Programmed to Obey

Hello Hypnosis Lovers

Well this should really be addressed to those submissives looking for a way to increase their obedience. For really once you have a few hypnotic submissive triggers embedded within your mind its very hard not to obey.

I know your wondering what started this blog… It rather started with a phone sex submissive who was in need of some further slave training. He had done the various forms of bdsm phone sex calls and as much as he enjoyed them he knew they lacked that certain full control he craved. That need to have a phone sex domme get into his head and mind fuck him.

Suppose that is where his search started mind fuck phone sex. The more he searched and searched the more he kept seeing hypnosis mentioned. At first he just dismissed. Till he landed on my hypnosis phone sex blog. There was something in the way I write that grabbed his attention. Then his curious mind started to wonder.

Could hypnosis be the thing he needed in order to feel that ultimate form of submission.

At first he did a short 10 mintue call to get to know me. Though any of you who have called me know that my voice is rather addicting and even if we have not done a hypnosis call you can still feel the siren effects my voice has on you. That 10 minute call he got to ask all the questions he had plus tell me about what he was looking for. Those things he longed for in submissive phone sex that he wasn’t getting. The craving to obey a phone mistress on a deeper level.

After that 10 minute call. He didnt call back right away. He actually sat and thought it out. I knew he would be back for he was too inquisitive not to be back. That wondering of whether or not hypnosis would be the thing for his fetish desires.

Well about a week or so later. There he was.  Calling asking to be programmed to obey. Wanting my hypnotic triggers planted in his mind to be a good submissive pet.

I knew from the very first breath of his that he was enraptured.

His mind was eager to accept any and all hypnotic suggestions.

Course with a submissive programmed to obey the best part of the hypnosis phone sex call is out of the trance. That is when I get to play with those triggers and completely mind fuck him.

Well I shall leave you craving more of my submissive hypnosis phone sex call. I know I will have more blog entries later.

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Humiliating Hypnosis Fantasy

Hello Hypno Lovers

Just got off another wild phone sex hypnosis session with bathroom wanker who craves humiliation like no other. And rather than recreating a blog about our humiliating hypnosis call, I figured I would just copy and paste his exact words from his im. For sometimes coming straight from the little dick mouth makes it even hotter.

bathroom wanker: I’ve got an even BETTER one now…. get this:    I mentioned I am jealous of my friend brent.  Dude is a model and he can pretty much fuck any girl he wants.  I’m not gay, but the guy is a damn good looking man.  LOL  Even my friend with whom i lust after (jessica) asked for his number the second she saw his pics.  Which makes me extremely jealous because I really want to fuck jessica.    Anyway, I swung by his place today and he had literally just finished banging the hottest supermodel girl i have ever seen.
bathroom wanker: So i went to his bathroom & stole his used condom from his trash (Magnum of course) and I have it here now.  So I was wondering if you could hypnotize me again DEEP.  Brainwash me, etc.  And play the part of that PERFECT 10 supermodel teasing the shit out of me.  I’ll hump the air… since I can never actually touch you… and then towards the end of the session… while I’m still under hypno, have me slip on his Magnum condom over my little dick and make me fuck the condom using his “real man” jizz.  Maybe by cumming in his cum, my dick will become a real man’s dick.
bathroom wanker: That is the closest I’ll ever get to fucking a perfect 10 supermodel like that.  Her amazing pussy juices on the outside that I just can’t touch…  How pathetic is that?  i’m fucking the condom he used to fuck a real supermodel and I’m just cumming in his cum.  NOW HOW’S THAT FOR YOUR BLOG?!  LOL
Savannah: lol awesome
bathroom wanker: Crazy, right?  I mean, these is sadistic and nuts.

Pretty sure bathroom wanker is wishing he could stroke right now. Reading his im in full blog glory. That is as he is thinking of another creative humiliating fantasy. This one was pretty intense.

Thanks for sharing!

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Mind Control Hypnosis

Hello Hypno Lovers

With one word moments of time escape you.

You feel so compelled to obey.

Words you never used in normal day to day conversation are now key words to your existence.

You have slipped into the world of complete hypnotic servitude.

Least that is what has happened to my dear hypno pet R. What started as an mild curiousity about erotic hypnosis has turned into well a hypnotic addiction. But can you blame him really? For my sweet voice wafting into his mind. Planting my triggers so firmly into his subconscious. Those triggers that have him going from confident man in control to well an obedient hypno pet.

Gliding him into a deep hypnotic sleep to take control of his mind.

Swirling my mind fucking words deep with in him.

Awakening him only to play with those triggers.

I know your wondering what exactly did I do to poor hypno pet R. Very simple it started with controlling his stroking. But not in the traditional sense where he knew he was stroking. Hypno pet had not idea he was and when he would moan as his strokes felt better that would trigger him to apologies to his Hypno Mistress.

This is only a sample of the hypnotic mind control that R endured during his hypnosis phone sex session.

Course dear hypno pet R, I do have a feeling that while your reading this you will feel the need to Call Me! for another mind control phone sex session! So that even more triggers can be planted.

Look forward to many more blogs like this one R!


Remember to book a minimum of 30 minutes for an erotic hypnosis phone sex call

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Dominating Hypnotic Commands

Hello Hypno Lovers

Not sure what it is but a few of my erotic hypnosis phone sex callers seem to end up calling me from hotel rooms. My hypnotic voice keeping them company in the late night hours when they struggle to find sleep. Be it the time change or the hotel sounds that keep them awake.

I always enjoy hearing what location you are in next. Where your travels are taking you. What interesting spots you have found. Course as I am doing that. What seems like random questions to you serve a purpose. For this is how I find out if someone or something grabbed your attention. Maybe there is something within your day for our hypnotic phone sex fantasy. That sexy waitress you couldn’t keep your eye off of. That chair in the lounge that you casually mentioned that you saw making love in all night long.

Who knows maybe your travels have you landing in a spot where there is no excitement. Nothing to grab your attention. And your seeking that something to spice up your night. We have all been there.

The reasons dont matter. What does is the end result taking you to a different place ~ hypnotically.

M knows all to well what I am talking about for when he travels that is when we get together for those midnight domination phonesex hypnosis calls. Him laying in a bed staring at the ceiling.

Craving that something.

I know what it is.

To go under my deep hypnotic trance.

To fall under and obey my every command.

His mind open to my hypnotic triggers.

Our last call in Missouri was lots of fun. I look forward to his next travel and what I will have him doing.

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Strapon Hypnosis Phone Sex

Hello Hypnosis Lovers

Just off a very hot strap on hypnosis fantasy. Once I had him under my hypnotic trance it was all about fucking his ass along with his mind. Every detailed description of my thick plastic cock had him begging for me to fuck his ass.

The best part was putting the trigger in there that with every moan he was to slide into a deeper hypnotic state. First his moans were soft and light. Which only meant I had to fuck him harder. For I wanted him to moan louder. It didnt take me long to get what I was after that deep throaty moan which had him gliding into that deep hypnotic mind fuck.


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hypnotizing Hands

Hello Phone Sex Lovers

Just got home from the spa getting my nails done. I was deciding what colour polish to paint them for I know every man has their own colour that just grabs their attention.

So I asked a few guy friends of mine about what nail polish they like to see on woman it was rather surprising the answers I got back; for one friend preferred to see a woman with simple clear polish. He just enjoyed looking at freshly manicured hands. Something that showed off those beautiful hands and wouldn’t distract him from his thoughts about what those hands would be doing to his body.

Another friend commented on how french manicure made him think of porn movies. That every dirty sex movies he has ever seen girls have had extremely long fake nails and they are all french. The way he described those nails made me wonder just how many adult movies have you watched there?

My other friend loves a woman with her nails painted red. And if that nail polish shimmered like a red sports car he is even happier! I had to love that comment.

What shade of nail polish do you like to see on a woman’s nails?

That shade that will have you captivated as you watch a woman use her hands as she talks. Course you do have to be careful as you watch those nails shimmer they can be quite hypnotizing.

Bet your wondering if I have used my hands to hypnotize a man. Hmm not sure if I should reveal that secret or not!


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Erotic Hypnosis Fantasy

Hello Hypnosis Lovers

Was out tonight just wandering around the grocery store when a guy stopped to tell me how good I smelt. I thanked him and walked away with a sly little smirk. I seem to keep bumping into him every aisle. When he walked by he took a deep breath as if memorizing my scent. Wanting to hold on to the smell of me for a later fun masturbation session.

Scent can be very powerful. Everyone has a favorite scent. Certain smells that bring on different emotions and sensations within you. I know I can smell a certain cologne and be taken right back to a certain boyfriend and a specific moment in time. Now imagine if you team that scent with an erotic hypnosis fantasy?

I know we are talking down right intense.

That favorite scent taking you down memory lane and my hypnotic trance enhancing that memory.  The best question is what scent and memory will it be for our hypnotic phone sex session. Will it be one that takes you back to certain time in your past? Or will it be that certain person whose perfume just captivates you but you just havent had yet?

The possibilities are endless.

Ask for Savannah*

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Sensual Hypnotic Teasing

Hello Hypno Lovers

Most would know that one of my favorite phone sex calls are sensual hypnotic teasing. For those new to me you soon find out that most fetish calls end up having a certain teasing quality to them. I can’t help it by nature I am a seductive tease so its only natural for me to bring that to the phone.

Well the last few nights a certain caller from Austin has been finding out exactly how much of a phone tease I am. For he has been tucked away in a hotel and looking to find a way to cure those restless nights that a hotel bed seem to bring.

Our first call was more a sensual hypnosis fantasy were it was all about mutually pleasing each other. The hypnosis only intensified the effects he was feeling. Allowing him to reach a full body orgasm. You now the type where your toes curl.

The second hypnosis phone sex call lead us in a different place and one of my favorites. Cock control. Where each word out of my mouth had him reaching that body orgasm in stages. He could feel his whole body tingling.

What got my body tingling was him panting how close his orgasm was.

Which you would think would have me giving it to him.

But no.

That is where I am a horrible phone tease for I would stop giving him that amazing orgasmic pleasure. Denying him his orgasm. Even though he was so close.

Yes he did get it but he knew that every tease. Every denial only led to a more intense hypnotic orgasm.

What about you?

Looking for a full body orgasm?

Ask for Hypno Goddess Savannah

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Orgasm Control Fantasy

Hello Hypno Lovers

As most of you know I enjoy getting those new minds to weave a hypnotic trance over. So when I had a hypnosis caller the other day tell me that he was interested in trying a live hypnotic phone session for the first time; I was more than happy to take him down that staircase.

Seems his past experiences was mostly through mp3’s. Which are always a great place to start but as we know those recordings never take into account your particular fantasies or fetishes. Those little things that make your fantasies unique. That is where a live hypnosis phone session differs hugely.

I always ask a few questions to find out what makes your heart race when your thinking of something sexual. Its those little details that can just send a hypnotic phone sex session just over the top. As a few of you special callers know already.

With my newbie it was having a hypnotic vixen take control of his cock. If I must say hypnotic cock control is one of my all time favorites. Nothing like taking some cock teasing to the next level.

So once I got him under into that deep hypnotic trance it was playing with his orgasm control fantasy. Planting hypno triggers that had him stroking his cock in such ways that only intensified his phone sex fantasy.

Course the part that had him going over the edge was when I made him beg for his orgasm. Suddenly he was no longer a viewer of his fantasy but an active part. I could tell his mind was screaming for his orgasm but his relaxed body hadn’t quite caught up yet. So it was this meek voice coming out of his parted lips going  please orgasm.

Now I could tell you that after some time of begging for his orgasm his cock release was intense. But I think for those that haven’t tried a live hypnosis phone sex session then perhaps you really need to find out for yourself just how intense a hypnotic fantasy can be. It definitely wont be your last.


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Ass Licking Hypnosis

Hello Hypno Lovers

So last night I got a call from a guy who loves to worship ass in the true sense. He was looking for a hypnosis phone sex call where the hypnotic trance would leave his face buried in sweet glorious round ass cheeks. His nose rubbing against that tight pucker hole. Course his sloppy kisses weren’t enough. The scent of ass juices were driving him crazy.

It was then he was begging for his tongue to go from gliding over my asshole to diving into it. To feel just how tight my poop shot really is. To suck out those succulent ass juices of the most taboo in nature. (You taboo guys know exactly what I am talking about!) When I mention he was hitting black gold with his tongue you should of hear his moan of exctasy. I knew then this hypnosis fantasy was spinning into a bathroom phonesex fantasy and I was more than happy to take him there. For the more he moaned in excitement the more I was bringing on the filthy scat details.

Perhaps that is too much for this phone sex blog but honestly by the end of the ass licking hypnosis call both of us were going wow where did that come from! I definitely look forward to another ass tongue fucking phone sex call with you!!!!

Ask for Savannah

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah