Hypnotic Phone Sex


The last few weeks I have been busy with Joey. He happened to stumble upon hypnosis right around Halloween when he came to me with a vampire fantasy. The phone sex fantasy had me taking complete control of his mind. Well poor Joey is realizing just how consuming hypnosis can be fore he is truly addicted, like so many out there, to my seductive voice. Often the first words out of his mouth are how he has been hearing my voice all day long call to him. Then finally he was able to call and fell that sweet surrender that only a hypnotic phone sex call can bring him. Just the way I say his name has him moaning.

How well do you feel you will fare during a hypnotic phone sex session with me? Give me a call and share your fantasy that you would like to explore under hypnosis.

Mesmerize you soon, Savannah*

Ask for Savannah
aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Erotic Mind Control Phone Sex

Welcome to my world of erotic mind control.

I know you may have an odd fascination with mind control or perhaps your in search of a new Hypnotic Mistress. Well I welcome you to my site where there is nothing but pure hypnotic exploration of sexual fantasies and fetishes. I believe that all fantasies and fetishes will benefit with a no taboo hypnosis phone sex session.

I shall be developing this site over the next little while as well as delivering blogs on specific hypnosis phone sex calls, questions that arise during calls and anything else I feel like sharing.

I welcome you to message me on aim/yim @ hypnoticfetish

Email me at hypnoticfetish@yahoo.ca

Of course can always reach me ~ Savannah for a hypnosis phone sex call

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah


Erotic Hypnosis Phone Sex

Seems lately more and more new callers are stumbling upon my erotic hypnosis phone sex site and taking a chance on calling which always pleases me. For I love sharing my favorite phone sex fetish and especially working my hypnotic web over your favorite fetish. Now I had originally thought I would do another hypno blog about the fetishes and calls that I was doing under hypnosis but then I realized that it would probably be far more interesting and of benefit to those new to my site and new to hypnosis to know what to sort of expect. Novel idea I know!

erotic hypnosis phone sex

First off. I take a few minutes to find out what exactly brought you to erotic hypnosis phone sex. For obviously you have a desire to go under but why now. Was it something you read or something else?

Once I know what brought you to me, its time to move on to what you do in a “normal phone sex session” now by that I just meaning one that does not involve hypnosis. Now there are some out there that are complete fetishists and will not stray from their fetish and are looking to up it a bit. Or are you someone who enjoys a certain fantasy, role play etc.

Now it is perfectly alright to go I have no idea, I am in your hands Savannah and I wanna see where this can go. I have heard that often enough. Really all that means to me is it is lady’s choice and well you will get to explore a hypnotic phone session with my top fetishes and fantasies. So watch out.

All I am trying to establish with finding out your fantasies or fetishes is basically how I am going to take you once your under my mind controlling trance. For some fetishes play themselves well to trigger play and having you float in and out of conscience. While other fantasies are best done with you never leaving that hypnotic state of deep relaxation. I can generally tell by talking to you how I want to take you. There are a few times where I go by the seat of my sexy panties and figure it out along the way.

Well I think I shall leave this hypno 101 there for now. For those looking to book an erotic hypnosis phone sex call with me I can generally be found on during the evenings from 6 pm pst till 3 am pst. (This is a general time line, as there are days I am on a bit earlier and signing off a bit later)

Mesmerize you soon, Savannah*

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hypnotic Phone Sex Experience

Hello Hypno Lovers

I got an interesting question from a new caller tonight. Well it was prior to his call as he was instant messaging me some questions he had about erotic hypnosis. He was new to hypnosis and sort of didnt know what to expect in the way of a call. Now I know he is probably not the only one to wonder this so here I am writing about it.

I will have to say how a hypnosis phone sex call goes for each person is going to be very different. It really depends on the type of fantasy or fetish someone has and how they want to experience it. The experience part is probably the key. For some, fetishes play so nicely with the use of hypnotic triggers such as a tease and denial, orgasm denial type of phone encounter. Where as, someone looking to more explore a particular fantasy, say they have an erotic vision of fucking the secretary at work this lays best to creating a vivid imagery within your mind.

Now keep in mind this is just two styles but I find they lend themselves best when it comes to phone sex fantasies. I do strive to create an intense hypnotic phone sex session with you and will vary my style to match your fantasy or fetish.

So what fantasy or fetish do you want to explore with hypnosis?

Mesmerize you soon, Savannah*
aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah


Succubus Phone Sex

I got a sweet surprise the other night when on the other end of my phone was Mr.P, some may remember the name from some previous succubus hypnosis blogs. Well his schedule allowed him some time to indulge in his favorite fetish, hypnosis. Ok perhaps its his second favorite fetish behind succubus.

succubus hypnosis

I could tell the minute he heard me say Hello that sense of longing took over. His body remembered that deep hypnotic trance even though it had been some time. The mind and body never forgets where I put it. “Savannah put me in that deep trance.” Really those are the words I love to hear. For its in those deep hypnotic trances that I have the most fun. Mentally fucking a mind. For P it was that erotic journey down that hallway into a succubus fantasy. My transformation from a sensual tease that lures Mr P in so that I can take his energy to become a powerful entity.

Mesmerize you soon, Savannah*

As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 10 pm PST Monday to Saturday

*Schedule change am logging out earlier*

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

edging hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Erotic Hypnosis Phone Sex Addiction

Well the weekend is upon us. I have been working my hypnotic trance over quite a few minds this week. A wide variety of fantasies and fetishes. Now one of my favorites is a tease and denial hypnosis session which can lead to hours of teasing your mind, cock and I dare say wallet. I had T heading down that path yesterday. Where it started out harmless enough a little mind fuckery but really its when my voice is toying with your mind that I start the hypnosis phone sex addiction. T soon realized that his 30 minute call had to be extended. For my voice called to him. His fingers pressing those buttons only to come back to me for longer. Every word out of my mouth increasing that addiction.

phone sex addiction

Now I know that may scare some the sense of losing control like that while others the thought of a complete mind fuck only makes their cocks throb. Well don’t worry I cater to all fetishes and fantasies. But I will warn you that I have no control over the addictive nature of my hypnotic trances.

Those new to my hypnosis site, I require 30 minutes minimum to put you under. My induction takes anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes. The rest of the call is exploring your fantasy and fetish. I have no limits when it comes to exploring fantasies under hypnosis. Anything truly does go from the erotic to the extreme. Naturally I am a sensual domme and my passion lays in the tease and denial area so if your not sure of where to go with hypnosis that is one area I would recommend to start your phone sex addiction with myself.

Mesmerize you soon, Savannah*

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 10 pm PST Monday to Saturday

*Schedule change am logging out earlier*

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

edging hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Mind Control Phone Sex

Last weekend, this mind control phone sex Goddess ran away a bit well more like my friend grabbed me for a few days up in Whistler. The scenery up there is unbelievable. I know most are going its a ski resort why are you going up there at the end of summer. Well I am not a skier for one. So I have never actually been up any of the local mountains when they are covered in snow believe it or not. I know how can I say such a thing when I live in the land of snow. I prefer the beach to the slopes always have. This was my first time actually staying up there. Been there for a day trip mostly went for lunch or dinner then headed home.

mind control

Had the most relaxing time. My friend book this beautiful room over looking a small lake and we took an afternoon massage after wandering the village shops. By the second day we were sitting in a sidewalk cafe giving some of the men a case of whip lash. I am surprise men have not learned a better art form to checking out a hot tease yet. The waiter practically needed a bib with the drool.

Even though I love my time away I do enjoy returning back to the phones. Getting those phone calls from those men who are under my hypnotic control and how eager they are to return to that blissful hypnotic trance. The trance that leaves them completely addicted to my voice. Amazing isnt it how your mind holds on to my hypnotic words even after the call. I often wonder if its one word that repeats in your mind? Or if its parts of our erotic phone sex conversation that repeats?

Well lucky for you I know exactly what word your mind craves me to say actually its more like repeat. That one word that will send you into a mindless spiral into your most sinful desires. I look forward to taking control of your mind again. Touching your very soul.

Mesmerize you soon, Savannah*

As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 10 pm PST Monday to Saturday

*Schedule change am logging out earlier*

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

edging hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Age Regression Phone Sex Hypnosis

Well I have had a few new callers call me the last few weeks. Now the interesting thing with new callers is that they bring a new fantasies and fetishes. For I had a caller the other day wishing to dive into the world of age regression hypnosis. I have to say I dont blog about it very often. I get some calls for it but I just one of those girls that gravitate more towards the tease and denial side of things or the sensual domme area of hypnosis. Now don’t get me wrong when I say all fantasies and fetishes explored under hypnosis I truly mean it. But I guess I just attract the men looking for more a tease and denial type of call or the hypnotic mind fuck experience. Perhaps its time to widen my horizons and put out a call to more age regression guys looking to go under a hypno trance.


Well I should be running trying to up date a bunch of blogs tonight. Gonna see how far I get. Perhaps some distraction would be in order. Just give me a call for a hypnotic phone sex session


As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 10 pm PST Monday to Saturday

*Schedule change am logging out earlier*

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

edging hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Mind Control Phone Sex

Well after a week away, I am back enjoying some mind control phone sex session. I was off to Vancouver Island for 7 days in a cabin on the beach. It was amazing and will probably doing it again actually. When? I dont know but the amount of fun I had going to have to make it an annual thing for sure. Ended up going with a bunch of friends 6 of us in total. The town was not really meant for city people but that only added to its charm. The only down fall to the whole trip was the fact that there was a campfire ban on. So we were unable to do any beach fires. There had been a few forest fires on the island but luckily no where near where we had to go.

I have been to the island many times but usually its for only a few days here and there. And I usually head to the West coast this time we stuck to the East side of the island. Over all its a wonderful place to be and I can’t wait to head back. Have weekend trip plan in October.

mind control phone sex

But just like any holiday I am happy to be back to the hot erotic phone conversations. I got to talk to a guy last nite who had never done an erotic hypnosis phone sex call before. How I love getting fresh minds to control. That sense of not knowing what to expect, the excitement with a hint of skepticism. Then I start working my hypnotic trance and they soon feel their bodies releasing and that sense of relaxation taking over. Their minds opening up to my suggestions. The skepticism soon fades and wonderment fills its place. The wonderment of what all can hypnosis do. For G, it was the realization of just how easily I took control of his mind. I love hearing that gasp when G realized that I had control of him. For it is a sound I hear so often and shall truly never tire of. The gasp that tells me I have claimed another mind.

I can’t wait to get my hypnotic voice dancing between your ears. Just remember when calling to tell the dispatcher you wish to experience a hypnotic mind control phone sex session with me and she will take care of you.

Mesmerize you soon, Savannah*

As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 10 pm PST Monday to Saturday

*Schedule change am logging out earlier*

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

edging hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hypnotic Control

I got to enjoy a wonderful day at the spa on Tuesday thanks to G. He has fallen deeply under my hypnotic control. He often finds my voice dancing across his mind at while at work. Some would find that to be exciting but for G that causes a bit of a problem for even just thinking of my seductive voice he becomes aroused. Now its even worse for him to think of my perfectly manicured hands and how soft they would be to TOUCH him. Thanks again G.
hypnotic control
G was like most guys who call me for hypnosis. Was intriqued by erotic hypnosis and did search after search when he landed on my site. As he looked through my blogs and bio realized that I was the woman to take complete control of him. G assumed it would be a few hours of fun one nite. Really having no pre conceived idea on what a hypnosis call would be. Little did he know that first session would lead to a hypnosis addiction or shall we say a Savannah addiction.

I always love getting new hypnosis caller. The wonderful thing about a new caller is you just never know what type of fantasy or fetish they may want to explore while under hypnosis. From the sensual to the extreme and everything in between. I truly don’t think that hypnosis is geared for one fantasy or fetish. I have yet to find a fantasy that didnt blend well with hypnosis. Reading my hypno blog will give you a good idea of some of the fantasies and fetishes I have explored with my hypnotic control.

I look forward to getting my hypnotic triggers on your mind very soon, Savannah*

Ask for Hypno Goddess Savannah

As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 10 pm PST Monday to Saturday

*Schedule change am logging out earlier*

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

edging hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah