the other night. As per usual he was longing for another humiliating hypnosis phone sex adventure with his favourite Hypno Goddess. Really his only Hypno Goddess to put him under so deep and fuck his mind beyond belief.

Course its all about ensuring he has the ultimate in mind fucking. Some thing that will have him fucking the air and nothing else. Luck should have it that his wife was house sitting for a hot friend which of got the humiliating hypnosis adventure reaching a new height.

For Bathroom Wanker finds the friend super hot and the sister too. His mind was whirling with the possibilities of taking his jerk fest to a new location. Oh the things he will do there. First it started out with jerking off in the front room. Finding a pair of panties to use to masturbate too but before too long he was wandering the house looking for a vibrator to shove up his ass and well entering into the sisters room looking through her items of clothing.

Slipping into a pair of small panties.

Now being a humiliating masturbation fantasy just putting on panties is never enough. Especially for Bathroom Wanker. No he needs more. The thrill of being caught with not just his pants down. So it was leave his clothes in another room. Lay out the sisters panties on the bed. Lay down and begin masturbating there. That vibe secure in his ass.

Yup that loser seed was going to be sprayed on that bed among those fresh panties. Panties that touch a pussy he will never be able too get near. Cause lets face it he is unfuckable.

Oh I know it hurts to read that but really that will only have Bathroom Wanker jerking his dick right now with the panties he stoled from that room. I really hope you did a great clean up job.

Till the next time!


AIM:YIM hypnoticfetish

I am logging in more during the day. Can be found on by 11am – 2am PST.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Erotic Phone Sex Mind Fuck

erotic phone sex mind fuck

Over the last bit I have been having fun weaving an erotic phone sex mind fuck in the mind of  Brittany. Our first calls started out with her wanting to be the ultimate blonde bimbo but that wasnt enough for she was already working on that transformation herself. I was merely having her spend time being a sex doll which was lots of fun but lets face it once you experience a hypnotic mind fuck you want more.

Something deeper.

Something more intense.

Something more over the top.

That is when Brittany craved for something that would have her being outed to her friends. That little thing that would inform her friends that something just wasnt quite right. Or maybe it was beyond right. Let the mind fuck begin. Our sessions began with slipping in a little moo to her regular vocabulary. Harmless enough right?

Sure why not. Well that is what started the fun and the quest for more with Brittany. For her friends started to get use to the moos sure in the beginning they were questioning if she was alright but then they just ignored it. Now that need for more. Increase the public humiliation so to speak.

Well you leap forward a few months and I have Brittany near being a fucking cow in public. Having men walk by her and she going in heat needing to be mounted and mated right there. Every action she takes on is more bovine ish. The way she chews her food is just like cud. The way she walks is like she is swaying that imaginary tail.

The list goes on and on about the changes dear Brit is taking on.

I just have to sit back and laugh for soon my so called erotic mind fuck will have her no longer using the English language but speaking only in heifer.

Look forward to the next call to hear how your transformation is going.


AIM:YIM hypnoticfetish

I am logging in more during the day. Can be found on by 11am – 2am PST.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Tease and Denial Phone Sex Mistress


Often times someone who craves a denial call does need a break and have an intense orgasm. I wont say that is something that should happen all the time. For I mean I am a tease and denial phone sex mistress after all but every so often I do think those balls can be granted a sweet release. Especially when that person is messaging me from the parking lot of their gym. See creativity does get you somewhere with me.

Neil is someone who loves being teased and denied for hours, well more like months by my sexy voice and today he messaged saying that he was in desperate need of unloading the cum from his balls. Which granted I was like nope. Why should I let you have such a wonderful release. Well once he said he was sitting in his car outside of his gym that changed my view on that orgasm.

To know that Neil would be jacking his cock in the parking lot of his gym while on the phone with me. Hmm ya changed my mind. I was all about letting him blow his load. By all means call me Neil.

Now being a tease and denial phone sex mistress I might of had my fingers crossed a little bit and never did express at what point during the call I would let him have that creamy load erupt from the end of his swollen cock. I know that was rather wicked but really of all the people who call me, Neil should of known better for he has been orgasm edging with me for a number of years. I know just how to hit those sweet spots on his cock and how to take it away too.

Plus I do love listening to him beg for his orgasm while my panty hose toes are tickling his cum filled balls.

Apparently his work out only made him extra horny cause he was thinking about orgasming for me again.

Well Neil you know I do love teasing your cock and cant wait to edge you all over again.


AIM:YIM hypnoticfetish

I am logging in more during the day. Can be found on by 11am – 2am PST.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hypno Tips: Getting to Know a Hypnosis Girls

Hello Hypno Lovers. One thing that seems to be on a number of hypno phone sex callers minds as of late and must admit mine too. Are girls who pop up stating they do erotic hypnosis calls. Many times its a girl who has a general interest in sensual mind control while other times her intentions are misguided in the way she just doesnt understand the mind set required to do hypno. I know men are always leery of girls who claim to do any fetish.

How do I know she understands my fetish?

I have been burned so many times.

Are questions/statements I have heard with near any fetish but when it comes to an erotic hypnosis phone sex call these comments seem even more important. Especially when you have girls who say they understand the hypno fetish. Well for one you can simply ask a few questions to the girl who you are going to be doing a hypnosis call with. Now I know granted there are times you dont get to talk to a girl via messenger or email but a short 10 minute call will also give you the information you need to know. There have been a number of times where a gentlemen has done a brief get to know me 10 minute call to talk about my knowledge of hypnosis and how I can work the call towards his fetish/fantasy. I am more than happy to answer someones questions.

Back to the questions you can ask a potential hypno girl:

How long has she been doing it? Myself I have been doing it for 7 years on a full time basis. I was doing it before that as well but not on a consistent basis which if I were to add that in it would bring it up to nearly 10 years.

Where did you learn erotic hypnosis? I have done various training but I can say that I fined tuned my style through doing calls. How my callers reacted to different techniques is how I ended up with my unique style.

What type of trance do you do? I do a twist on the staircase method. This is the style that I am comfortable with doing. Its my personal belief that I would rather concentrate my attention onto 1 hypno style rather than bounce around into a number of different trances. I feel that my callers benefit greatly from this approach.

Course these are just a few examples of questions to ask someone, ultimately its how you feel with the girl. If she answers the questions and you are feeling good about how she answered them then go for it. Do  that erotic hypnosis call and have some fun.


AIM:YIM hypnoticfetish

I am logging in more during the day. Can be found on by 11am – 2am PST.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Intense Humiliation Hypnosis

Pretty sure Bathroom Wanker is the poster loser for humiliation hypnosis. I am not saying that is a bad thing it is more a funny thing for I have no clue how long he has been calling me other than forever. The topic of our calls have changed over the years but the foundation of the erotic hypnosis fantasy never changes it about humiliating him. Humiliation and Mind Fuckery to the point of blushing when waking up the next day.

humiliation hypnosis phone sex

Our schedule had been meshing up the last week so that only made Bathroom Wanker chomp at the bit for some extreme humiliation from his favourite phone sex goddess. Not to mention he was having to continually wait for a precious blog. Sorry about that Wanker but just as you had to wait to talk to me I didnt have time to get my fingers on the keyboard either. Frustrating for me as well. For I do love blogging about our hypno phone sex sessions. Letting others read about what mind twists I am doing to you.

Last night the stars aligned and we managed to connect up for an erotic hypnosis phone sex call. In typical bathroom wanker fashion he was looking at hot lingerie models walking the runway on youtube clips. Girls he has no hope in hell of getting. Those sly smiles of theirs are meant for jerk offs just like him. Cause those girls know that there are guys jerking off to their images. Mind you I dont think those models expect someone to be getting mind fucked like what happens with Bathroom Wanker.

Now last night it was fuck a pocket pussy but not the one you can buy on some sex toy site. Oh heck no that would be far too good for BW. I mean those things are near realistic feeling or so I hear. Cant have that. After all he has given up fucking his wife’s pussy for me so why would I grant him a toy that would feel as good if not better than a pussy? I wouldn’t.

He makes his own pocket pussy from some towel most likely the one his wife puts out for guests. Oh if she only knew what we do with that! Think BW found some how to video on youtube on how to make this up. Either way that was the only thing he was fucking while I fucked with his mind. Humiliating him to one intense orgasm.

I know surprising that I would let him have one but hey. Sometimes you just have to let that happen.

The best part is him laying there post orgasmic shutter and his cock still shoved in the towel pocket pussy. Yup I was laughing!

Till the next time Bathroom Wanker.

Call me Savannah for your own humiliation hypnosis phone sex call
AIM:YIM hypnoticfetish

I am logging in more during the day. Can be found on by 11am – 2am PST. I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Choosing a Hypno Phone Sex Mistress

hypno phone sex mistress

Those that find me over the years (and I have even mentioned it in my blog) have heard me say that erotic hypnosis calls take time which is why 30-60 minutes is required. However, for those that are finding someone new or even new to hypnosis that time frame can seem overwhelming. So I always encourage that you take some time before the longer session to get to know your hypno phone sex mistress.

Now this isnt to do some quick trance thing. For I personally dont believe erotic hypnosis can be rushed. The whole fetish is around getting you into a deep state of relaxation how can anyone get you that deep in 10 minutes and work your fantasy in there, is absolutely beyond me.

Anyways I should save that for a pet peeve post. This is about helping you choose a hypno phone sex mistress.

The main thing to gain from this introductory call is do you like their voice?Since you are going to be focusing on the girls voice and using it to guide you into a deep state of relaxation. Will this voice actually get you there? If you find them annoying and grate on your nerves then guess what, you wont want them to do the trance. If you find the girl to be enjoyable to talk to and her voice soothing then yup you found a winner.

The other thing is to talk about the trance she uses. If you are someone who has done a number of erotic hypnosis phone sex calls then you have experienced a few trances over your time. Find out if this particular style will work on you.

Talk about your fetish or fantasy. There are many times a hypno phone sex mistress will concentrate/excel on certain fetishes or fantasies. Is yours one of the ones she caters too? Sure you get a feel for them over a blog but often times the way a person talks vs writes is far different. Or there simply may be differences of opinions. Having a short call before hand can save you a lot of heart ache.

As a newbie it is even more important to talk to a hypno phone sex mistress before hand as you want to ensure who you are going to let guide you into a sensual mind trance enjoys taking newbies under. Some girls prefer to talk to those acquainted with erotic hypnosis while others love taking on those new to the fetish.

As for myself, many have found my voice to be quite soothing and often times as we are discussing their fantasy they are already starting to drift away on me. Those new to the fetish I absolutely welcome you. There is no greater experience than sharing my love of erotic hypnosis with you.

Hope you find these tips helpful when choosing a hypno phone sex mistress.


AIM:YIM hypnoticfetish

I am logging in more during the day. Can be found on by 11am – 2am PST. I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Erotic Hypnosis Humiliation with Bathroom Wanker

Bathroom wanker falls prey to my erotic hypnosis humiliation again! Not that he has much of a choice really. My hypnotic triggers are so deep within his mind its only natural that he would want to come back to feel their full effect.

erotic hypnosis humiliation

Course with Bathroom Wanker its all about how to increase the humiliation factor beyond the fact that he is on the floor in his own home. Those that are unfamiliar with BW, he sneaks away to the guest bathroom while his wife is sleeping to experience and erotic hypnosis phone sex call.

So that I can remind him how worthless and pathetic he is. Sounds like a fun night doesnt it. Well for me anyways.

Over the years we have gone from him visualizing fucking used condoms that he snuck into the trash of his best friend who fucks amazing models. To remind Bathroom Wanker that even he isnt deserving of such amazing pussy to well rubbing his cum dripping cock over his wife’s good decorative couch pillows.

This time his erotic hypnosis humiliation had him humping the air thinking about some young pussy his pathetic cock shouldnt and really wouldnt be able to get. Some hot barely legal pussy of his nieces best friends.  Now its not the humiliation of his being the creepy uncle but more the fact that I know how he is around those girls. What he is thinks about while he masturbates while he looks at their instragrams, twitter and facebook pages. See creepy.

Its that information that I can use to humiliate him with.

Like reminding him that I could be telling his wife how he hangs out in the bathroom wanking his cock to those sweet barely legal pussies. Yup sick!

That he no longer wants her pussy cause he only things of me his erotic phone sex goddess. Well that really goes without saying.

There are so many things that I could say but the best. The most humiliating is to tell the barely legal teens that the uncle that is so willing to drive them around is creeping out on their social media.

Yes I did go there during our erotic hypnosis humiliation phone sex fantasy.

Thanks for the fun Bathroom Wanker. Look forward to the next time where we up the intensity.


AIM:YIM hypnoticfetish

I am logging in more during the day. Can be found on by 11am – 2am PST. I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Benefits to Calling One Hypno Phone Sex Goddess

Well it seems with my previous post about Calling more than One Hypno Mistress generated a number of guys to message me basically saying what about those of us that dont want to bounce around. I had expected those comments really. And did plan on discussing it in my previous blog but felt that it would be better to discuss the benefits to calling 1 Hypno Phone Sex Goddess.

A number of times guys view Hypno Goddess much like a Mistress. They dont want to serve more than one they want to remain faithful to those they serve. They adore the hold that one girl has over their mind. How each time they call the hold gets stronger and stronger with each trance. I fully agree on this aspect as well. See I have been doing erotic hypnosis for so long that I really do see the benefits to calling more than one as well as only calling one person.

Its much like saying potatoe vs potato. Which is right.? Which is wrong?

For me both are accepted.

As for those that love calling one and thats it. Most times that blends well with their fantasy its more a sub/domme relationship in that case calling around doesnt work for what your building.

Others have such intricate fantasies and it becomes rather daunting to keep having to explain the fantasy your wanting (really this goes for any call not just hypno) which is a great reason to enjoy that girl who gets you under nice and deep.

Perhaps you really enjoy that trance a girl uses its the one that works for you, then course why would you move on. For the more you hear her voice. The more she trances you the deeper you will go.

So as you can see there really are advantages to both.

The question becomes which way will you go. Love exploring various Mistresses or crave to get to know only one?


AIM:YIM hypnoticfetish

I am around most evenings till around 3am PST. When I log in does vary but do ensure to be in by 6pm PST.

Is the number to call to reach Savannah