Feminization Hypnosis Phone Sex with Savannah

There are often times I over look certain erotic hypnosis calls as I am doing my blogs. Now it has nothing to do with not enjoying them or well not being memorable. Simply boils down to a few factors having so many amazing calls to choose from that I have a hard time picking and well being so busy with doing those fantasies I really get behind and forget. What can I say I am human.

feminiation hypnosis phone sex

Sure the ideal thing would be to log out and set aside blog time but really writing inspiration never shows up on a schedule haha. I wish it did some days. I know your going Savannah where is this going?

Well its going to this yellow post it note on my desk, that was tucked under my binder of assorted papers. It simply had “heel hormone hypno whore”. I dont expect you to understand the randomness of such a note but I know exactly who this was talking about. Which erotic hypnosis call it referred too.

One word.


She is someone who desires to be a transexual to feel those amazing feminine breast push up against her biceps as she is putting on her sunglasses. To look at heels be in on her feet and feel beyond feminine. For those heel  unlock the hormones needed to be a girl. Not any girl for lets face it having a control stick between your legs is rather fun but to feel girlie is amazing.

To experience the ultimate in feminization hypnosis phone sex.

As with most my clients who call for erotic hypnosis fantasies, Dakota has been coming to me for quite some time and the feminization fantasy has transformed over the year/s to one of her craving to dive deeper in to her Dakota alter ego. Why not let that bitch out to play she is a fun whore after all.

Now I dont expect all feminization hypnosis phone sex calls to take a tranny spin but it is a fun little twist or a big one depending on the shemale you wanna be 🙂 Hmm wonder how the lil sluts New Year’s was? Dakota if your reading this call me and fill me in on the heels you wore and how big of a whore you were.


AIM hypnoticfetish

I am no longer using Yahoo Messenger. Sorry for the inconvenience but AIM is the only messenger I am using currently.

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

 feminization hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Best Erotic Hypnosis Phone Sex with Savannah

Welcome to 2017! So happy to be on to a new fresh start. Rather upset over getting rid of my last calendar it was super cute. haha. Last year was a ton of amazing erotic hypnosis phone sex calls and to be honest for me to try and review the year would be insane. I wish I could but there have been far too many hypno adventures over 2016.

best erotic hypnosis phone sex

From the tease and denial of ONE while he wears his sexy lacy panties. Granted our calls are erotic hypnosis in nature but the way he gets lulled into a mind fuck over begging for me to touch him one more time. You could probably count it as a mind fuck! One that I will continue to do over n over again. Edging away.

BW! The bathroom wanker who loves to be humiliated and denied fucking his wife. Oh my blog is caked in stories about his hypno humiliation fantasies. Every one seems to get more nasty than the time before. Just when you think they cant spiral down any more boom! We do.

Transformation fantasies oh those are always so much fun to guide an erotic hypnosis phone sex call into something unique like werewolf or succubus. Taking on that mythical sense. Been a few of you over the year too.

Oh and then you have the sissies. That use hypno as their personal change room. To alter their bodies from their everyday male anatomy to something more feminine and sexy. Feminization hypnosis is always so much fun. To hear the squeals of delight as they no longer feel the ugh of man parts but something soft and girlie. I shall be rude by mentioning by just pointing out Dakota and Brittany, yes I know there are a ton more sissies but I only have so much space 🙂

Thanks to you all for helping make my 2016 great. Looking forward to continuing on the mind fucking fun in 2017, from wild role plays to kinky fetish delights.


AIM hypnoticfetish

I am no longer using Yahoo Messenger. Sorry for the inconvenience but AIM is the only messenger I am using currently.

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

erotic hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Foot Fetish Hypnosis with Sensual Tease Savannah

Sure not all of us have a deep infatuation with feet as those with a foot fetish but come on you do pay attention to a sexy pair of feet with some freshly polished toes. So before you think foot fetish hypnosis isnt for you stop and read. I may just change you mind.

foot fetish hypnosis phone sex

For a fellow called before the holidays with a little present for himself, finding some time to do an erotic hypnosis phone sex call. It was his first experience and well you know I love fucking with a fresh mind. After chatting with him a bit found out he had a slight foot fetish, the idea of worshiping a sexy pair of feet got his dick rock hard.

Hmm I love when you guys just divulge your secret fetish desires to me.

He wanted me to tease him  under hypno with his foot worship cravings. The little twist he wanted to add to his foot fetish hypnosis call was to have his dick grow big and hard when worshiping my feet and well shrink when he was away from my feet. Done and DONE!

Oh some of you are now going hmm this does sound interesting haha. Told you.

So there begin my foot lovers spiral into a foot fetish hypnosis fantasy just suited to him. Where his addiction to my sexy size 9 feet with those perfectly painted red for the holiday toes began.

As with most foot worshipers he knew how to suck my toes and how to obey every arch licking order like a good boy. Course I was my typical sensual domme self who adored teasing someone like him. Would take my soft foot away when he would get too excited. When I could feel his cock grown and hit the sole of my foot. Then it was like nope you dont need that any more.

Yup I did!

Sure you wonder if I actually let him coat my feet in ropes of cum from his over sized cock? Hmm well being the sensual tease I am you will have to call and experience a foot fetish hypnosis phone sex call for yourself. Far more fun if you ask me.


AIM hypnoticfetish

I am no longer using Yahoo Messenger. Sorry for the inconvenience but AIM is the only messenger I am using currently.

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

 foot fetish hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Erotic Hypnosis Transformation Phone Sex Werewolf Style

I know its Christmas and perhaps this should be a holiday theme motivated blog but I do really enjoy blogging about the erotic hypnosis phone sex calls that I get. Hopefully you enjoy reading the adventures I have on the phone. Anyways this call happened probably a week ago but with holiday running around and calls just getting to blogging it. Its around erotic hypnosis transformation.

erotic hypnosis transformation phone sex

This gentlemen started our call by saying he had been doing some online searching and stumbled upon a few of my older blog entries around werewolf hypnosis transformation. The sensual fantasy of using erotic hypnosis to transform someone into their chosen mythical creature and having them live out the sensation of being that hairy beast.

Those that know me know far too well I shall never turn down this delightful phone sex transformation. I have no idea what draws me to the werewolf fantasies but there is just something so amazing about hearing someone moan and growl through the call. Plus I do rather love Halloween so it hits all my buttons.

My caller wanted his werewolf hypnosis transformation phone sex fantasy to focus on how he goes from a weak, frail human to a very strong, powerful beast. The emphasis on the body changes as he moves into that gigantic supernatural being. Course as he transforms there is that thirst that grows. The thirst to mate for as a behemoth that only comes out upon the full moon he will long to mate.

Your wondering does he end up breeding during this erotic hypnosis transformation call? Well I could tell you but then that leaves out the fun for those who are looking for something similar. After all this blog is merely to wet your appetite and give you wonderful ideas of what is possible in the realm of erotic hypnosis phone sex.

Cant wait to put you under my spell.

I wish you all a very Happy Holiday. May you find the joy in your day. This year I am taking a few days off 25th-27th.


AIM hypnoticfetish

I am no longer using Yahoo Messenger. Sorry for the inconvenience but AIM is the only messenger I am using currently.

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

 erotic hypnosis transformation phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hypnotic Phone Sex Mind Fuck of BW

hypnotic phone sex mind fuck

Most of you are well versed in the hypnotic phone sex journey that is Bathroom Wanker. Well the latest chapter in his sad humiliating story is when he called me up to let me know it was his anniversary. Oh how wonderful! Seems all the years of mind fucking him to jerk off to perfect pussy has affected him in a rather interesting way. He just cant fuck his wife any more. Oh wait perhaps I put that hypnotic trigger in there. Ooops.

Bathroom wanker had called hoping I was in a loving mood and would grant him a night of ecstasy with his wife. Hmmmm that is a tall order when I do love humiliating him so. I had pondered the idea for a bit. Slipping him into a deep hypnotic mind fucking state while I thought more on the idea.

Should I grant him 1 night of fun with his wife?

The more I had him realizing that perfect pussy’s didnt want his pathetic dicks I realize that no I didnt want him to fuck his wife. However, I started to look past that loser and went well his wife hasnt had a dick in forever. Perhaps I should allow her to get some cock even if it is HIS lack luster cock. So I did in fact find some warmth and grant him one night of fucking.

Know what the fuck did?

He had his anniversary night and when it came down to fucking faked a headache. Thought I was faking with him. So even on a night where his dick wouldnt failed him his brain did. Haha!

BW was calling me the next moment he had to say did I really mean he could fuck his wife? Well you could. Now so sorry I revoke that right. Now your back to air humping to perfect pussies that will never want your sorry ass.

Oh mind fucking in all its fine glory.

BW wants to do another hypnotic phone sex session tonight can only imagine what mind fuckery I can do.


AIM hypnoticfetish

I am no longer using Yahoo Messenger. Sorry for the inconvenience but AIM is the only messenger I am using currently.

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

 hypnotic phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Erotic Hypnosis Phone Sex with Savannah

erotic hypnosis phone sex

Just saying the words erotic hypnosis  phone sex will have some getting goose bumps of excitement down certain people’s arms. They instantly have mental pictures of the last time they were under with their favorite alluring erotic phone girl. How she took their fantasy and spun this amazing hypnotic web of sensual delight.

Closing their eyes will have that oh so sensual hypnotic voice whispering in their ear once more. Reminding them that really its been far too long since they feel that release of control. That moment when they allowed someone full control over their mind and thoughts. To feel free of everything.

You wanna feel that dont you?

I know as the person spinning that delightful web of sensual delight its amazing to feel someone let go. Truly let go of everything. There is something amazing when you open that gate within your mind and allow me full access to your fetishes and fantasies. Let me do what I do best. Create a hypnotic role play just for you.

Yes I know your going but I dont know what to do with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call. Dont worry, that is why I am here. To help guide you through that mental chaos and pin point something that will be perfect for a sensual hypnosis call.

There is a fetish or fantasy you enjoy that will be just perfect.

Now if you have enjoyed a sensual hypno call before and are just looking to try a new hypnosis goddess then I definitely welcome you to call. I love talking to those that have explored the fetish before.


AIM hypnoticfetish

I am no longer using Yahoo Messenger. Sorry for the inconvenience but AIM is the only messenger I am using currently.

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

 hypno phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hypno Phone Sex with Sensual Savannah

hypno phone sex

With the sudden weather change on the west coast its the perfect time to put my fingers to the keyboard and trying and catch up on some of my blogging. Well that and some netflix (OITNB here I come). Course I am left wondering where to start haha. So many amazing hypno phone sex calls over the last while.

Actually not gonna blog about any erotic hypnosis call specifically but more a question that does come up quite often. Some times its from someone who is new to a hypno phone sex call and is trying to figure out where to go and other times is someone asking just to get to know me better. Pretty sure I have blogged about it in the past but hey why not revisit it anyways.

Its all about what I enjoy doing with a caller while they are under an erotic hypnosis trance?

Well for me its the whole act of erotic hypnosis, putting someone under and exploring their fantasy/fetish. So what we do while under is really just the icing to my hypno cupcake. Ya there are some fetish/fantasies that I excel at more such as those in a sensual tease nature but often times its that fetish I never though of doing that has goose bumps rising up on my skin.

Like a few years ago, I was approached by a guy to do werewolf transformations. Never done them but once talking to him it was like OMG this is gonna be so fucking fun!

Its what you bring and the curiosity of if your fetish or fantasy can work with a hypno phone sex call. I am perfectly honest with you as in if I can see it working or what tweaks I will do to make it work. I dont believe in wasting someones time with something I dont feel will work, its about ensuring you have a great experience and leave enraptured with hypno just like me.

Love to introduce you to my favorite fetish, see how that plays with your fetish desires. Just call and ask for Savannah


AIM:YIM hypnoticfetish

I am logging in more during the day. Can be found on by 1pm – 2am PST.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

 hypno phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Ultimate Erotic Hypnosis Mind Fuck with Savannah

mind fuck erotic hypnosis phone sex

Often times one has to wonder which is more addicting my voice or the hypnotic trance they experience. Really both sort of go hand in hand for when you find the right voice who can trance you to the ultimate mind fucking level there is no better rush.

This is rather common with those that call for an erotic hypnosis phone sex session. They get wrapped up in the sensuality of my voice. Soothed into that space between here and there. Their mind lets go and before they know it they are experiencing something new.

What is the new?

Its not like I am taking them on a new sexual adventure. For often times its the same erotic fantasy they have had a thousand times before but I am enhancing it with the use of erotic hypnosis. Adding an extra hind of sensuality to the play. Heightening their sense of awareness to all things around them.

See that is what erotic hypnosis is adding more sensuality to you phone play. Bringing in more than just your sense of hearing. Its making your body become apart of the role play or fantasy. My voice just soothes you to that level where its possible. To allow you to drift off into a mindless state of trance that  you can focus on nothing yet everything all at once. I know its sounds odd and a bit of a mind fuck all on its own but trust me its the best experience you will ever have.

The only thing you need to do is come open to the idea of a complete arousal like you have never experienced before. One for the body and mind. Bring your perfect masturbation fantasy and let me enhance it with erotic hypnosis. Let me make your orgasm so intense your wondering how you have never done this before.


AIM:YIM hypnoticfetish

I am logging in more during the day. Can be found on by 1pm – 2am PST.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

erotic hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Bathroom Wanker Denied Pussy Through Hypno Triggers

humiliation phone sex hypnosis

“Savannah, what did we do last time we talked? I was shit faced. I vaguely remember cumming on a vibrator.”

Thats the instant message I received from yours truly Bathroom Wanker today about our call a few days ago. Now he did message me hinting around if I had blogged the call for he loves being publicly humiliated via my website. Heads up BW I know this and often make you wait to tease your sorry worthless dick. Yes I am that mean.

So I really didnt think much when he was sniffing around for the blog. Today rolls around and I find out the truth that he had hit the vodka a bit too hard and well boom. Forgot!

Rather disappointed that you would forget your time with me BW. I am honestly debating if I should type out the details to our humiliation phone sex call that occurred while you were house sitting once again. You really do have the hots for that married friend of yours dont you? That pussy you would never get to fuck.

Lord wouldnt she love to know that you hunt high and low for dirty panties, sexy lingerie and the like. Naughty boy!

Eh! Why punish everyone else with the tease. Lets dish the details. Bathroom wanker once again found himself on the bathroom floor in the house he was house sitting. His wife was sound asleep not to far away. Walls thing so course he was unable to say much. Though he was giddy from finding the friend’s vibrator.

Object of this erotic hypnosis fantasy, to cum on vibrator and put it back sticky with his loser cum. See that is the only way he will ever be near her pussy or inside her. How he rubbed and jerked along side that sex toy trying to muffle his moans about being a useless fuck. Pathetic loser that will never fuck a perfect pussy like hers. Hell I wont even let him fuck his wife’s pussy Haha.

As he laid twitching on the floor with creamy jizz splattered on the colorful pussy pleaser he had to venture up and go take his spent cock and rub that goo on his wifes face. Think that is what really got him. The fact she could wake up with him standing over her with that sex toy in hand and his own cock in the other.

Hmmm makes you wonder what she would think?????

As always thanks for the fun and humiliating time. I know we will top it, as we always seem too.


AIM:YIM hypnoticfetish

I am logging in more during the day. Can be found on by 1pm – 2am PST.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

erotic hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hypnosis Makes Him Wear Panties

phone sex panty boy

Far too often you get someone on the phone who is embarrassed about what his fetish is. Even though I am not physically in the room you can tell they are blushing and twisting in their seat. Suppose with a deep dark secret fetish it would be that way. This one was rather interesting for this guy was a panty boy. Well not in the traditional sense of a panty boy. It wasnt like he actually wore them.

He admired pretty panties looking at them in Victoria Secret windows and online. Wishing he had the guts to buy them and put them on. Poor thing. He tried so often to do panty boy phone sex calls with strong dominant women hoping they would get him to buy them but nope. He was still too shy.

Then he came to me the hypno goddess, hoping that erotic hypnosis would give him that extra boost of confidence or kinkiness or what ever to go out and get some panties. Well I wasnt against the idea after all it was something he secretly wanted and well who am I to stand in the way of true kinky love.

Guiding him into my hypnosis state I started taking control of his mind planting hypnotic triggers that would have him craving to not only buy those pretty panties he saw online but to wear them. Hell if your gonna go for a fantasy then you best go all out. Fucking with his mind in such a way that the thought of doing it was so pleasurable he could think of nothing else. Ok so perhaps there was a little blue ball trigger in there but really it was for his own good.

We end the call and go about our business. I dont really think about him again for I knew he would call eventually but just a matter of when. How long would he resist the hypnotic triggers to wear panties?

Didnt have to wait that long for a week later he called back all excited saying “Hypnosis got me to wear panties!”

All I could do was burst out laughing for I was definitely not shocked. I knew he would be wearing panties before too long with the hypnosis trance I had done. Though mister shy panty boy was rather shocked at the result and well rather happy he was now wearing blue lace cheekies. Had gone out and bought 5 pairs.

Looking forward to what can make this phone sex panty boy do in those panties. LOL


AIM:YIM hypnoticfetish

I am logging in more during the day. Can be found on by 11am – 2am PST.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

erotic hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah