Sexual Fantasies with Hypnotic Trigger


Hello Hypnotic Lovers! I had a few days off this weekend. Got to spend some time with a few friends celebrating their birthdays. Luckily enough the weather held out and we got to enjoy a back yard gathering that enjoyed some BBQ goodies and cake.

I came back to some guys eager to jump into a hypno trance. One of which occurred Monday afternoon. He was looking for an hypnosis phone sex call that would help reignite that sexual desire with in him. Our first call had his cock responding to my voice and obeying my every command. Well that had my caller eager to explore another erotic hypnosis phone sex call.

I love it when I get my hypnotic triggers on a new mind. The possibilities are endless. From a sensually arousing fantasy where your deepest desires are ignited to a more mind fucking fantasy where I alter your reality and put myself in the ultimate form of control.

Tonight has me heading out to enjoy in some Canada Day enjoyment. Nothing like watching those fireworks brighten the night sky.

For those new to finding my hypnosis site, an erotic hypnosis phone sex call with requires a minimum of 30 minutes. A hypnosis trance is build on a level of deep relaxation on that can not be rushed so please tell the dispatcher that you wish to experience a hypno call with me and she will walk you through setting up the appropriate time.

I look forward to planting my hypnotic triggers deep on your mind and exploring your sensual fantasies with hypnosis.

Mesmerize you soon, Savannah*

As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 10 pm PST Monday to Saturday

*Schedule change am logging out earlier*

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

edging hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Addicting Hypnotic Phone Sex Trance


I got to have a bit of fun this morning with a guy who is completely addicted to hypnosis phone sex. He can not resist his love for going into a deep hypnotic sleep. He had done a google search and landed on my site. I am of the belief that anything hypnosis phone sex related will land you on one of my hypnotic blogs or sites. This guy had one request to go under so deeply that his mind will be fucked. Now he said my favorite words. Mental fuckery with hypnosis. I had him slipping in and out of that erotic trance for 2.5 hrs. His body becoming more aroused the more I said those hypnotic trigger words.

Tuesday, I am heading out of town to have lunch with a few friends. So tossing up this blog before heading to bed. Normally, I would be up now manipulating and controlling minds but a girls day is a calling. So I will probably be on later on after 8 or 9 pst. Heading into the city, check out a new restaurant a friend has found. She hasnt told us where it is or what it is. So the great debate is do I grab a snack before meeting up or not? Her last recommendation didnt go over so great Curry! Its an acquired taste and well I haven’t acquired the taste. So fingers crossed I wont be searching for a McD’s or something.

Mesmerize you soon, Savannah*

As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 10 pm PST Monday to Saturday

*Schedule change am logging out earlier*

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

edging hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hands Free Orgasms and Transformation Hypnosis

Hello Hypno Sluts

I swear every time I go to do a blog. The phone rings, I am not complaining but I have restarted this blog about 6 times now. My mission tonight is to at least be able to blog here and my other personal sites. What can I say for what ever reason the stars aligned or my mass about of blogs have paid off or the fact the word is out there but I am getting more and more new hypno callers lately. I love that I get to spin my web of hypnotic trance on some new minds as well as those that have already experienced my mind altering hypno. I would love to know where you are finding me. That way I know where to keep up the efforts. So when you call let me know.

As far as calls I have had a wide variety of calls the last little while. Last night when I got home I was greeted by an instant message from a guy looking to explore a hands free orgasm. Now I always like to find out what drew someone to hypnosis for as they say the devil is in the details, especially for a person new to hypnosis. I can then take these details and create an intense hypno session just for them. For my hands free orgasm seeker, he wanted to have longer orgasms as well. Well his body was convulsing for those long orgasm after orgasm. Yes, why only explore those hands free orgasms once when multiple times is so much better.

The other unique call I had was one that came with the full moon, my werewolf sissy called for his hypnotic transformation. This time things were taken from a sensual werewolf lovemaking to a more cannibalistic take on his fantasy. This sissy was to make love to a human and well lets say the end result was a bit graphic for a blog.

I know two very extreme phone sex hypno fantasies but that is how things can be some nites for me. One minute I am picking up the phone and getting someone into a sexual hypnosis phone sexfantasy and the next I have someone looking for a pure sci-fi related fantasy. Love them all.

Well I made it through the blog. I am going to end it here before I tempt fate too much. In need of some munchies have to check the fridge for something. I have been hooked on a new cereal and been eating far too much of it. Kashi Cinnamon Bites its about addictive as I am.

Mesmerize you soon, Savannah*

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hypnotic Sleep Phone Sex

Hello Hypno Lovers

It was a long weekend here but its a known fact that the May long weekend is filled with rain. So I decided that I would just spend my weekend taking phone sex calls. An option that I really can never go wrong with. This weekend one of the new hypno callers that explored a hypnosis caller earlier in the week couldn’t quite stay away and was under my hypnotic spell yet again. Sneaking into the spare room in the middle of the night while his wife slept down the hall. His hypnotic craving was for some guided masturbation. Have to say I do love those secret calls.

The late nite hours brought me a caller that hasnt been under my hypnosis trance for awhile. Now normally I would be telling the details but there is really one part of the call that I sort of want to focus on. The last half of our 60 minute call. For R finds one of the main reason he seeks a call with me is the fact that its just so relaxing. My voice is very soothing. For one hour he is able to escape. To find some serenity within his chaotic day. “Savannah take me down the staircase please.” I am finding more and more are seeking the calming effects that a hypnosis call can have. That is not so much the fantasies but just taking the time an to experience the soothing comfort that a hypnotic voice can bring. To be able to guide him into my hypnotic cocoon. When he hung up the phone I knew he was well on his way to a wonderful hypnotic sleep.

As you can see phone hypnosis can be a variety of things. From exploring your sexual fantasies to spend some time unplugging from the craziness of the week. I have a wide fetishes that I cover and I if you don’t see your fantasy on my list then please message me at hypnoticfetish (aim/yim). Have to say that some of the fantasies that guys ask me to do end up being one amazing hypnosis session.

The key to remember with ahypnosis phone sex call is to take your time. This type of call can not and should not be rushed. With that in mind its important to book a minimum of a 30 minute call.

Well my afternoon is going to be listening to the hypnotic sounds of the rain falling against the window. The clouds opened up and its pouring. Debating a warm bath or a good book. I have a huge pile of books to read through. I am a vampire lover at heart and everyone that knows me knows this so when they spot a vampire book they generally pick it up for me. So my mom just showed up with a couple books, Night World by L.J Smith. I have found lately that I have been just grabbing some penthouse letters and reading those in the tub. I sort of go in phases with reading letters. The guy at the corner store will see me every month for 4 months then I will move on to reading different fluff type stuff then I will go back to craving the eroticism of the letters. I am really due for a new batch of magazines.  I have to plan a trip to Lush my bubble bar supply is diminishing. I am hooked on a new one actually the its a date. I bought it on a whim and then sort of regretted it but when your out of your favorites you start trying new ones.

Mesmerize you soon, Savannah*

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Transformation Phone Sex

Well this hypno blog started out bing about all the sissies out there craving some hypnosis feminization but in the middle of setting up that blog in my mind I got a rather interesting im from a guy looking to do a hypno call. Seemed this guy had run across my site and read that I do succubus hypnosis. This fell along what the caller was looking for but not quite. I have to say my interest was piqued what was similar to a succubus phone sex call but different? Seems I had someone looking to do a transformation phone sex call but a werewolf one. Interesting isnt it! Thats not the only details of the fantasy. The caller is a sissy known as Natalia (I hope I have that spelt right) that was looking to experience a fantasy where “she” was in the middle of a love scene and with a guy and at one point they both become werewolves.

I was completely lost with in this call. The details of it were so evolved that I got ahead of myself. I have a tendency to do that at times. Realizing that the 30 minutes was perhaps a bit too short for such a detailed hypnotic phone sex session. Sissy Natalia thoroughly enjoyed the werewolf transformation phone sex call and so did I. I am definitely looking forward to seeing where this one will go. Love to know what other guys have in mind for a phone sex transformation call. Be it succubus or werewolf or something even more unusual. No limits to where we can go.

transformation phone sex

I have been getting quite a few new hypno callers late which I am loving. I always enjoy sharing my hypnotic ways with new callers. Love to know how you guys are finding me? Is it a little search on line? Cheap phone sex website? Or little birdies sharing that they had some amazing erotic hypnosis phone sex with a red headed seductress?

Well I look forward to see what the rest of the week has to bring. Thinking some girl lunch dates are in order for me. I am in need of a good shopping day so that maybe on my agenda this week.

Mesmerize you soon, Savannah*

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hands Free Orgasm

Hello Hypno Lovers

Well it seems that quite a few guys have stumbled upon my hands free orgasm blogs and have been craving to feel the full effects of an orgasm with benefit of erotic hypnosis. The sensation of knowing that your hands are not needed for this orgasm. I will be the one guiding your cock. My voice having those balls fill so fun that your explosion is only moments away. But remember I am the on that controls your cock. My special hypnotic trigger planted deep with in your mind. For I love using my triggers on you. What trigger will I use on you for you to have the most mind blowing orgasm? Are you ready for your hands free orgasm? I am!

To dive into a mind numbing hypnotic experience please book accordingly. For me to put my sweet hypnotic induction in your mind this takes a bit more time so please remember to book your hypnosis session with 30 minutes or more.

Mesmerize you soon, Savannah*

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Olfactophilia Phone Sex


Hello Hypno Lovers

Well it was a fun weekend filled with lots of hypnosis calls many booking 30 minute calls but realizing the enjoyment that an erotic hypnosis call can bring and extending their calls for more time. My weekend started with my caller from Florida seeking his unique fetish that works so wonderfully with hypnosis. He has a fascination for strong smells. That is what arouses him. The stronger the scent the harder his cock gets. Of course his Hypnotic Goddess always takes him for a journey through the farm country. The smell of the hay and other things. His hour long call always goes by so quickly. I look forward to your next call Mr. Florida.

Now before everyone gets scared and thinks that its only strong odors that I deal with. No not at all. Scent is one of those senses that can bring back a memory or heighten a sensation. Whether its the smell of a pussy, perfume, flowers, or cum. It can just add to the over all hypnosis experience.  The fetish of olfactophilia is one that can definitely be explored with hypnosis.

I get alot of guys saying they wouldnt normally do this in real life but isnt that the point of phone sex to explore those things you wouldn’t do in real life to do them on the phone? Add in erotic hypnosis and its like your really doing it. The smells so strong. The sensations so intense. You can’t help but react. Allowing your self to just give in to your secret desires uninhibited. Thats what phone sex is all about. I love helping guys find that place.

As for my weekend of fun. Most guys who called me noticed that my sensually seductive voice was a bit raspier than normal. Well I was just getting over a cold and its seems that cold wasnt done with me and I ended up with laryngitis so I will be away for a few days while I give my voice a rest. Hopefully, I will be back to normal very soon. Manipulating minds as usual.

Mesmerize you soon, Savannah*

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hands Free Orgasm

Hello Hypno Lovers
Well R called me up with a bit of an issue chronic masturbation. Where’s the problem right? Well for him it was a problem that constant desire to stroke his cock. At a moment of weakness he called me wondering if a hypnosis call would solve his problem. If I would make him stroke less. Well that is a rather interesting mind fuck indeed. To have a man stroke less. Considering my chosen profession that seems a bit of a contradiction. One would think I would want men to stroke more not less. Well that is where my mental fuckery comes in. The details to the mental fuckery is for me to hold close to my breast for if I told you here then that would ruin my fun.
I can say that R got to experience one of my hands free hypnotic orgasms. That is were just listening to my voice you can feel your cock being stroked. Of course I control not only your cock but also your orgasm I decide when and how you orgasm. Now you can see why I love hypnosis so much.

I did get an IM the other day from a guy wondering how long I had been doing phone hypnosis? Thought hmmm may as well let everyone know. I have been doing it for close to 4 years now. That means many men have been put under my hypnosis technique. When I was younger hypnosis both scared me and fascinated me. The fact someone could gain control over my mind and do what ever they wanted. Slowly the fascination won out and I entered into relaxation hypnosis with a friend. She was studying to do hypnosis and needed a willing guinea pig. So asked me. The first time I went under I knew that I had to learn to do it. Seeing how my friend got a flush on her face when the session was over. Yes it was obvious that this was something that I just had to explore. Putting phone sex and hypnosis together didnt really come to mind till talking to a guy one day and he was saying how stressed he was and getting off just wasnt doing it for him. Talked him into a hypnosis session and had him go under so deeply. The next week he called back to say it was the best sleep he has ever had. Its been history ever since.

I look forward to putting you under my hypnotic spell soon.
Mezmerize you soon, Savannah*

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Succubus Hypnosis

succubus hypnosis

Had a sexy succubus hypnosis phone sex call the other day. That is what my hypno lover P craves when we talk. There are many things about hypnosis he loves how relaxed he feels after a call. He has commented many times that he sleeps so amazingly after a hypno session but deep down its the succubus fantasy that really gets him going. We had it where i walked him down a hallway opening doors to his wildest sexual fantasies. Some were what others would consider taboo and forbidden but for 2 like minded people like us, there are no limits to where the fantasy will go.

Every door revealing more and more to his deepest erotic desires. P begging for more rooms, more visions of the succubus hypnosis  fantasy. With every room feeling more of that sexual energy as he saw a succubus engaging in that soul draining act of sex. Of course in the last room, I had to use him for his intended purpose. I had to use his body and its sexual energy to transform from his guide to a succubus.

Succubus is only one of the many fantasies that can be explored while I have you under my hypnotic trance. For P it is the exhilaration of knowing that a succubus is getting stronger off of him. I love it too.

Mesmerize you soon, Savannah*

As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex fantasy call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 10 pm PST Monday to Saturday

*Schedule change am logging out earlier*

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

edging hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hypnotic Fantasty Phone Sex

fantasy phone sex

Hello Hypno Fantasy Phone Sex Lovers.  There is nothing like coming back from a wonderful little vacation and having one of my hypno lovers ring me up for a hypnosis phone sex call. Seems the 4 days away had him just counting the moments till I logged in for an erotic phone sex session. For this hypno lover most of the hypno call is about the journey to that relaxed state. For that is when he feels so amazing. Giving himself over so easily to me. My voice seducing and luring him into an altered state of mind. Once there that is where to true fun begins for I know what secret sexual desires my caller has. I know his limits and I even know what secret taboos he tries to hid. But there is no hiding when your under my hypnotic trance. I will discover all your sexual desires and taboo needs.

Mesmerize you soon, Savannah*

As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex fantasy call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 10 pm PST Monday to Saturday

*Schedule change am logging out earlier*

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

edging hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah