Orgasm Denial Fantasies with Savannah

A flip of the calendar and boom we are into November or as most of us in the kinky world like to call No Nut November. Has  a nice ring to it doesnt it? Yes you will be reminded probably like mad if your social media connections are sexy phone girls. Endless posts filled with cock control, edging and orgasm denial fantasies.

Thankfully you already are someone who follows me if not calls me for some exciting cock controlling hypnosis. If you havent called then perhaps this is the right month to fall under my spell. Let me take full control of your masturbation and lead you right into a path of edging bliss.

orgasm denial fantasies

Or so I am told its a rather blissful moment where your balls are aching for a release but know full well that this erotic hypnosis goddess has full control over everything thing you do with that throbbing piece of man meat between your legs.

Now I now your probably going but I have done orgasm denial fantasies in the past what makes adding in erotic hypnosis so special to the mix. Well simple… Hypnosis will enhance your desire to follow my instructions.

To have you obey every command even when you are on the edge or should I say especially while your on the edge of climaxing. That point where you can no longer control what your doing cause well the anticipation of orgasm is the only thought on your mind. See I step in with my perfect voice that will guide you to that edge but I have no desire to see you cum and well will make sure you dont fall over that edge.

Sounds like fun right?

Or maybe its my sensual domme side coming out that is having all the fun for I do love a good cock tease.

Cant wait to see what wonderful orgasm denial fantasies happen during No Nut November.

Better yet who will not orgasm the whole month through????


As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 12 am PST Monday to Saturday (This is a rough guideline)

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

edging hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Edging Hypnosis Phone Sex with Savannah

Finally finding some time to put my fingers to the keyboard and its a bit of a struggle which exciting hypnosis phone sex call to blog about for they were both so much fun. Think will start with one thing that I do blog about often and well enjoy doing in my day to day life. Or should say when I get a chance too. Orgasm edging hypnosis!

orgasm edging hypnosis

Yes! Anyone that is a regular to my blog or has done an erotic hypnosis phone sex call with myself know I adore tease and denial. Toss in a splash of edging and its gonna be a really good time. Really what other things we toss in there is just like extra sprinkles.

More about this particular edging session as it was someone rather new to me. New to me in the way of erotic hypnosis but they had listened to some youtube things but never quite found that depth of relaxed state they were looking for. This does often happen or so those calling me say the most. They always say there was just something missing which is true. Your missing that one on one connection. Which is why I say the clips are a great place to start but dont get discouraged if your not finding what you want. Try a hypnosis phone sex session and try a few different Hypno Goddess for that connection is important.

Back to the details of the hot edging hypnosis call.

As he told me what he wanted I have to say a smile was coming across my face for the minute anyone says they like edging and cock control its like hmm yes your taking me to my happy place. Course he had more to his list of things he desired but I was honest with him about what I wanted to do with him. For I really do enjoy pushing your limits but building that connection and trust is always the most important.

Yes hearing no to certain things in your fantasy sucks but trust me you will not miss that. For what I do opt to focus on will only enhance and create this amazing erotic hypnosis experience.

So down he went into my wonderful hypnotic spiral to his senses. Letting his mind free and his body enjoy the sensations that only an erotic hypnosis trance brings. Placing my triggers within his mind and having him float between that trance state and being awake. Using those triggers to push him to that orgasmic edge. Then bringing him back and pushing again.

His mind was spinning in no time.

His cock was twitching in excitement over being edge but half of that was already done for he had been edging for 7 hrs that day. This was his treat to what could be a possible release. A release of 3 months of edging. Can you imagine the level of gooning side effects he was feeling right now. For I know when your in that extreme edged state your mind is lost in the sensation that radiates from  your groin but now I was the one controlling not only your mind but cock in that hypnotic state. Hmm pure pleasure isnt it!

He did start begging for an orgasm for that realization of how long he has denied himself was starting to mess with his mind and then the idea that I was controlling his cock took him over a crazy mental edge.

Now being the tease I am will let you wonder if he actually got that orgasmic release or not haha.

It was a rather fun orgasm edging hypnosis session though. Cant wait for the next one and seeing where we go as we get to know each other better.


As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 12 am PST Monday to Saturday (This is a rough guideline)

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

edging hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Masturbation May with Hypnotic Savannah

As I was laughing at all the Its gonna be May memes floating around it never even dawned on me that it was MAY. Yes I know your probably going yes so what its another flip of a calendar month. However, when your twirling your fingers in men’s minds exploring their fantasies one becomes a bit obsessed with the oddest of things. Like Masturbation May.


Well in my case pushing those masturbation phone sex session to tease and denial. edging and well JOI type of scenarios. Course that list doesnt sound as good as Masturbation May and I do love a good alliteration so will just leave it at that but we both know I am talking about so much more than masturbation.

Its all the fun things that result from masturbating especially when your under my hypnotic trance. For then I have true control over your cock and well what edge of ecstasy I will take you too.

Yes more alliterations haha. I am on a roll what can I say.

Perhaps I should warn you now that those alliterations will show up in your hypnotic phone sex session and I will be twisting your thoughts with such words. Mind you anyone that has fallen under my hypnotic spell knows all to well what delight awaits you at the end of my staircase. Pure wonder to please.

Anyways that is where my mind is at this month. Edging you. Teasing you. Controlling your cock and making your May one to remember. Who will be the first to experience a hypnotic JOI with myself?


As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 12 am PST Monday to Saturday (This is a rough guideline)

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

masturbation phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Orgasm Denial Phone Sex with Savannah

Swear November popped up way faster than I had expected but guess that is what happens when you out enjoying the sun before it all disappears for the winter. So this morning while I was enjoying a bath I had a bit of a lightbulb moment well a few. One was ahh November and what to buy my friend for a birthday gift and two orgasm denial phone sex blog post.

orgasm denial phone sex

Not sure why I associate November with orgasm denial calls but suppose just the idea of you having no orgasms for the month is rather exciting. No its very exciting.

Nothing like a man begging for an orgasm cause his cock is aching so badly. That one more stroke will have dribbling precum out that oh so swollen head. That being on the edge is some weird pleasure pain point. You love it and hate it all at the same time and yess I can hear it in your voice.

The orgasm is worth it in the end. Its so strong and intense that you forget that mental challenge that you went through to get to it. So ya I really need to feel that rush of an orgasm denial phone sex call.

Who is up for the challenge?

How long do you think you can endure with my voice whispering in your ear?

No really how long?

How about I stop teasing you and just give you the information on how to reach myself so we can start this wonderful tease and denial phone sex session.


As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 12 am PST Monday to Saturday (This is a rough guideline)

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Orgasm Denial Phone Sex Challenge

Welcoming in December and I know a few of you were wondering how things went with the no orgasm November challenge. Well I will admit that a few of you were rather nervous to try it. Seems the idea of a whole month devoted to orgasm denial had you tucking your cocks away in fear.

orgasm denial phone sex

I know you could of endured it. Well least half the month of no orgasming. Granted it might of been the orgasm edging phone sex calls with myself that had you going hell no! I can see how spending that time with me building up your desire to cum would leave you feeling the full effects of those blue balls.

Such a shame.

Guess I will have to think of something else next November. Who am I kidding I will probably try and get a few of you on board to do it. Sweet talk you through the year into some orgasm edging through the whole month.

Though now its December and I am thinking even though its the 2nd perhaps we should try and come up with something fun to break up the craziness of the holidays.

Was gonna ponder it for a moment then the idea hit me. Since 30 day s of orgasm edging was too intense perhaps my next orgasm denial session will be inspired by the 12 days of Christmas.

Go 12 days with no orgasm.

12 days of orgasm edging.

12 days of orgasm denial.

Sounds fun doesnt it?

So on to the conditions of the great December orgasm denial session.

In those 12 days do 120 minutes worth of calls. With schedules I will let you break that up how ever you find works best but ideally thinking 10 minutes every day would be fun.

The days you dont talk to me I want a message via email or twitter that you completed 20 minutes of orgasm edging can be in the morning or evening just as long as you get 20 minutes in.

If you last the full 12 days of denial in December then I will send you a little treat all I will need is your email.

Who is up for orgasm denial fun in December?

Remember just ask for Savannah when you call the number below.

As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

orgasm denial phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

No Orgasm November Challenge

November is nearing. Yes I know your like me dont need a reminder of how fast the year is flying by. Well this is a blog post not to remind you of how fast time is flying by but one that will actually slow things down. Considerably! For its time to remind you about my no orgasm November challenge or the endless orgasm edging challenge ;).

orgasm edging phone sex

Yes this is the reminder of your last few days in which you can feverishly masturbate to the point of orgasm on your own free will. Drain those balls before I lock them up hypnotically and take control of your orgasms.

Edging your cock for the entire month of November.

This is where you may wish to actually Thank me for giving you a warning. A heads up if you will rather than just dumping the reminder on November 1st and saying Welcome to NO ORGASM NOVEMBER!

Least that cock gets a few days of you jerking and stroking and releasing. So very thoughtful of me hahah.

Now for those that love tease and denial sessions or orgasm edging phone sex fantasies but rather new to erotic hypnosis or just not sure WTF I am talking about here then let me explain…. Last year about the middle of November I was inspired by 2 things. A random meme that said its no masturbation November which I of course saw November 14th but hey was up to still tossing out the challenge to my felllow tease and denial lovers. The other was No Shave November which raises money for prostate cancer.

So this year I want to do a full month of orgasm edging. Now you do not have to be under my hypnotic control if you dont wish too. You can join my little challenge without doing the hypno part but hey I am a Hypno Goddess so you know its just a nice spin on things.

So here are the guide lines.

30 days of orgasm edging!

Yes thats right 30 days of no cumming!

1 call a week minimum of edging your cock 30 minute minimum. (I think breaking up times as a fun way to go 3 ~ 10 minute sessions through the week.)

Now if you dont last and cant hold back your cum load what will happen… Well I will shame you publicly on my twitter and on here of course. (Dont worry it will be first names only but you will know its you! ) Then I would like you to make a donation to a cancer charity, the amount is up to you (rough idea would be something that would equate to a 30 minute call.).  As for the cancer charity if you cum early then you have to make a donation to a breast cancer foundation. Save some tatas 🙂

If you make it all the way through to the end then I will make a donation to testicular cancer society. I will save some balls 🙂

Looking for a fun November teasing your balls.

Please remember if your new to an erotic hypnosis trance with myself to book a minimum of 30 minutes for its never any fun to have to rush the trance.

Just ask for Savannah

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

erotic hypnosis

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Becoming Savannahs Good Boy Through Erotic Hypnosis

I have been doing phone sex for a few years now and specializing in erotic hypnosis for most of that time. So over the years I have mesmerized and tranced a heck of a lot of minds. Done a ton of various fantasies. Course the thing I find most interesting with doing erotic hypnosis phone sex fantasies is no so much what we chat about but who I chat with.

erotic hypnosis

For I can do the same topic over and over again but it will never be the same call cause the client brings something different to the topic. We will end up twisting and turning into a new adventure than where it started from. Which is why I love doing erotic hypnosis fantasies so much its never the same call twice.

If you wondering what got my mind twirling around this subject it happened to be a caller a few weeks ago. He called up to say we hadnt spoken in a bit but he was fondly remembering our hypnosis call we did 2 years ago where he was transformed into being an obedient dog rolling around on the floor and ending up humping the leg on his couch. Gotta say I was drawing a blank on our conversation but when he got to the leg humping thing I went huh ya vaguely remember that.

So it was time to do a new version of that call that will have him salivating for months on end cause who knows when he will find the time to call in again. Hey I get it life gets busy and sometimes the fun has to wait. Just know when you do call in I fully appreciate spending the time with you and want to make sure its something you fondly remember till the next time you call in.

Well I had the poor boy heeling and obeying just like last time. His mind remembered every command I had given him to fall back under my hypnotic spell which made putting more fun triggers into his mind even easier.

Such a good boy he was!

This time we left the furniture alone and had him  humping a pillow just like a naughty horny dog would. Humping it till I gave him the command to cum. Just like a good boy!

Was fun indulging in that fantasy again. I hope it wont be another 2 years before we get to have fun with it again hahah.

If you like to become a good boy for me then you can call the number below. Please remember to book a minimum of 30 minutes for an erotic hypnosis phone sex call.

Just ask for Savannah

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

erotic hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hypnotic Phone Sex Orgasm Denial

This is one of those blogs where I go damn it wish I had this brain fart at the beginning of the month! But hey its only the middle of November so there is still a chance to have a little fun with this idea and maybe work you up to this fun hypnotic phone sex idea.

hypnotic phone sex orgasm denial

In various countries around the world, not too sure if it has caught on in the states or not? Canada has definitely jump onto the Movember band wagon in which men grow a mustache to raise awareness for prostate cancer. Its also known as No shave November.

Well this girl saw a random no masturbate meme yesterday and it had me laughing cause my brain is already wrapped around the whole no shave thing. So why not make November all about orgasm denial. Yes my brain works in weird ways but so far you guys all love how it works when it comes to tease and denial phone sex fantasies. Just nod and agree here.

So we are at the half way point with November who would be up for a little hypnotic phone sex orgasm denial?

Letting me take control of your orgasms. Controlling everything. Now granted I have yet to work out the full details and really it will be up to each individual. Not sure if I want to treat your hypnotic orgasm controlling sessions all the same or edge you each differently?

Either way I know the next 15 days shall be a lot of fun. Twisting your minds hypnotically and controlling your orgasms.

Let me know your thoughts if you want to do a full month next year? If you would like it to be similar treatment across the board or treat everyone individually when it comes to the orgasm denial. Yes I know that is 12 months away but really if I dont think of it now I may just leave it to the last minute haha.

Please remember if your new to an erotic hypnosis trance with myself to book a minimum of 30 minutes for its never any fun to have to rush the trance.

Just ask for Savannah

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

hypnotic phone sex orgasm denial

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Blue Balls and Mind Fucking Phone Sex. Oh My!

There is one thing you will hear me say over the years is I love the randomness and surprises my encounters are during erotic hypnosis phone sex. It could be chatting with someone who feels like a long lost friend all the way to exploring a new fantasy with the use of hypnosis. Every day is a new adventure and it makes signing in a hell of a lot of fun.

mind fucking phone sex

This was never more true that a late night mind fuck phone sex session with W it had been a long orgasm edging session where he was about to lose his mind. That isnt anything new when someone calls for an intense orgasm denial session, but W had been going on a few weeks of suffering with blue balls.

All the taking him to the edge had his mind swirling and apparently he was drooling as well, for all of a sudden our call was muffled and couldnt hear him any more. Both of us were recreating that old cell phone service commercial of ages ago, Hello are you there? Can you  hear me now?

Once he got himself sorted out and our connected was better. He could once again hear my sultry voice whispering in his ear found out he had drooled into the mic on his headset.

Well that did it for us.

The flow of the call had been lost and we were now both giggling fools laughing over the need to practice safe sex even on the phone. The vision of him wrapping up a condom over his mic had our very vivid imaginations running wild.

Luckily for W the giggle break was at the right time for he was rather close to that edge of orgasmic delight and us laughing over something very silly had his balls ready for another round.

Perhaps it was one of those you had to be there to find the humor in it all but W I did tell you I would do a blog post about safe phone sex practices. Well kind of our version was far more indepth. This is merely a tease….. Just like me.

Just ask for Savannah

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

erotic hypnosis feminization

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Fall Down the Rabbit Hole with Phone Sex Goddess Savannah

Rabbit holes….. There is always a negative condensation around them. Certain phone sex goddess’ are always tossing them in front of you telling you how you will never find your way out. Once your in you cant dig yourself out.

hypnosis phone sex goddess

Sure that is one way to look at them but I dont look at them that way. For rabbit holes can be rather exciting and interesting adventure. Sure you can get lost in them but isnt that why your here to escape the insanity of reality. To fall into this comfortable abyss where the outside world of responsibilities and deadlines dont exist. A world we create together. I know rather deep way to look at things.

You venture to me to help you explore something different to look at your fantasies in a new way. So rather than look at that rabbit hole negatively I would much rather view it as a positive experience. One where yes you can hide away but always one where you leave in a better frame of mind then in which you arrived. Happy. Relaxed. With a smile on your face.

For you know that I am one that is always greeting you with a smile and a sweet teasing tone to my voice before guiding you into a relaxed state of erotic hypnosis.

Yes this blog started from a conversation I was having with a fellow caller who was surprised by my view on rabbit holes and didnt think that my sweet style would ever view our calls as that. Once I explained my view the light bulb clicked and he was lured into looking over the edge of the hole.

No he didnt call but it wasnt his time to slip into the hole of ecstasy.

Nor was I about to push him.

For you all know the right time in which to enter and I am not going to push someone.

Is it your time to fall into the rabbit hole with me,  your erotic phone sex goddess?

If so you know exactly what do to.


AIM hypnoticfetish as of December 15th, 2017 I will no longer be using this messenger due to AOL discontinuing it.

I am no longer using Yahoo Messenger. Sorry for the inconvenience

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

erotic hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah