Hypnosis Fantasies with Savannah

There is probably a point that I start to sound like a broken record when it comes to talking about hypnosis fantasies. However, here I am yet again to write about a call that started out where someone new to me was rather nervous to tell me what he wanted. Well perhaps nervous isnt the right wording but he was tentative to tell me all the dirty details.

Now before I start in about what he wanted to explore in his erotic fantasy I will say again that I am not here to judge you on your fantasies. The fetish and fantasies that get your cock throbbing or your mind wandering into that wonderful sensual space is your thing. I am merely here to help you get to that mind blowing orgasm through the use of erotic hypnosis. So in saying that you have to tell me for I am not a mind reader ~ wish I was it would save some issues on the phone but I can only go by what you say or from my past experiences on the phone.

hypnosis fantasies

So the more information you can tell me about a fantasy that has got you all worked up or a fetish you find stimulating will only help me enhance our hypnotic time together. Which is why I will push for the information at times. Not to be a bitch but just to prevent you from getting some cookie cutter, bland experience. Want you to have that rush of all the emotions and perfect ball draining experience that will have you so lost in the things you cant say anything other than “WOW!”

Anyways back to the hypnosis fantasies from the other day it started with him telling me he was unsure what he wanted. Which we all know is a lie. Then it was eh I want some teasing and to just be used by myself. Then after some back n forth questioning and pushing he finally said that he had a massive ass fetish and wanted nothing more than to be smothered by my perfect milky white ass and have him tongue fuck it.

Hmmm well your  in the right place for this Hypno Goddess loves a good sensual tease and well lets face it my ass was made to be worshiped both in and out of an hypnotic trance.

I could give you all the wicked details but I think we all know how things went…. I owned him with my perfect ass.


As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 10 pm PST Monday to Saturday

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

edging hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Transformation Hypnosis Fantasies with Savannah

Anyone else been affected by this July full moon? Swear everyone I know has been having issues falling asleep and just feeling a bit off. Know my animals have been acting oddly. Yes this is probably super random thoughts haha. Then my mind started to spiral into hmm perhaps some of my dear lover of transformation hypnosis fantasies are feeling that wonderful effect of the moon even more.

That desire to transform into their spirit animal.

Granted they may not be in the place currently to do a full transformation but I feel you. Feel that itch in the skin where you wish  you could give yourself permission too. To spend some time with that inner beast. The kindred spirit that you only let out on those special occasions.

transformation hypnosis

I do feel blessed for that occasion to embrace that spirit animal to let him roam free is often with me. When you let your mind drift into that enchanted space brought on by an erotic hypnosis phone sex session. Letting my voice guide you into that alter realm. That realm where he may be awaken.

I do love awakening that beast.

Will no lie for its fun to hear the growls.

That inner demon, if you will, awakening to know that he is allowed out to play.

To explore.

To have fun.

Yes it has been too long since you had a transformation hypnosis fantasy session. Even I have missed that animalistic growl in my ear as we build that arousal with each and every word from my lips. Even though you are on the other side of the phone I too can feel the hair rising on your body. The tension with in your muscles as that inner beast emerges.

Thinking of you over the wild full moon. Hoping your able to control that inner beast and when you have the time, the space and the energy look forward to talking to you.


As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 10 pm PST Monday to Saturday

*Schedule change am logging out earlier*

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

edging hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Seductive Trance with Hypno Goddess Savannah

Happy Friday the 13th! Lord it seems like forever since I got to say that. Not sure what it is about this day that just brings me such energy. Most coward when the number 13 pops up but I always found some shiver of excitement over the number perhaps its my inner witch popping to the service. I do have a black cat after all and well do have a magical control over men’s cock with my seductive trance.

seductive trance phone sex

Where I am in this wonderful universe it feels like a perfect Autumn day the wind is blowing the branches with new bright green leaves are bending and twisting under the gusts. The dark clouds are making everything that misty grey and if it wasnt so cold I would have my window open to enjoy that scent of comes before the rain. Ya am in that mystical writing mode for sure.

The mood just perfect for an erotic hypnosis phone sex session.

Guiding you into that wonderful state of trance between this mindset and that one. Which one is that? The relaxed one where you think of nothing but the images I paint. Feel the visions I paint for you. To get lost in the perfect fantasy of excitement and arousal.

If you have done a seductive trance with me you know exactly that state. Your body is already getting that shiver of longing just reading this for my voice is instantly entering your mind. Why deny yourself such enjoyment. Come to me and fall under my spell on this wonderful day.

Most anything can happen during an erotic hypnosis phone sex fantasy but I will say if your new to hypnosis or even a call with me its best to let me know what sort of fetishes and fantasies you enjoy exploring during a regular phone session so we can use them as the bases our time together. This allows you a chance to be more relaxed during our time together vs overwhelming you with too many new experiences.

Look forward to guiding you under my spell soon.


As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 10 pm PST Monday to Saturday

*Schedule change am logging out earlier*

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

edging hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Orgasm Denial Fantasies with Savannah

A flip of the calendar and boom we are into November or as most of us in the kinky world like to call No Nut November. Has  a nice ring to it doesnt it? Yes you will be reminded probably like mad if your social media connections are sexy phone girls. Endless posts filled with cock control, edging and orgasm denial fantasies.

Thankfully you already are someone who follows me if not calls me for some exciting cock controlling hypnosis. If you havent called then perhaps this is the right month to fall under my spell. Let me take full control of your masturbation and lead you right into a path of edging bliss.

orgasm denial fantasies

Or so I am told its a rather blissful moment where your balls are aching for a release but know full well that this erotic hypnosis goddess has full control over everything thing you do with that throbbing piece of man meat between your legs.

Now I now your probably going but I have done orgasm denial fantasies in the past what makes adding in erotic hypnosis so special to the mix. Well simple… Hypnosis will enhance your desire to follow my instructions.

To have you obey every command even when you are on the edge or should I say especially while your on the edge of climaxing. That point where you can no longer control what your doing cause well the anticipation of orgasm is the only thought on your mind. See I step in with my perfect voice that will guide you to that edge but I have no desire to see you cum and well will make sure you dont fall over that edge.

Sounds like fun right?

Or maybe its my sensual domme side coming out that is having all the fun for I do love a good cock tease.

Cant wait to see what wonderful orgasm denial fantasies happen during No Nut November.

Better yet who will not orgasm the whole month through????


As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 12 am PST Monday to Saturday (This is a rough guideline)

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

edging hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Erotic Hypnosis Sessions with Goddess Savannah

Suppose starting out with a Sorry for those looking to do an erotic hypnosis phone sex session with me the last month but due to my Aunt becoming ill my focus switched from time on the phone to taking care of her. Thankfully she is doing much better and I can see myself settling into my near regular routine. Probably be some alteration to my hours with having to ensure she is ok but other wise back to messing with your minds.

Now onto the fun stuff a blog about some calls that I have been up too. I know that is what you really crave more than anything. This hypnosis blog is about a call I had probably a few weeks ago where the guy was new to myself. He had I think done some hypnosis phone sex calls with others but course had been eager to do one with this wonderful Hypno Goddess.

erotic hypnosis phone sex

Since he was new to me we chatted a few about what sort of things he was looking for and well simply my style of hypnosis. I like to get anyone who calls me a good understanding of what to expect from myself and well it creates a space where you can just relax.

After all and erotic hypnosis session is about relaxing your mind and body no need to rush things. Let us take our time and get you settled before diving into that erotic spiral stair case.

He told me what he was looking for in the way of a fantasy it was some tease and denial to feel my control and well he was rather curious about the werewolf fantasies I had been talking about. Ohh and there were a few other things course cant find my scratch paper with all the finer points. Think there was 6 or 7 things he rattled off. Which is rather common for anyone calling (not trying to rat him out any).

Now all of the things he wished to do are amazing and tied into each other pretty well. I feel its my duty as a Hypno Goddess to edit things into a more realistic mental adventure. For I want you to have the best first experience with myself. So my editing is to ensure that happens. I will take out those things your interested in but havent done before. Lets kick that out so you can truly see how hypnosis can enhance your favorite fetishes or fantasies. Then after you do a first call we can move on to those curious about topics.

Thankfully he understood where I was coming from and put his full trust in myself and my ability which made for one epic erotic hypnosis phone sex session. One in which my triggers took him on a wild teasing ride having him wanting begging and craving that release.

Gonna leave it at that before we start needing to create chapters to this blog. Look forward to chatting again and seeing where our tease and denial/ edging sessions go what amazing fetishes will be added along the way.


As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 12 am PST Monday to Saturday (This is a rough guideline)

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

edging hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Edging Hypnosis Phone Sex with Savannah

Finally finding some time to put my fingers to the keyboard and its a bit of a struggle which exciting hypnosis phone sex call to blog about for they were both so much fun. Think will start with one thing that I do blog about often and well enjoy doing in my day to day life. Or should say when I get a chance too. Orgasm edging hypnosis!

orgasm edging hypnosis

Yes! Anyone that is a regular to my blog or has done an erotic hypnosis phone sex call with myself know I adore tease and denial. Toss in a splash of edging and its gonna be a really good time. Really what other things we toss in there is just like extra sprinkles.

More about this particular edging session as it was someone rather new to me. New to me in the way of erotic hypnosis but they had listened to some youtube things but never quite found that depth of relaxed state they were looking for. This does often happen or so those calling me say the most. They always say there was just something missing which is true. Your missing that one on one connection. Which is why I say the clips are a great place to start but dont get discouraged if your not finding what you want. Try a hypnosis phone sex session and try a few different Hypno Goddess for that connection is important.

Back to the details of the hot edging hypnosis call.

As he told me what he wanted I have to say a smile was coming across my face for the minute anyone says they like edging and cock control its like hmm yes your taking me to my happy place. Course he had more to his list of things he desired but I was honest with him about what I wanted to do with him. For I really do enjoy pushing your limits but building that connection and trust is always the most important.

Yes hearing no to certain things in your fantasy sucks but trust me you will not miss that. For what I do opt to focus on will only enhance and create this amazing erotic hypnosis experience.

So down he went into my wonderful hypnotic spiral to his senses. Letting his mind free and his body enjoy the sensations that only an erotic hypnosis trance brings. Placing my triggers within his mind and having him float between that trance state and being awake. Using those triggers to push him to that orgasmic edge. Then bringing him back and pushing again.

His mind was spinning in no time.

His cock was twitching in excitement over being edge but half of that was already done for he had been edging for 7 hrs that day. This was his treat to what could be a possible release. A release of 3 months of edging. Can you imagine the level of gooning side effects he was feeling right now. For I know when your in that extreme edged state your mind is lost in the sensation that radiates from  your groin but now I was the one controlling not only your mind but cock in that hypnotic state. Hmm pure pleasure isnt it!

He did start begging for an orgasm for that realization of how long he has denied himself was starting to mess with his mind and then the idea that I was controlling his cock took him over a crazy mental edge.

Now being the tease I am will let you wonder if he actually got that orgasmic release or not haha.

It was a rather fun orgasm edging hypnosis session though. Cant wait for the next one and seeing where we go as we get to know each other better.


As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 12 am PST Monday to Saturday (This is a rough guideline)

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

edging hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hypno Phone Sex Fantasy with Savannah

Well Summer came crashing through the front door on the west coast and have to say that heat wave was melting this Canadian Hypno Phone Sex Goddess. Like seriously I am not built for that heat! Not sure how anyone who lives in the south deals with those temps. My poor butt was not around taking calls just cause I wouldnt of heard anyone on the other end of the phone due to the humm of my fans.

hypno phone sex

Slowly getting back to normal and logging back in for some erotic hypnosis fun.

As for what to blog that is rather a good question?

Gotta say that my mind has been stuck on just some sensual fantasies. Sure kinky or fetish might come in there but the main focus in just one setting a scene. Painting that perfect hypnotic scenario that will bring the most erotic enjoyment.

That could be just the idea of laying back on a bed with another’s legs draped over yours while both are masturbating till pure orgasmic bliss. Or getting loss in a pussy worship fantasy being able to get lost in the scent and taste of the perfect pussy. Could be mine or maybe its that person you been lusting over, past or present.

Just an hypno phone sex fantasy where the focus is on pleasure. To let your mind relax into that wonderful body rush of excitement.

Am betting you have a few sensual ideas that you let your mind wander on from time to time?

Definitely love to hear them and see where an erotic trance will take us.


As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 12 am PST Monday to Saturday (This is a rough guideline)

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

masturbation phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Masturbation May with Hypnotic Savannah

As I was laughing at all the Its gonna be May memes floating around it never even dawned on me that it was MAY. Yes I know your probably going yes so what its another flip of a calendar month. However, when your twirling your fingers in men’s minds exploring their fantasies one becomes a bit obsessed with the oddest of things. Like Masturbation May.


Well in my case pushing those masturbation phone sex session to tease and denial. edging and well JOI type of scenarios. Course that list doesnt sound as good as Masturbation May and I do love a good alliteration so will just leave it at that but we both know I am talking about so much more than masturbation.

Its all the fun things that result from masturbating especially when your under my hypnotic trance. For then I have true control over your cock and well what edge of ecstasy I will take you too.

Yes more alliterations haha. I am on a roll what can I say.

Perhaps I should warn you now that those alliterations will show up in your hypnotic phone sex session and I will be twisting your thoughts with such words. Mind you anyone that has fallen under my hypnotic spell knows all to well what delight awaits you at the end of my staircase. Pure wonder to please.

Anyways that is where my mind is at this month. Edging you. Teasing you. Controlling your cock and making your May one to remember. Who will be the first to experience a hypnotic JOI with myself?


As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 12 am PST Monday to Saturday (This is a rough guideline)

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

masturbation phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Erotic Phone Sex Trancing with Savannah

As most know, I enjoy trancing someone who is new to me. They may not be new to erotic hypnosis and perhaps they are even addicted to the whole idea of being mind fucked. They thrive on someone knew working their erotic phone sex trancing web over their mind.

Such was the case with my caller the other day. He was someone who called around indulged in various erotic phone sex trances. Liked to see who did what with his fantasies. Which I think is awesome and have always promoted the idea of calling around to get a feel for what works best for you along with getting a few favs hypno girls on your call list.

erotic phone sex trancing

Well such was the case he had stumbled upon my name and number and boom he had to call. Some how in his searches he never got the pleasure of falling under my erotic trance. Can you imagine?

Ya me either. A true mind fuck lover never finding me before. Such a shame.

Course that all ended yesterday when he finally was able to reach me for I was a touch busy. After the usual chit chat to get to know each other and discuss what he was into fetish wise. His interests of course instantly lined up with mine.

Tease and denial.


Light bondage.

Female dominance role plays.

You get the idea right? All the things my blog is about.

Then we got to the role play well he tossed a few ideas out but I have to say when I hear an idea I sort of stop listening for my brain starts running off on its own tangent of where I will take that idea. That stirring of creative juices. You know the one I am talking about you have heard it a time or two. Hell think some of you live for that buzz that happens that little giggle that escapes my lips when my mind locks in on an idea and fine tunes it.

Well his was a Vegas vacation he just returned from and well a threesome he really wish would of happened with his wife. Well he might of wanted his threesome a certain way but my femdom ways took it somewhere else.

Yes that is the only bit of a teaser your gonna get haha.

He had a grand time being edged and teased and well taken advantaged of. His mind twisting and twirling through my erotic phone sex trancing spiral.


As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 12 am PST Monday to Saturday (This is a rough guideline)

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

erotic phone sex trance

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Another Spin Around the Sun

Wow its the end of February already which means another year has passed of fucking with men’s minds and indulging in their fetish fantasies. As always its been a wonderful year least in the way of erotic hypnosis fantasies. Enjoyed so many fantasies. Some that I have gotten to explore over and over again. Which is always fun to see where things will go as our bond develops.


Course with the world going into an odd twist it was most definitely fun to escape the reality of things with some wonderful hypnosis role play fantasies. Getting lost in something soft and sensual was definitely a sweet treat.

Through the year I did find myself blogging less but hoping to get back into the groove of things. For I have missed writing about my interactions with you all.

Anyways this is just a quick little Thank you! To making it a great year and looking forward to an even better 2021 worth of fetish hypno calls.


As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 12 am PST Monday to Saturday (This is a rough guideline)

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

werewolf transformation

Is the number to call to reach Savannah