Foot Growing Fantasy

Hello Hypno Lovers

Every so often I get a phone sex call from someone who has me looking at a fetish in a whole knew way. Which I have to say is the part of taking phone sex calls that I love. When P called me up he started telling me he had a foot fetish. Which of course had me going hmmm interesting one of my favorites. Who doesnt love a man who is into worshiping their feet. Well I was in for a shock when he goes well there is a twist.

A twist?

Yes he had an infatuation to woman’s feet that grew and grew that got massive. The bigger and more disproportionate they became to a woman’s body the more aroused he became.

Course I had to make sure I understood his fetish a bit more. For this truly was a new experience for me. P had searched out hypnosis for he wanted to hypnosis to so what it does best let him get completely absorbed into his feet growing fantasy.

Well that was our first call. P has been calling back and adding more and more details to his foot fetish. Such as the girl’s hands transforming into feet while she strokes a cock. Each hypnosis phone sex call becoming more intense than the last.

After out last phone sex call P asked for a few pics of me that he could morph my feet on. So the photo in this blog is one of P’s creations.

Looking forward to the next foot growing fantasy.

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Phone Sex Mind Fuck

Hello Hypno Lovers

Even after a few months of not hearing my hypnotic voice, R went under very quickly. Cant say that he wasnt craving to go under while he was away for there is always that need to slip under.

The surprise of how easily he goes under.

And the wonder of how far that hypnotic mind control will go.

Well we will be finding out wont we R? As the more you go under the deeper that phone sex mind fuck strengthens .

Welcome back R.


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Humiliation Phone Sex

Hello Hypnosis Phone Sex Lovers

If you have followed my hypnosis blog or my twitter will see the nick Bathroom Wanker pop up from time to time usually in humiliation phone sex blogs. Tonight’s phone sex call started from a comment I made about talking to a guy who liked to do auto fellatio. Wanker said that must of been fun to see. Well that caller never got on cam for me. Well Wanker being wanker wanted to give me a private cam show of him licking his cock.

Bathroom wanker never quite made it. His loser cock was too short and his tongue not quite long enough. Not for lack of trying though. He was in some crazy dick sucking yoga positions that put his balls near resting on his forehead.

I thought this humiliation phone sex call was going to end with him giving himself a self bukkake but instead all his stroking had him squirting a load perfectly into his mouth. Not a drop was wasted. Good wanker!

Do you think you could suck your cock and eat your cum?


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

BDSM Hypnosis Phone Sex

Hello Hypno Lovers

Last night had an interesting hypnosis phonesex session. It was with a new caller so those are always fun. For I do love to share my love of hypnosis with others. He was a lifestyle submissive and was looking to do a dungeon fantasy.

Yes I was sold immediately for I am a sensual domme at heart and well when someone is looking for a form of domination~ well it just makes me wet.

He was rather descriptive with what he was looking for. Strap ons. Ass worshiping. Gang Bangs. Bondage. No Limits.


Ya every description just had my hypnotic mind swirling with what I was going to do with this willing submissive.

To slide him down into a deep trance that would have his mind open to every one of my suggestions. Having him drift off into my hypnotic dungeon. Where my strapon wielding girlfriends and I were going to be taking advantage of him.

Can say that bdsm hypnosis call got me in the mood for more.  Like you couldnt of guessed.


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hypno Sex

Hello Hypno Lovers

Often times in an erotic hypnosis fantasy a guy will be searching for a deep trance where they can have a hot sexual experience. Some times those hypno sex sessions will be very erotic and some times they will head to the more taboo. That is really up to the caller and what he envisions for his hypno sex call.

The inspiration can come from past sexual experiences, those erotic dreams, or even hot porn movies.

Can’t wait to hear your fantasy.


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Forced Fantasy Hypnosis

Hello Hypno Lovers

Often times I get a man on the phone who has a fetish he is interested in but just isnt quite there to say he is a xxx boy.

He is fascinated.

Thinks about it.

Yet doesnt have that something to do it.

Can be anything really.

From wearing panties to something a bit more hard core as sucking a cock.

In all his searches on line he lands on me and my hypnosis phone sex page. Then his fantasies switch to the idea of being hypnotized into being forced to do something.

Forced to wear panties.

Forced to dressed to girlie.

Forced to suck a cock.

Forced to eat cum.

You see where I am going with this. He wonders if my hypnotic trigger will really work.

Will I really be able to make him want to do those things?

Will I have him lose all sense of control and confess his secret fetish?

Yes and Yes.

Perhaps I shouldn’t be saying this for it will scare a few of you off. But really some of you need to know for your been wondering far too long. Sitting there staring at my hypnotic phone sex site with these questions. Well isnt it time you just dive in and find out for yourself. Find out how strong my hypnotic control can really be.

Better yet how easily you will go under for me.

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Submissive Slave Hypnosis

Hello Hypno Lovers

A certain submissive slave has been feeling the effects of my hypnotic voice.  Started out harmless enough as all hypnosis phone sex calls do. He wanted to smoke away to my command. When I said one hypnotic command he would puff puff for his Mistress.

However, as most find my voice is so addicting that he was hearing it off the phone too. That voice creeping into his mind telling him to smoke. To puff away.

It started with his fetish for smoking but it has become much more than that. I am his new addiction. His craving to hear my voice daily. To feel that control that I have over him.

To drive his mind wild.

The more he talks to me the more he realizes other things are happening. Such as his inability to orgasm when he watches porn. His cock needs to hear my voice command him to orgasm. For nothing comes close to what I give him.

This is only the first of many hypnosis phone sex posts about dear T.


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Giantess Hypnosis Fantasy

Hello Hypno Lovers
A few days ago got to enjoy a phone sex call with someone with a giantess fetish. They were craving to be hypnotically shrunk down and toyed with. Well they had me at shrunk toy.

Really not that it matters what size they are but I must say when they are shrunk down it makes it more fun. First it was taking that micro mini man and picking him up and spinning in around over my sexy mouth. Blowing at him as he is pinched between my fingers. One breath was like hurricane winds.

Opening my mouth only to lower him and start sucking on him. My large pink tongue wrapping around him. Couldn’t hear his screams not until he was in my mouth then his voice echo with in my gigantic being.

But as much fun as it was having that shrunken man running around my mouth. Tripping and falling over my soft tongue. I do love watching him run around like a scared little mouse. So dropping him on the floor between my huge feet and making a foot pen. So he could run around but my feet were on their side like these huge fences with no escape. Well I did let him think he had an escape. Wiggling my toes and letting there be a small opening. Only to close my toes up as he ran nearer.

Yes I know rather teasing but really if you know me then you know that I love to tease and that me toying with my shrunken man wont surprise you.

I had him climbing or attempting to climb all over my toes thinking he was able to escape.

Mind you the better question is what will happen in a giantess phone sex call with you and I?

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Ass Worship Phone Sex

Hello Hypno Lovers

My ass seems to the be subject of ones obsession.

Though can you really blame him?

I didn’t think so. With every blog post he has always hoped it would be a wonderful picture of my ass to lure him in. To drive him crazy. To have him begging on the other end of the phone to worship my ass.

He wasn’t looking to do more than kiss my soft butt cheeks.

Though it did come up him being hypnotically conditioned to worship my ass. Having those triggers within his mind that would make him desire my ass more than he already did.

Now the fun part.

The part that had my ass worshiper‘s mind swirling in excitement was the idea of where I would use those triggers. Would it be when we are out and about and I am wearing that skirt that is really too short.

The one that had him torn between begging me to bend over and the one that had him begging not too. Yes there are those skirts. Him watching me reach over to pick up my purse and that skirt gliding up my tone leg and about to show off my buttocks.

His heart racing will I say the trigger word that will have him licking the bottom of my ass cheeks right there. Where others can see him. Where other can see he is under my hypnotic control.

Look forward to more my dear ass worshiper.

Remember to book 30 minutes or more for an erotic hypnosis phone sex call.

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Erotic Hypnosis Phone Sex

Hello Hypno Lovers

Always on the quest to find the ultimate erotic hypnosis phone sex calls. To find the right girl that will take you under so deep that your left completely relaxed and your mind open. The girl with the voice that has you falling under the moment she says hello.

hypnosis phone sex

I get many men who have called around on that search looking for the right voice paired with the right trance.

Course that isnt the only thing one has to look for in an erotic hypnosis phone sex call. There is ensuring the girl your calling understands your fetish. That can combine an erotic trance with your fetish fantasy.

When all 3 things are found.

Erotic Voice.

Hypnotizing Trance.

Fetish Understanding.

Watch out!

Your mind is in for a complete mind fuck of your fetish.


Remember to book minimum 30 minutes for a hypnosis phone sex call. Always welcome you to do a shorter call, so we can get to know each other.

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah