Hypnotic Orgasm Control

Hello Hypno Lovers

I got to take someone to the edge. The edge of his orgasm over and over again. There is nothing quite like orgasm control under hypnosis. Planting those hypnotic triggers I love so much that have him stroking and stroking again yet that orgasm just is unable to be achieved. Hearing him moaning not in ecstasy but shear frustration. For that orgasm is just out of his control but under mine!

Cock control or Orgasm Control how ever you want to call it. Under hypnosis I will have the ultimate of control over your orgasms. Can’t wait to put you under my hypnotic trance and have you obeying my every command.

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah


Manipulation of the Mind

Hello Hypno Lovers
There is nothing quite like a long slow mind fuck. The kind that happens over hours and hours of hypnotic manipulation of the mind. However, this mind fuck has been going on for more than just hours. Yes our hypnosis phone sex sessions have a tendency to last hours but its been on of those hypnotic tease and denial sessions that have been going on for months.

A lot can happen during that time. Your mind opens its self up to me more than you shall ever know. Those hypnotic triggers that once started as a sweet tease suddenly develope into a true hypnotic addiction. They call to you. Those hypnotic suggestions show up at the oddest of times. Amazing what can set them off. A word. A vision. Or the mere thought of the intensity of the hypnosis session that was done the night before. That erotic phone sex call that has you seeking out me in the morning to dial the phone yet again for just that fix. That little something to start your day since I ended your night so well. Some times I am here to start it and sometime its the ultimate in denial having to wait till the end of your work day just to feel my hand on that cock. But really isnt it worth it in the end? My soft hands stroking you.
Ask for Savannah

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Erotism of Hypnosis

Hello Hypno Lovers

Seems like every so often I get wrapped up in the fetishes that hypnosis can enhance and sort of lose the erotism of hypnosis. I love it when I get a caller who simply wants an erotic phone sex call. To focus on two people being together. Him and I.Putting him under so that he can feel the warmth of my sexy body against him. The way my long red hair falls down and caresses his cheeks as I kiss him. The sensual touch that only a woman can give. His fantasy is to feel me. Feel my touch. My sweet pussy wrapping around his hard cock as that right position is found.

Now don’t think that my erotic hypnosis fantasy with J doesnt have a kinkier side. For really I think we all do. But tonight, its all about the sensual side of things. Thanks J for bringing me back to the erotic side of hypnosis.

Just ask for Savannah

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Feminization Phone Hypnosis

Hello Hypnotic Femboys

Tonight brought me a fem boy that was looking to feel the craving, the longing to wear nothing but woman’s clothing. To really shed the shame that he feels when sliding on those sexy feminine clothes. He no longer wanted to identified with his masculine drab wardrobe but feel the joy of reaching in and having to decide is it a skirt, dress or slacks day.

Welcome to the world of  feminization hypnosis!

For it was a journey through altering his mind. His perception of what was the norm. Creating a new norm when it came to clothes. Those black loafers bid fond farewell and hello to the sexy black stillettos that hide in your closet. Those feminine shoes are no longer there for dress up but your everyday footwear. How his clitty longed to be touched through his silky teddy at the thought of how early he would have to get up tomorrow morning. For his morning routine was about to get much longer. Hair, make up, and most of all picking the right outfit.

There are many who seek feminiztion hypnosis and for each their journy through the hypnosis process is quite different for this fem boy it was all about the journey to be more accepting in feminine clothing. For the next it could be a journey into self discovery as to what it would be like to have large breasts and a pussy ~ some female body transformation. No matter what area of feminiation your into I can create the ulitmate in hypnosis fantasies for you. Just remember to book a minimum of 30 minutes. So that I can get you into a deep state of relaxation.

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Cock Control Hypnosis Fantasy

Hello Hypno Lovers

There is nothing like some time away that clears the mind and recharge the soul. Of course for me I am so addicted to manipulating minds with hypnosis that the time away only intensified the craving I already have. So my very first hypnosis call was like pure rush. Oh how I had miss the intoxicating effects hypnosis has.

To my pure enjoyment it was a cock control fantasy that was to be my first call to welcome me back into the folds of hypnosis. I must say what a wonderful way controlling someone’s mind and their very orgasm at the same time. Heaven. Little did he know he was walking right into my hypnotic web as tease and denial, cock/ orgasm control are some of my favorite sexual fantasies/ fetishes to do with someone under hypnosis. The use of post hypnotic triggers to intensify the effects. I should warn you that the more you go under my hypnotic control the longer and stronger those hypnotic triggers become.

There was no mistaking how eager his body wanted to be under my control. Not sure really who was more excited myself or him. For the moment I started playing with those hypnotic triggers and teasing and denying his body of exctasy there was no limit to where this call was going to go. Well it was going to end up with him begging for that orgasmic release that I controlled.

I look forward to putting my hypnotic control on my caller again. For there really is nothing like it. Havent gone under? Then perhaps a cock control hypnosis fantasy is just what you need to start the hypnosis addiction. Give me a call at 1-888-904-9766 Ask for Savannah

Mesmerize you soon, Savannah*

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hypnosis Phone Sex Fantasy

Hello Hypno Sluts

Hope everyone had a great New Year’s Eve.  I will admit that I could of attended a number of parties. The thought occured to me but for some reason the allure of knowing that I could bring in a new decade with a man under my hypnotic control did have a certain draw to it. So I declined a number of offers to do just that. I know sounds rather crazy but trust me I had the most amazing time. I really celebrated a few New Years going through the different time zones. I did sneak off when it came to the west coast and hit the party at the condo building behind. The sexy men over there, were hosting a huge party and I couldn’t bring in the new year without a few sexy kisses. That would be just wrong. So off I went for a few glasses of champagne and kisses.

As for the hypnosis phone sex calls. The Eastern zone was brought in with Pete and his desire to be feminized. Nothing like a little feminization hypnosis to being in the new year. So it was getting him sexy for a special slutty party. Making sure to pay attention to all the finest details of his outfit. Pete was one very happy sissy whore afterwards.

Then we had the central time zone hypnotic call which was taken by Rob. He had one desire and one desire alone. To suck a cock. Good way to bring in the new year. He had been using various sex toys but he wanted to attempt something new. Wasnt quite ready to visit a glory hole and suck a real cock but was ready for a hypnosis phone sex call and see how real the imagery could be. Not a problem dear Rob will have you being a cock sucking whore in mere moments.

Paul opted to celebrate the Mountain New Years with me messing with his mind during a cuckold fantasy hypnosis session. From forcing him to watch his wife (me) getting fucked all the way to begging to clean out that cream pie.

The last of the time zones were taken by champagne and kisses.

Cheers to an amazing New Year. May all your hypnotic desires be discovered.

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hypnotic Mind Fuck

Hello Hypnosis Lovers

hypnotic mind fuck
I hope everyone had a great long weekend and got their fill of holiday festivities. I know a few of you had my hypnotic voice wafting through your mind reminding you of your last phone sex hypnosis session with me.
How I took control of your mind.
Implanting hypnotic triggers within that weak mind.
Leaving you in such a state of confusion.
Knowing from the moment you entered my hypnotic staircase you would succumb so easily.
How my words tease your very soul.
Arouse your deepest desires.
Book your hypnotic mind fuck phone sex call with me soon.

For your hypnosis phone sex addiction awaits.

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hypnosis Mistress Phone Sex

My weekend was spent with Greg. He came to me with a particular issue he was someone who bounced from Hypno Goddess to Hypno Goddess never feeling that… not sure if you could call it loyalty, control, or just put attraction. Really he made the mistake of saying he was looking to belong to one Hypnosis Mistress and one Hypnosis Mistress alone. As the smile brightens across my face for really that shall not be a problem with my hypnotic trance. I asked Greg if he was sure he wanted to be addicted to one person alone. Well not really to be addicted to one Mistress alone but to have an addiction so deep that your unable to resist the urge to call to hear my voice. Yes that is crave. Well I shall warn those out there for really whether your asking for complete hypnotic phone sex addiction or no I am highly addictive. Just ask Greg.

hypnosis mistress

For he did one 30 minute hypnosis phone sex call. Then 45 minutes later if that really he was calling back to confess he needed to hear my voice yet again. That my voice was calling to him. Why yes it does Greg.

The next day who should be my first call upon logging in to accept calls was my hypno slut Greg. Yes confessing even more personal and intimate information. I do love it when you guys share such information. That deep hypnotic state has you ever so eager to relinquish your inner secrets. Far be it from your Hypnosis Mistress to stop you from divulging your dark dirty secrets.

So what secrets will you tell me?

I shall be available for hypnosis phone sex calls after 4 pm PST.

Just ask for Hypnosis Mistress Savannah

As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 10 pm PST Monday to Saturday

*Schedule change am logging out earlier*

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

edging hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Financial Domiantion Hypnosis

Hello Hypnosis Addicts

For those that have been to my site a few times will notice that the Savannah finesses are done. Hope you find it alluring and addicting just like my voice.

Quite a few hypnosis lovers have been calling to fall under my mind control. I will have to say I was having quite the bit of fun with Marcus. He was looking for a little financial domination hypnosis. Starting out with seducing him with my deep hypnotic trance so that he was unable to resist not only my mind fucking but also a good wallet fucking.

Marcus only wished I had a wishlist set up of delicious items for him to purchase. So he was left to purchase gift cards from various shops I adore. Victoria Secret being one of them for some oh so sexy bras and  panties. I really cant wait for those to arrive.

What mental fuckery hypnotic trance will I be doing on you?

Shall your wallet fall victim to my trance like Marcus’ did?

Give me a call and lets see where you end up.
Just ask for Savannah

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Phone Hypnosis

Hello Hypno Lovers

Well I will say I am in the process of setting up this site. Its still missing that certain touch of Savannah, so hopefully in the next few weeks it will be all perfect. But I couldnt wait for the finishing touches before letting others be subjected to the addictive world of erotic hypnosis. Can you blame me really? This amazing fetish that so many are reading about and wanting to know more and crave and hunger for. Well I welcome new callers. I adore them really. Nothing like taking a caller who is new and nervous and just putting them not into a relaxed state for a call but to actually calm their nerves enough to be able to open their minds to allow my hypnotic triggers in. Now that is where the excitement begins.

So happy reading over the blogs and stay tuned for changes for those will be happening over the next few weeks. Fingers crossed.

I can’t wait to get my hypnotic triggers into your mind.


Ask for Savannah

2.50/minute with a 10 minute minimum
aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah