Hypnotic Masturbation

Hello Hypno Lovers

Got to have some fun with my dear James. Seems some business travels had him reaching for the phone and looking for a Masturbation Mistress. Really when you think about it there is no better time for a phone sex call than when your tucked away in a hotel. Your all done with work and the hum of the air conditioner isnt lulling you to sleep. Your attempts at masturbating to online porn keep getting interrupted by the elevator opening.

Least that is what brought James to me his misguided attempts at creating a masturbation fantasy and just when he started to get going some person would hold a conversation outside his room. His fingers danced across the keyboard and landed on my hypnotic phone sex site. Hoping a sensual voice would help him ease him into a relaxing sleep through some guided masturbation. What he found was something far more intense ~ erotic hypnosis.

Sure I had to coax him into it a bit but really he had nothing to lose but the sticky load forming in his balls. Honestly, once he heard my hypnotic voice its not like he needed much coaxing; for his eyes were falling shut and his mind was already drifting into that hypnotic state.

Then it was all about weaving a hypnotic masturbation fantasy for him. Specific to his likes and desires.

Incorporating his fetishes and cravings.

What masturbation fantasies do you have? Surely can come up with something explosive.


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Breath Play Phone Sex

Over the years I have done various fetish phone sex fantasies while putting someone into a hypnotic state. I have always said that no matter the fantasy from erotic to extreme we can definitely have some fun adding hypnosis phone sex call with it. That never becomes more truer than my phone sex calls late at night with a certain someone.

Our hypnosis phone sex calls always start out the same way with that question of what nasty taboo thing is on our minds. Wondering just how far he can go. Or I suppose the better question is how far I will go. I know you will learn over time I have no limits with phone sex and truly mean that.

As that question spins around we usually find some sick and nasty phone sex call to do with erotic hypnosis. Our last call was truly mind blowing not just for him but for me as well for it took not only him to a different place but me as well. For it was into the world of breath play phone sex and snuff fantasies. Now I have done them before but never with a hypnotic twist. So I was definitely excited to do this extreme hypnosis phone sex fantasy.

It started out putting my dear hypnotic craver under into a deep trance, so that we could begin the extreme fantasy. He wanted to begin with a sensual fuck deeply enjoying sliding his cock in and out of that tight pussy. But of course the deep feeling inside of him was begging for more.

That is when the breath play fantasy started and the plastic bag was slide over his willing loves head. The sound of the bag only intensifying his thrusts. He was unable to control himself as his hand tightened up that bag. Watching it rise and fall quicker and quicker. Felling her body start to squirm under him. But his sheer weight is what held her down.

Knowing that with each struggle and thrust of her body against his was causing her to have less air in that bag only excited him more and more. His balls aching to explode.  Not sure if it was the idea of knowing he was fucking her at her final breath that lead to his intense orgasm or if it was something else with in his mind.

The snuff phone sex fantasy had him just laying there exhausted and his mind just swirling with excitement. Not to mention completely covered in sticky cum.

Thank you for an amazing extreme phone sex fantasy one in which I will not forget.

Looking forward to the next hypnosis phone sex call!

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Sensual Hypnosis Phone Sex

Staring at a ceiling.

Hearing the hum of the ice machine down the hall.

The elevator doors opening.

The digital clock flickering only to reminds you how long you have been tossing and turning in that strange hotel bed.

hypno phone fetish

As you lay there with your eyes closed maybe that is when you start to hear my hypnotic voice. Sliding into your ear. Your mind wanders to the first time you called me.

You were tossing and turning.

Unable to get comfortable.

Remembering I was able to get you into this deep level of relaxation with my hypnotic trance. Your body longs for it now. My voice guiding you into that state of mind where you no longer remember where you are. Where that hotel bed suddenly becomes the most comfortable place in the world. Just slipping into it and forgetting everything other than my hypnotic commands.

Those hypnotic commands controlling your not only your thoughts but your actions. You hand is suddenly obeying some secret command. You try to stop but the physical excitement wont let you for one and your subconscious mind wont let you either.

Your mine.




Erotic hypnosis phone sex with Savannah

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Erotic Hypnosis Phone Sex Style

Lately been getting a few questions on erotic hypnosis phone sex calls. They can be as simple as what can one do on a hypnosis phone sex call to what does it mean. So gonna try and answer a few questions over the next little bit. For I think its important you know before diving into an erotic trance.

Through out my blog you will find various hypno sex blogs about some of the fetishes I have done with someone under hypnosis. Some times I will toss up a blog if someone comes to me with a unique fetish that I never even thought of putting a hypnotic twist too. My thoughts on fetishes and hypnosis is simple as long as your willing to put yourself under we can do your fetish.

Depending on your fetish will depend on the erotic hypnosis phone sex style that is chosen. For some fetishes or even fantasies respond really well to an erotic story telling style. Where its just guiding you through a detailed story where your completely enraptured with each titillating detail. While your listening to the details I am listening to how you respond for its those subtle clues that will give me hints on where to guide the sensual story.

There is also trigger enhanced hypnosis where I take your mind under and start planting triggers that will enhanced your fetish. I must admit this is one of my favorites styles of hypnosis. For those triggers can often lead to mind fucking sex. Those triggers can be anything from a word to an action. Once again its limitless.

What hypnosis phone sex style do you want to try?

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Erotic Hypnosis Phone Sex

Hello Hypnosis Lovers

I always enjoy getting those calls where it someone who I havent talked to in months and months. Even though life gets in the way my voice is still there in their mind. Haunting them till their next erotic hypnosis  phone sex call.

Which was the case with R! It had been 4 months or more since I had talked to him. It was a business trip to Seattle that had his fingers doing a little search for something new to make his trip more interesting. He wasnt new to fetish phone sex but he was new to erotic hypnosis and was rather nervous about diving into such a unique fetish.

Ahh the fond memories. Of walking him through his newbie nerves to get him to that place of being comfortable enough to go under my hypnotic trance. Do believe he spent his entire business trip going under my erotic trance now that I think about it. Guiding him into a new world of erotic delights.

assworship phone sex

Fast forward 4 months.

R is back in a hotel room during another business trip this time to San Diego I believe. And that craving was only intensifying knowing he was able once again to call for an erotic hypnosis phone sex trance. His body and mind went right under for me. Wasnt really surprised as my voice and trigger has a way of embedding deep within minds. Once again it was a fun filled weekend of exploring R’s deepest erotic fetish fantasies.

Look forward to putting you under again R! Cant wait for your next trip but then again I am sure neither can you.

Savannah 1-888-904-9766 to book your hypnosis phone sex call.

hypnoticfetish aim:yim

Masturbation Hypnosis

Hello Hypnosis Phone Sex Lovers

What were to happen if you had no control over your masturbation?

That was Dan’s request during his masturbation phone sex hypnosis call. To be put so deep that when he was brought out he had no control over the stroking of his cock. Course I smiled and said not a problem Dan.

hypnotic phone sex addiction

I am sure that is not the response he expected but then again he has never talked to me before. I adore controlling a man’s masturbation with hypnotic triggers. Probably one of my favorite hypnosis fantasies to do.

All that was required to doing my favorite  hypnosis phone sex call was getting Dan into that deep relaxed state where he mind would be open to my masturbation triggers. Well he just went under so quickly and so deeply. His mind was completely open.

Once those hypnotic triggers were placed it was all about bringing him out and having some fun controlling his cock. Engaging him in an entirely mind blowing guided masturbation call like he had never had before. Hitting those triggers at the perfect moment that had his cock aching and his mind swirling and well him begging for an orgasmic release.

Thanks for sharing you fantasy Dan


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah


Mind Fuck Hypnosis

Hello Hypnosis Lovers

orgasm control phone sex

Often times get told from hypnotic phone sex callers that they have a hard time getting my voice out of their head after the call. I only smile when I hear that for really that is the whole point. To have a mind fucking hypnotic voice that you cant shake.

That you cant lose.

Cant escape.

If you were able to hang up that phone and never be able to hear my voice within your mind when you close your eyes then were would the fun be in that? It definitely wouldnt be addictive hypnosis phone sex that is for sure and I guarantee my voice is highly addictive.

Now isnt time you find out just how addictive I can be?

How I can take your fetish no matter how extreme it is and putting a hypnotic spin on it so that your left feeling that mind fuck.


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Extreme Phone Fantasies

Hello Hypno Lovers

erotic hypnosis fetish

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! Was a busy one for this Hypno Phone Sex Goddess. I luck out that my family lives near me so I didnt have to travel a great deal. But there was quite a bit of house hopping trying to see friends in between family functions.

A few guys managed to find my sexy ass available in the evening after I was done with the festivities of the day taking some hypnosis phone sex calls.  In my world I would say thats the best way to end the day.

To guide someone down into a hypnotic trance to explore those extreme taboo fetishes in a way they never thought with absolutely no inhibitions.  Letting them submerge them self into the fantasy that I am creating.

Those fantasies are as varied as the men who call me. For some they have a certain erotic fantasy they have been thinking about. It can be wanting to envision making love to the girl next door or regressing so they can relive a moment in time. The hypnotic fantasies go to the fetish side of things as well where its indulging into those taboo fantasies where you might not be able to do them on a day to day basis but watching extreme porn has you wondering what it would be like to dive into the dirty side of things. Well that is where youextreme phone goddess comes in. So those forbidden fantasies such as k-9 or golden showers are just perfect for hypnosis.

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Fetish Hypnosis Fantasies

Hello Hypno Phone Lovers

I often get told from callers that they lurked my hypnosis blogs months before they even picked up the phone. Reading my blogs about previous hypnosis phone sex calls to see what I might do to them. That was the case when my phone rang Tuesday morning it was from a guy coming out of the lurking shadows.

hypnosis fetish

It wasnt that he intend to lurk for over a month. Or maybe you did? Trying to fight the inevitable. For you know once you hear my hypnotic voice that would be it.

You would be Mine.

My hypnotic slave.

But he found reading my hypnosis blog allowed him to get to know not just me but those whose mind I take control of. Such as bathroom wanker, extend troy, trouble and quite a number that dont have sweet little nicknames but whose initials paint my blog. Their hypnosis stories about how I take their mind and play with my erotic triggers within their fetish fantasies.(No matter how taboo they maybe!)

Well welcome to the elite phone sex group S. So glad you came out of the shadows. Looking forward to putting you under more and more.


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Mindless Robot Hypnosis

Hello Hypno Lovers

manipulation phone sex

Troy has been calling me for awhile. It started out with a simple request as wanting to crave to smoke when he heard my hypnotic voice. Puff. Puff. Puff. But that was the start of our hypnosis phone sex calls.

Over time it has progressed.

Progressing to go deeper and deeper.

So that he is my mindless robot.

I can do anything with him while his mind is under my hypnotic control. Which is what makes the calls so much more exciting. Twisting and turning his desires from that of smoking to wanting to eat his own cum for me. That desire to extend each call so that he can have more of my sensual voice guiding him to even more perverse depths.

Where will you end up in an erotic hypnosis phone sex call?


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah