Hello Hypno Lovers
I was having one of those days where I was haunted. Much like how some of you are haunted by my hypnotic voice course my haunting was by a number and nothing so erotically stimulating.
Everywhere I turned today I was faced with the number 13 or some variation there of. Rather comical really. Or should I say the reaction by my superstitious friends was amazing. One was waiting for lightening to hit and the other was considering it to be extremely lucky! So far 13 has been very lucky for me. I even ventured out and bought a lotto ticket. Too bad the lotto isnt 13 but still has 3’s in the jackpot so wondering if that counts? Shall find out Friday and Saturday how I make out. Fingers crossed hypno lovers!
Now don’t worry even if I do win the lottery I would still be taking hypnosis phone sex calls for I have many minds to fuck. Especially to continue the mental destruction of Jason.
Yes Jason! Don’t think I forgot about him. Well not like you could with the various tweets about how he is handing his mind over to me quite regularly. Over the last week and the hours of mind control phone sex calls, I am thinking Jason is earning the most pathetic award from me. For I have had many leave work to find a quiet place to do a hypnosis phone sex call, however, no one has ever gone to a seedy rent a room by the hour motel before. Oh yes Jason did! Can only laugh at the mind fuck I hold over Jason.
aim/yim hypnoticfetish