Erotic Hypnosis Fantasies with Savannah

My favorite time is upon us fall and well that means Halloween is just around the corner. Have always enjoyed autumn and the changing leaves. The smell of smoke from a wood burning stove filling the crisp air. Really isnt fall till that smokey scent hits the air. Foggy nights. I can go on and on with things that give my heart a warm glow about autumn but in the end its the wonderfulness of curling up under my favorite warm blanket and settling in for a nice night of erotic hypnosis fantasies.

erotic hypnosis


Wild sexual fantasies that just seem to be more fun with a little hypnotic twist to them. Some times they take on a super natural spin thanks to the time of year and other times its more a sensual tale. You know me I am up for any and well all when it comes to erotic hypnosis fantasies. Just being able to take you to that nice wonderful mind trancing place is what I adore.

Course saying that I am hoping you have a bit of a fantasy in mind when you call perhaps a fetish that you have wanted to explore during an erotic hypnosis trance or even some fantasy that you have yet to explore in real life. Say something off your sexual bucket list?

I know diving into some of the things off your sexual bucket list through a phone sex call isnt the same but it might be a fun way to shake those nerves away. Just a thought.

While you think about what things you would like to explore I shall be over here slipping into something more comfortable. Its suppose to be a rainy weekend and well its the perfect time to explore those erotic fantasies. I know this Hypno Goddess is game.

Remember just ask for Hypno Goddess Savannah when you call the number below.

As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

feminization hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Feminization Hypnosis with Hypno Goddess Savannah

Feminization hypnosis!

Does that grab your attention?

For a few of you that have fallen under my mind controlling spell just reading that will have your naughty bits twitching. Probably has your ears tingling at the thought of my hypnotic voice tickling your earlobe.

feminization hypnosis

For the rest of you sissy boys that have yet to fall under my hypnotic trance then this blog will hopefully lure you to try something new. To enhance your feminization phone sex fantasies in a new and unique way.

Those that have drifted into my mind numbing state of erotic hypnosis this is just a wonderful reminder of what you could be doing and well probably be a touch too long since you fell down that staircase for your Hypno Goddess Savannah.

Ok enough with being a tease to you poor sissy boys.

Well for the moment!

Back to feminization hypnosis fantasies. Hmm Actually what can I say about them other than they are the perfect way to explore your feminization fantasy. I mean we both know there are times you wish you could get all dolled up with the make up, hair, lingerie, stockings and well you know I could go on and on. However, there isnt enough time in this blog or you day to dedicate to a full feminization experience so that is where erotic hypnosis comes in. For I can guide you into a nice state where you get to explore your feminization fantasies without putting on a stitch of clothing.

Course if you wish too by all means!

Small confession I think putting a little something sexy on will help guide your girlie experience but its not really mandatory.

I will guide you to that wonderful fantasy you think of be it you walking the street all pretty or feeling your knees on the cold tile floor in that public washroom while you suck some strangers cock through a glory hole. All from the comfort of your bed.

So will leave you pondering where you wish to take your feminization hypnosis phone sex fantasy.

Remember just ask for Savannah when you call the number below.

As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

feminization hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Age Regression Erotic Hypnosis with Savannah

Always find it interesting with erotic hypnosis calls for there are moments where I spend all my time talking with regular clients. Then other moments where it seems something is in the air and a bunch of fresh minds are calling to fall under my trance. This month is one of those new minds coming my way.

Now I enjoy exploring erotic hypnosis no matter who it is with.

age regression erotic hypnosis

However this exploration was a bit different in a way or should say it sparked a blog entry for sure as it was an age regression erotic hypnosis phone sex call. Now I know its not one I blog about often mainly cause there are some aspects of that fantasy that I admittedly shy away from.

See age regression is an umbrella for a broad category of fetishes from adult baby to ageplay, even that is probably simplifying things too much.

In regards to adult baby I do shy away from this particular fantasy only cause its such a vast fetish and every adult baby is so different in what they want. Which yes I know other fantasies are like that but in regards to AB/DL, I guess my idea of what it should be and the few I have explored it with have never lined up. So this is a fantasy that I rather steer away from unless you have the time to explain rather in depth what your looking for as an adult baby. This way I can be sure to give you the hypnosis experience your looking for.

However, where age regression relates to age play scenarios I have no problem taking someone back to a time in their past and enjoying a new spin on the situation. Be it the first time you started jerking off. The time you were spanked by the babysitter. Or getting caught in the shower masturbating by your sister. Being able to send you back to that moment where you can wrap yourself up in that memory is rather fun.

The age regression hypnosis phone sex call that inspired this blog was a guy who wanted to get busted masturbating by his mom. Was a fun memory trip to go on with him as I could hear his breathing change as I painted the image in his hypnotized mind. Taking him back to his bedroom at home. The smell of the house as his mom was down the hallway cooking dinner. Listening to her walk in the kitchen while he quietly stroke to dirty pictures.

Every moment I painted his breathing getting more and more excited. That was even before the fun started of him getting busted in the moment.

If you were to do an age regression erotic hypnosis fantasy is there a particular moment you would want to relive or maybe a moment you would like to explore a different outcome too?

Maybe today is the day to explore such a fantasy.

Just ask for Savannah

As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

age regression erotic hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hitch Hiking Hypnosis Phone Sex with Savannah

As anyone who follows my hypnosis phone sex blog knows I enjoy getting new minds to mess with. Always interesting to see the spin they bring to erotic hypnosis. The fantasy or fetish they seek. Which is just what happened last night.

hypnosis phone sex

Someone who isnt new to the hypno kink world called me up after watching my twitter for some time. Which I suppose I should apologize now since its been nothing more than just streams of when I am taking calls. But after some time of following my hypnotic trail of yes taking calls. He opted to call.

We chatted some about this and that then dove into what fantasies he enjoyed doing. Which for him it was simply to fall under.

To enjoy the seduction that hypnosis brings.

To ultimately obey.

Well didnt he find the right Hypno Goddess.

Course being someone knew it was asking him questions on what seduction and obeying meant for him. For each person has their own definition of those things.  I know for myself I interpret them very differently and would hate to assume that my interpretation is the same as yours.

So he fully indulged me in what fantasies were running through his mind at that moment. Course as a few of you know as your describing a fantasy often times my mind will just start to click with something and after a few words I have a complete scene fall into place in my own head. Which is exactly what happened here.

He was describing the idea of picking up a female hitchhiker being lulled into a hypnotic state between the drive and her voice then simply obeying her wishes.

Well that was all I needed for a side of the road fun anonymous sex scene.

Him already feeling the lull of the road from the sound of the tires as its that time of the night where your bored by the drive. Dusk where everything is becoming dark and your vision is nothing more than the road in front of you. Your eyes having nothing to see but the marking that rush by you.

In his hypnotic state of course he is lured into picking up the woman on the side of the road by her broken down car. The flashing lights of her car only adding to his trance.

Before he even hears my sensual hypnotic voice he is already halfway there to craving to obey my every command.

I know your wondering what all happens once I enter the car but I think somethings really should left between me and my driver……

Just ask for Savannah

As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

masturbation phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

May is Masturbation Phone Sex Month

Yesterday May rolled in and I was so distracted with the nice weather and wanting to ensure I went out for a run that my mind totally forgot one little detail. It was now officially May!

Sure your going ok we all have a calendar Savannah why are you hung up on May? We all know your birthday is in September so your not excited over that day.

masturbation phone sex

Quite right. The fact that May usually bring all us sexy phone sex girls getting you to focus on some self love generally guided by our sexy voices of course. Masturbation phone sex!

May is Masturbation Month.

Now granted this little thing could of started beyond phone sex girls but ever since becoming on its the only time I have ever heard of Masturbation Month. So if it was a thing before my voice started wafting through the phone lines then forgive me.

In keeping with the Masturbation Month concept was thinking wouldnt it be fun to do some orgasm denial or edging type hypnosis fantasies?? This is where you just nod and agree with my line of thinking.

Oh perhaps a little cum eating hypno! For those that get super excited with the idea.

Hmm I think I like that could do weekly sessions where we build up your desire. Strengthen your craving for swallowing your own hot load of jizz. I know it wont happen overnight but if we work it so that once a week you call in for a bit of edging. Teasing yourself with the want and need to eat it but deny you that satisfaction by the time the end of the month rolls around you could be scooping up that hot load in no time!

Explore masturbation phone sex fantasies via erotic hypnosis.

I think this could be something super fun we all know I love a good orgasm edging hypnosis session so why not make the most of a month devoted to masturbation!

Just ask for Savannah

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

masturbation phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Sissy Boy Feminization Hypnosis with Savannah

Are you a sissy boy noticing all the spring fashions?

Being inundated in commercials and flyers with the pretty dresses for the warmer weather. Never mind the women around you tossing on the wonderful colors of the new season. Has to get you itching to buys some pretty new things for your girlie closet?

sissy boy phone sex

Now of course being a Hypno Goddess you know I am about to take your sissy boy fantasies and give them a bit of a hypnotic twist. Its what I do after all. Add that little extra pizzazz to your already cock twitching. Panty rising fantasies.

Today is no different.

What if we took your love for female fashion and did a feminization hypnosis fantasy. Peeked your interest? Hopefully so! Its where you dive deep into my erotic trance and I transform you body so that it feels more soft and sensual giving you the sensation of having womanly curves. Surely as a sissy boy standing in front of the mirror in  your favorite outfits you imagines what you would look like with real breasts or natural hips?

You tell me what you envision in your mind and I will make it happen in the hypnotic fantasy. Be it small or big breasts. Junk in the trunk type booty. Full lips. You get the idea. The mind is a powerful thing and I can have you feeling like your that sultry or slutty woman of your dreams.

So sissy boys! What do you say time to explore your female fantasies a little deeper through some feminization hypnosis? Hell maybe your a cross dresser or a man who likes the idea of growing some breasts. I am open to diving into any and all fantasies that way.

Just ask for Savannah

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

sissy boy feminization hypnosis

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Werewolf Transformation Hypnosis with HypnoGoddess Savannah

On the weekend, I got to have some fun with one of my werewolf transformation boys. Come to think of it I really should start coming up with some nicknames for the various werewolves in my life since there are a few of you. Always nice to keep things in order as to which werewolf transformation hypnosis blog is about which.

werewolf transformation hypnosis

Anyways back to the reason behind this blog. This werewolf travels a great deal for his job so our werewolf fantasies are often inspired by his last work location or some times just by the travel magazine he glances at on the plane. Sort of fun to mesh reality with fantasy. Now it seems with his abundance amount of travel it does give this werewolf an awful lot of time to daydream and spin some fantasy together. Its a rough outline that he will start out with I was recently sitting in a sidewalk cafe in New Orleans and it got me thinking of transforming in the French Quarter…

Course he barely has his outline said and my creative mind is already spinning with ideas of where I am going to take the werewolf transformation hypnosis fantasy. The details I only need from him is did he want partial or full on werewolf transformation. Oh and if he was going to be lusting after someone in the fantasy cause some times just my detailed description of him changing under a full moon has got him to that orgasmic edge.

This time he was calling me from Prague which we have done a scenario there before. Gotta admit the jumping off point of our hypnosis phone sex fantasy was from XXX. Hey this Hypno Goddess is not afraid to admit some times the shows and movies she watches can inspire the backdrop of the storyline. In this case it worked so beautifully. The rave setting in the old building just screamed werewolf fantasy.

Back on track so after a few Prague like role plays when he found himself in the old world he just knew he had to call and well tease me with where he was. As Prague is on my travel bucket list and well it was rather exciting to hypnotize someone while they were there. Taking them deep into my mindless trance and exploring their erotic fantasy.

It was another rave like setting where a threesome werewolf scenario took place. Him with his werewolf partner fucking and turning another. Or since its the old world was she already a werewolf?

I could dish out the details but you know me I love to tease and shall give only the highlighted version of our werewolf transformation hypnosis call. Though I will say it was super hot and I adored trancing him while he was visiting Prague. So far thats 2 of my favourite cities I have gotten to trance him in. New Orleans being the other.

Before you ask Italy is on my list Florence specifically but I adore the whole country. *wink*

Just ask for Savannah

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

werewolf transformation hypnosis

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Erotic Hypnosis Phone Sex Goddess’ Anniversary

For those that have been followers of my erotic hypnosis phone sex blog know this is my anniversary month. The start to my great and wonderful journey into becoming the ultimate Hypno Goddess that I am now! Kidding. Kind of.

erotic hypnosis

What started as a dare to end the relentless teasing from various friends has turned into a full time gig. Who would of thought. Now normally my blog is based on giving hypnosis tips or topics I have covered in calls or the odd fantasy. Today thought I would do more a fun facts about me type blog. Who knows if you like it I may grow to do more of them or random postings on my Twitter. Which is how this one started after a Fun Fact about never watching Groundhog Day the movie with Bill Murray (really hoping I have the right actor with that).

15 Fun Facts about your Hypno Goddess:

  1. I eat in bed. When heading off to bed I take a snack with me.
  2. Not a horror movie fan but love vampire stuff.
  3. Rather run/walk the trails than do the gym thing.
  4. Not into camping. I do love spending time in a cabin on the water be it lake or ocean.
  5. Have a sunglass fetish. Always adding to my collection.
  6. Love animals but more a cat person.
  7. Am a nite owl, love how quiet the world is after midnight.
  8. When I write prefer pen to paper over using my ipad/computer. When blogging its desktop all the way.
  9. Have 2 rescue cats.
  10. Dont care for country music
  11. Halloween is my favorite holiday
  12. Toenails always have polish on them but rarely wear polish on my fingernails.
  13. Not a fan of Adam Sandler.
  14. Love spring and fall. The sun is shining but there is still that cool crispness to the air.
  15. The ocean is my favorite smell and place.

Oh and I managed to make not one of them sexual. Are you impressed? You were probably hoping I would divulge a little tidbit on my sex life/preferences. Sorry to disappoint. Maybe next time?

Anyways its been an awesome year of hypnotic phone sex calls. As always thank you for keeping things interesting and entertaining. Look forward to another wild year of sexual phone sex adventures.

Just ask for Savannah

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

hypno mistress

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Finding a True Hypno Mistress

This is going to be one of those different sort of hypnosis blogs today mainly cause something has been eating away at me for some time now. You all know that I am a big advocate for calling around various Hypno Mistress’ to see what trance works for you.

hypno mistress phone sex

I know my style of hypnotic trance doesnt work for everyone and dont claim it will. The style of trance works for me its something I have pieced together that works for me and my voice. Yes over the years I have tried to adopt different styles to fit clients wants but I realized it didnt fit with me and I had to be honest with myself. I either catered to all the trances or focused on one and rocked that style. So I opted to focus on one style n rock it!

Now I take erotic hypnosis very seriously this is a skill not everyone can pick up. Takes a certain speech pattern. The right voice. The right aural song and dance if you will that has you slipping into that deep state of trance.

What annoys me is girls coming into the scene that figure its nothing. They watch one or two youtube videos and go ya this should be a breeze no biggie.

Yes guys I know those girls exist out there and they frustrate me too. Which is why I advocate for you to read up on the girls who will be putting you under. Read their blogs. Read their profile. Do short calls with them if your unable to reach them via email. Do not be afraid to ask them questions about where they learned to hypnotize men. How long they have been doing hypnosis. In that short time figure out if you like their voice. If you feel comfortable. Chat about the fantasy you want to do. Do you think they can do your fetish/fantasy in general never mind the hypnosis part. Just down right interview them.

A serious Hypno Mistress will not be insulted by this. For someone like myself who takes the art of erotic hypnosis serious will be more than happy to answer those questions. I know personally I want to make you comfortable with opening up yourself to me.

Granted I never fully disclose how long I have been doing erotic hypnosis but lets face it you know for yourself just looking through my blog I have YEARS of experience. *wink*

Ok I am stepping off my soap box now. So as always I recommend a minimum of 30 minutes to do a hypnosis phone sex call but please do not hesitate to call me for a short get to know me session. I welcome the chance for you to get to know me and my love for erotic hypnosis. If you dont find your fetish in my blog I am definitely up for exploring it.

So my intention is not to make this a bitch post but more I hope help guide you into picking the Hypno Mistress that will suite your erotic hypnosis needs. Good luck in your search. The information to reach myself as always is below.

Just ask for Savannah

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

hypno mistress

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Werewolf Transformation Fantasy

Sitting here in my office trying to decide what to blog my eyes keep wandering out the window to the grey sky and the soft rain falling. The grey sky lures me back to a call I did a few weeks ago with one of my gentlemen who love a good werewolf transformation fantasy. This mind wandering gets me googling when the next full moon is … January 20 which happens to be a Wolf Moon.

werewolf transformation fantasy

Now if that doesnt inspire a werewolf phone sex hypnosis blog then nothing can. For this is a subtle little reminder to my pack of wolves that you have a hot date with me on the 20-21st of this month cause I can not see that date going by without a werewolf transformation fantasy or two.

Funny I wanna say I remember my last werewolf fantasy call but I have to say the one that is coming to mind might of been the time before last. We did a couple hypnosis phone sex session within a few weeks of each other and now that I sit down to write about it my mind is playing tricks on me was to which was the last one. So if your reading this forgive me and my mind being fucked up, for your the one suppose to have your mind fucked not me.

However, it was one where it was a bit of a werewolf gathering in the middle of the woods to celebrate the winter solstice. A gigantic bonfire in a clearing surrounded by tall trees. The ground was covered with a layer of crunchy snow from a few days ago. It sparkled under the full moon that reached it through the tree tops.

People were gathered around the fire dancing and swirling around the heat their clothes tossed in a pile for they didnt want to rip them when the transformation happened. The dancing was to get the blood flowing and have the werewolf hormones flow more easily. For yes the moon brought upon the change but so did the rush of endorphins as the blood pumped through their veins.

Now I could keep going with this werewolf transformation fantasy but you know me I like to save the hot details for when your under my hypnotic trance. This is but a taste of what you could expect. The level of details used to create your most vivid fantasy.

Remember the Wolf Moon happens on January 20th I have it marked on my calendar hope you do too.

Just ask for Savannah

My general hours I am logged in is 2pm to 2am PST (This is a rough guideline)

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

werewolf transformation fantasy

Is the number to call to reach Savannah