Loser Boy Wanks

Hello Hypno Lovers

So there are some out there that feel they can deny their addiction to hypnosis. Well better yet a certain someone thought they could deny their addiction to my hypnotic voice.

I know silly boy!

Sure he went months without my voice twisting his sick thoughts in his mind but you know he missed it. Why else would I be writing blog about his absence. You know he came back.

Dear bathroom wanker.

Laying there naked on the bathroom floor while his wife slept away upstairs.  His cock was hard from looking at sexy girls in bikinis on lines the ones that would never be interested in him. Every smile they give into the camera he knows would be followed by a laugh because even they know he is a wanking loser.

Course if they only know his true inner secrets of complete loserdom they would be laughing so hard their firm tits would be bouncing. And hard. For I know those secrets how he cant fuck his wife without watching those girls. Its not because his wife is fat or ugly but because she just cant get him off. He needs that visual image of those girls smiling and laughing at him to get off.

Oh poor bathroom wanker now anyone who reads this now knows the depth of your loser-dom will go.  Well some of it. For you have been calling me for quite a while and I know exactly how much of a loser you are and crave to hear a sexy woman belittle you and laugh at you while you stroke that cock.

Each laugh has your cock twitching.

Each degrading word out of my mouth I know your balls are swelling.

All till that moment when your going please may I squirt my loser load for you.

Welcome back bathroom wanker.


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Phone Sex Mind Fuck

Hello Hypno Lovers

Even after a few months of not hearing my hypnotic voice, R went under very quickly. Cant say that he wasnt craving to go under while he was away for there is always that need to slip under.

The surprise of how easily he goes under.

And the wonder of how far that hypnotic mind control will go.

Well we will be finding out wont we R? As the more you go under the deeper that phone sex mind fuck strengthens .

Welcome back R.


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Submissive Slave Hypnosis

Hello Hypno Lovers

A certain submissive slave has been feeling the effects of my hypnotic voice.  Started out harmless enough as all hypnosis phone sex calls do. He wanted to smoke away to my command. When I said one hypnotic command he would puff puff for his Mistress.

However, as most find my voice is so addicting that he was hearing it off the phone too. That voice creeping into his mind telling him to smoke. To puff away.

It started with his fetish for smoking but it has become much more than that. I am his new addiction. His craving to hear my voice daily. To feel that control that I have over him.

To drive his mind wild.

The more he talks to me the more he realizes other things are happening. Such as his inability to orgasm when he watches porn. His cock needs to hear my voice command him to orgasm. For nothing comes close to what I give him.

This is only the first of many hypnosis phone sex posts about dear T.


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Sensual Hypnotic Teasing

Hello Hypno Lovers

Most would know that one of my favorite phone sex calls are sensual hypnotic teasing. For those new to me you soon find out that most fetish calls end up having a certain teasing quality to them. I can’t help it by nature I am a seductive tease so its only natural for me to bring that to the phone.

Well the last few nights a certain caller from Austin has been finding out exactly how much of a phone tease I am. For he has been tucked away in a hotel and looking to find a way to cure those restless nights that a hotel bed seem to bring.

Our first call was more a sensual hypnosis fantasy were it was all about mutually pleasing each other. The hypnosis only intensified the effects he was feeling. Allowing him to reach a full body orgasm. You now the type where your toes curl.

The second hypnosis phone sex call lead us in a different place and one of my favorites. Cock control. Where each word out of my mouth had him reaching that body orgasm in stages. He could feel his whole body tingling.

What got my body tingling was him panting how close his orgasm was.

Which you would think would have me giving it to him.

But no.

That is where I am a horrible phone tease for I would stop giving him that amazing orgasmic pleasure. Denying him his orgasm. Even though he was so close.

Yes he did get it but he knew that every tease. Every denial only led to a more intense hypnotic orgasm.

What about you?

Looking for a full body orgasm?

Ask for Hypno Goddess Savannah

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Orgasm Denial Phone Sex

Hello Hypnosis Lovers

Before heading off to bed just wanted to take a few moments to blog about a hot phone sex call with strokerboy. He started out wanting to know what it would be like doing an orgasm denial phone sex call under hypnosis. However once I got him on the phone it was rather obvious he was too far into his own orgasm edging to try and get him into a hypnotic trance. So it was an intense phone sex tease for him of keeping him on the edge of his orgasm. Course for those wanting to know why he has the name of strokerboy ~ 7 hours of orgasm edging. Talk about an interesting way to spend your day off. Then you top your orgasm denial day with my sultry voice teasing you with sexy panties and slutty stripper shoes. It was a fun orgasm denial phone sex call that had stroker boy pumping that cock over and over.

Thanks for the fun stroker boy look forward to teasing you on your next orgasm edging session.


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Cock Control Hypnosis

Hello Hypno Lovers

Perhaps it something in the air or guys are in the search for something new but there have been quite a few new hypnosis callers lately. For some its their first time while others they are just searching for a new hypno femdom. Either way I am loving sharing my passion for hypnosis.

Today, my hypnotic trance was working its way into C’s mind. He was not new to the world of hypnosis rather enjoyed falling into the erotic side of things. C’s quest for something new in the way of a cock control hypnosis session had him calling me. Well really with me its not only a cock control session but cum control as well. Denying that orgasm till you can just tell one more stroke will be agony. Then allowing that sweet release.  How long do you think you could go before you were begging for an orgasmic release?

I shall just let you guys know that I am heading out of town for a few days. A cabin over looking the ocean is calling my name. So I will be gone Thursday evening till Monday nite.  I will be available for calls again on Tuesday the 20th.

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Cock Control Phone Sex

Hello Hypno Lovers

If I am going to do a cock control phone sex call then of course I am going to do it my way. Putting a hypnotic spin on it. For that is how I gain the ultimate in cock control at least that is how G found out tonight. That was his wish to obey my every cock stroking command. I can only say hearing those words does bring a smile to my face. A bigger smile when I know my hypnotic triggers are already embedded within his mind already. What can I say I do love playing with those hypnotic triggers during a cock control session its that trigger play that makes the orgasm so much more intense. Well one of them anyways!


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Erotic Hypnosis Fantasy

Hello Hypnosis Lovers

Ended up having an amazing Saturday. Started my day taking off with the sunroof open as I headed off to meet some friends for lunch. We all met up at one of my favorite pubs, its an old English style ones. The main reason I head there is for the spinach salad. Heaven.

After lunch, I opted to come home for a few and logging in for a few erotic hypnosis phone sex call. To my surprise I hooked up with John for a little afternoon fun. Getting him into that deep hypnotic trance that he loves so much. With one word, John just slides into that wonderful hypnotic state where our erotic fantasy is woven. The fantasy where its all about pleasing this red headed Hypno Goddess.

Our fantasy today had me seducing him at the bar. Mind you the fantasy didnt keep us in the bar very long sort of moved to a more private location very quickly. It really didnt take long before he was breathing quicker in sexual excitement. I have to wonder how his evening went? For John rather told me he was heading to the bar later that night. Lord help him if he sees a sexy red head in the bar, for I know his pulse will be racing in no time thinking of the intense hypnotic experience he had with me earlier on in the day.

Follow me on Twitter: HypnoPhoneSex
aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hypnotic Orgasm Control

Hello Hypno Lovers

I got to take someone to the edge. The edge of his orgasm over and over again. There is nothing quite like orgasm control under hypnosis. Planting those hypnotic triggers I love so much that have him stroking and stroking again yet that orgasm just is unable to be achieved. Hearing him moaning not in ecstasy but shear frustration. For that orgasm is just out of his control but under mine!

Cock control or Orgasm Control how ever you want to call it. Under hypnosis I will have the ultimate of control over your orgasms. Can’t wait to put you under my hypnotic trance and have you obeying my every command.

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah


Manipulation of the Mind

Hello Hypno Lovers
There is nothing quite like a long slow mind fuck. The kind that happens over hours and hours of hypnotic manipulation of the mind. However, this mind fuck has been going on for more than just hours. Yes our hypnosis phone sex sessions have a tendency to last hours but its been on of those hypnotic tease and denial sessions that have been going on for months.

A lot can happen during that time. Your mind opens its self up to me more than you shall ever know. Those hypnotic triggers that once started as a sweet tease suddenly develope into a true hypnotic addiction. They call to you. Those hypnotic suggestions show up at the oddest of times. Amazing what can set them off. A word. A vision. Or the mere thought of the intensity of the hypnosis session that was done the night before. That erotic phone sex call that has you seeking out me in the morning to dial the phone yet again for just that fix. That little something to start your day since I ended your night so well. Some times I am here to start it and sometime its the ultimate in denial having to wait till the end of your work day just to feel my hand on that cock. But really isnt it worth it in the end? My soft hands stroking you.
Ask for Savannah

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah