My Own Erotic Hypnosis Interest

So I had asked a little bit ago what got a caller interested in erotic hypnosis and well I thought I would turn that question in on myself. In all honest, I think I have answered it a few times here and there but since I get asked it quite a bit figure I will answer it again.

erotic hypnosis

Its really by accident that I combined hypnosis with phone sex for I had no idea there was even a draw to put them together. I had some training with hypnosis from a friend who had gone through a program and was in the process of training me. She was working on getting a teaching degree. So it was one of those things where she was practicing her teaching skills on me. I learned hypnosis which at the time I thought was a cool thing but really had no use in my life. Though I did have a few sexy dreams of hypnotizing men over dinner and making them my sex slaves course that is another blog all together.

So I had tucked those skills away to never really be tapped into. I started doing phone sex and enjoying branching into many fetishes and it wasnt till I was talking to the owner of one place I worked that said men love being hypnotized on the phone.

I had started looking up erotic hypnosis and was amazed at the time that there was some sites not many that dabbled in the fetish. I started talking to guys and they were all excited about the idea of going under for me. Will admit it took a bit in the beginning to find that right trance that would work well over the phone. For my friend never did teach me phone trancing per say but with some time and some very understanding guys I finally got the trance you now hear today.

I have to say erotic hypnosis is my favorite phone fetish and I think most guys can sense that the moment they start going under for me. Or least I would hope they do.


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Mind Fucking with a Black Cock

Hello Hypno Lovers

Last night was an interesting night for hypno calls. Something must of been in the air. Not quite sure what it was but that thing definitely had my phone ringing with fun fantasies.

Such as M who wanting something sensual but needed a bit of a twist. And I do love twists!

He wanted to make love but the twist was that I had a black cock. I know interesting right! So its a twist on strap on where I transform in the fantasy to have a nice 9 inch black cock between my legs. Course sorry M I know when I mentioned strap on you were adamant that it wasnt another strapon phone sex call but something much more sensual and erotic. Which it was definitely that!

It was all about M laying there on a bed as I stood beside him with my wonderful cock growing hard and feeling his hand stroking my cock to its full erect 9 inches. Then once I was fully hard to climb between his legs and put his legs over my shoulders and enter him.

Mind you he was completely under my hypnotic trance so every time I told him what I was doing with my thick 9 inch black cock well that had him moaning with excitement.

Not sure what actually had him exploding if it was the thought of his hard cock rubbing between our naked bodies or my tits on his chest while my cock was deep inside him but either way he was screaming into an orgasm. Personally I think it was when I called him my bitch!

Have to let me know M!


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hairy Pussy Hypnosis

Hello Hypno Lovers

Everyone has that certain thing that drives them crazy. For some its stockings, extremely long hair, or nails you get the idea. Well I had one guy that loved woman with pussy hair. Now the poor guy always seem to attract woman who shaved or waxed their pussy and he was just being left out of enjoying his sweet sexual pleasure of feeling his cock rubbing in and out of a hairy pussy.

The best he had to accept was one girl who had a landing strip and as much as he enjoyed it. It still didnt satisfy that feeling for him. So that is when he started talking to phone sex girls and indulging in his hairy pussy fantasy.  He would listen to them describe their hairy pussy while he masturbated along to the wonderful details but soon not even that was fulfilling him. He needed more.

That is when he stumbled upon phone sex hypnosis and thought it might be the missing thing to his masturbation fantasy. After chatting with me on messenger for a few he knew this was going to be just what he needed.

For once I guided him down with my hypnotic voice it was all about building up his erotic fantasy around those beautiful hairy pussies. Letting him feel like his cock was sliding into one very hairy wet pussy. Course the more I described that scene to him the more he moaned with pleasure. For all he wanted to do was shoot that sticky load of cum into that pussy.

What erotic images would you like to masturbate too during an erotic hypnosis phone sex call?


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Deeper Connection

Hello Hypno Lovers

Some times you have to wonder if there is some connection to a caller. Something beyond the call. That deep karma type of connection. For I shall admit I have that with a few. But it seems to be more so with a certain someone. I can just think about him and suddenly that phone is ringing. Or when I pick up that phone and it says I have a call I get an odd shiver and I know its going to be him.

So of course when I already have a certain grin on my face before I hear his voice saying hello. He laughs when I say I was expecting his call.


There are some mornings where I was planning to log out and venture off to bed but I end up getting busy doing some things and say logged in that extra 20 minutes and sure enough he is able to call me.

I suppose this is bound to happen when you have been talking to someone for years. You reach that certain level of connection. A connection that can not be questioned. I do enjoy it. Revel in it for I think it only intensifies the hold I have over him.

Doesnt it T?

You feel it for that is why you search me out. To bring that moment of bliss to your day. To bring that intensity to you that you just cant find anywhere else.

Hmmm have to see if my theory holds true when writing a blog about you. Will my phone start ringing. Shall you be in need of me? I look forward to it.


Remember for erotic hypnosis phone sex call to book a minimum of 30 minutes so that you may enjoy the full effect of the call.

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

What got you interested in erotic hypnosis?

Hello Hypno Lovers

Its one of those days where I am sitting here debating what to do. Got up late from a night of hypnotizing men and well the plans I had made before have to drastically change. I was going to go hit up a farmer’s market to day but considering my sexy ass is finding its way out of bed after its closed down. Well you can see how well that is going to go.

So how did my fingers find their way to the key board. I am not sure really guess it was one of those things as I sit here checking my emails and answering a few instant messages to line up a few calls for later. But as I was answering some messages that I got one from someone brand new to erotic hypnosis. Course I never have issues answering questions someone may have regarding what to expect with hypno but sometimes the concerns or worries they may have can not be explained away over instant message.

Its literally one of those things where you call and talk to me you find out how relaxing and at ease you will be with me. In that moment that I started to wonder what I always wonder with a new person to hypnosis what had them seeking out an erotic hypnosis phone sex call?

I generally ask someone that cause I am always curious how someone new to the fetish sort of stumbles upon it. Since phone sex is one of those things that rarely gets talked about amongst friends. Was it one of those things where you were googling for one fetish you enjoy and then landed on a hypno phone site? Or did a girl you talk to introduce you to the idea?


These questions might seem odd to you but to me they open up a wonderful view into your mind and give me an idea of where to take the call. For each question I ask you gives me a glimpse of where I should take you. What style of hypnosis would suite you be it more erotic story telling or more trigger based.

So for those who follow my blog give it a thought… What got you interested in hypnosis fantasies?

While I decided what mischief I get into today.

Course I thinking my dog would love it if one of my mischievous adventures was to the pet store for some dog food and some treats.

I shall be on later tonight probably a bit later than usually say after 8 pm PST or 11 pm EST.


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Loser Boy Wanks

Hello Hypno Lovers

So there are some out there that feel they can deny their addiction to hypnosis. Well better yet a certain someone thought they could deny their addiction to my hypnotic voice.

I know silly boy!

Sure he went months without my voice twisting his sick thoughts in his mind but you know he missed it. Why else would I be writing blog about his absence. You know he came back.

Dear bathroom wanker.

Laying there naked on the bathroom floor while his wife slept away upstairs.  His cock was hard from looking at sexy girls in bikinis on lines the ones that would never be interested in him. Every smile they give into the camera he knows would be followed by a laugh because even they know he is a wanking loser.

Course if they only know his true inner secrets of complete loserdom they would be laughing so hard their firm tits would be bouncing. And hard. For I know those secrets how he cant fuck his wife without watching those girls. Its not because his wife is fat or ugly but because she just cant get him off. He needs that visual image of those girls smiling and laughing at him to get off.

Oh poor bathroom wanker now anyone who reads this now knows the depth of your loser-dom will go.  Well some of it. For you have been calling me for quite a while and I know exactly how much of a loser you are and crave to hear a sexy woman belittle you and laugh at you while you stroke that cock.

Each laugh has your cock twitching.

Each degrading word out of my mouth I know your balls are swelling.

All till that moment when your going please may I squirt my loser load for you.

Welcome back bathroom wanker.


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hypnotized to Eat Cum

Hello Hypno Lovers

When someone comes to me for the first time there is that awkward dance. Them twirling around what fetish gets them truly aroused. Part of it is that concern that I will judge them to be some form of a pervert and the other is just simple embarrassment. Well really the pervert part only comes if your into humiliation and get off on me calling you some sick pervert. And well the embarrassment part is really unnecessary for there is no reason to have your cheeks turning crimson ~ well for that reason any ways. During a call from excitement is a different story.

I know what brings this up?

I suppose its the last phone sex call I have had where the guy twisted in his sheets struggling to tell me his hidden sexual desires. He would hum and haw telling me his fetish. I could tell he wasnt use to telling someone what type of things truly made his dick throb.


Lucky for him he stumbled upon me where I have my little charming ways of getting things out of men *wink* For I knew once I got him under my hypnotic trance he would be able to tell me his secret fetishes.

As I guided him into his deep hypnotic state.

His body relaxing.

His mind letting go.

It was in that spot.

Where his mind let go that he was able to tell me what brought him to call me. His secret fetish that had him stumbling over his words. Now he was able to just release his inner most thoughts.The reason he had called me was he needed that extra push to help him eat his cum.

Sounds simple enough but for those who have a similar fetish you know how hard it can be. Your quench is so strong when your hot and horny. Yet the moment you squirt that precious load that is when you lose your desire. This is where he had hoped I would be able to help him. For he had read some of my hypnotic blogs where I had men eat their own cum and it turned him on beyond belief. Now he hoped to be one of those hypnotized cum eaters. To be pushed beyond and have him slurp up a load of  hot sticky jizz.

Ahh but of course!

How can I turn down such a request as that one. Now that I know what it was that drove his sexual desires. It was all about pushing him into a deeper hypnotic state so that my triggers would be stronger. Strong enough to push him into wanting that splooge even after he had exploded and was no longer horny. Course how can you not be horny when you have me whispering in your ear.

I know you wonder did he?

Did he become a hypnotized jizz eater?

Well at first he fought. I wont lie. His will was very strong but I was very determined to help him achieve his sexual cravings. There was some pushing back and forth. In the end, that cum passed his lips. If you ask me it being warm would of be far more palatable than cold but that shall come with time. Little steps.

How well do you think you would do?


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Erotic Hypnosis Phone Sex

Had an interesting erotic hypnosis phone sex call with Justin the other night. Interesting in the sense of we have been talking for awhile but it has taken till now to truly find out what things excite Justin for he is shy. And you combine that with a taboo fetish that he is embarrassed by and well your left with a guy who is uncomfortable opening up about what makes his cock hard.

erotic hypnosis phone sex

I get it. I am not one who is going to force you into a situation your not comfortable with. Some times for someone who is a bit shy it takes some time to open up. Its natural. Course the great thing about phone sex is your removed from that face to face contact and its only a voice on the other end of the line. A soft, soothing voice I might add.

Now after some time and still there was that hesitation in Justin’s voice he just couldnt open up. He knew he was comfortable with me but he needed that something extra. Lucky for him I have that something extra by way of my favorite fetish ~ erotic hypnosis.

If you ask me there is nothing quite like a deep erotic hypnosis phone sex trance to lower those inhibitions. In the case of Justin to have him loosening up so that he could tell me those secret taboo desires within. Sure enough after a few minutes of guiding him down he was ready he felt relaxed and open to tell me.

Now considering he just opened up with his taboo fetish to me dont think I am going to be posting it out here for everyone to read till I know from Justin he is alright with it. So I am going to be on horrible tease and leave you guessing what his phone sex fetish is. Really Justin I dont think there is anything to be embarrassed about.

I do look forward to the next erotic hypnosis phone sex call.


As always please note with an erotic hypnosis phone sex call they do take a bit more time so 30 minute minimum is recommended.

My general hours I am logged in is 2 pm to 10 pm PST Monday to Saturday

*Schedule change am logging out earlier*

Sundays are generally my day off.

I do log out through the day for personal time. I try to post on my twitter @hypnosavannah what my schedule will be like.

edging hypnosis phone sex

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Hypnotized Diaper Wearer

Hello Hypno Lovers

A few days ago a diaper lover connected up with me. He had seen me around through my various hypnosis blogs and was waiting for the right time where are schedules lined up.

Well the dear adult baby managed to hook up with me so he could dive into one of my erotic hypnosis trances. He was basically looking to be more comfortable in letting himself go when wearing his diaper. His real time mommy had him wear a diaper all the time and use it for its intended purpose but the abie found it hard to use the diaper when he was not with her. So he was definitely hoping a hypno phone sex session would have him losing his bladder inhibitions so to speak.

So it was guiding him down into that wonderful space where he would feel so relaxed. So that I can plant triggers into his mind where he would no longer be self aware of his bladder control.

The call ended with him having one very full diaper.

aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah

Fart Smelling Hypno Trigger

Hello Hypno Lovers

There are just those nights where nothing you can do can get you to sleep. Your beyond horny. Laying in bed closing your eyes and masturbating just isnt doing it any more. Sure you have orgasmed through out the day but it really hasnt drained your balls enough to rid you of that intense horny feeling.

I have encountered that a few time over the years with some of the hypnosis callers. Pretty sure that is what has you developing a hypno addiction really for there is no orgasm quite like a hypno one. Well that is what happened on Saturday when Chris called. I knew something was up when he was calling in the middle of the night for he usually catches me in the morning on one of his days off. So just that alone told me something was up. Sure enough something was.

A rough week!

A week that had him craving to fall into a deep hypnotic state where he could enjoy some wonderful taboo masturbation fantasies and then be able to lull himself into a wonderful sleep after and forget everything. So after some chatting to find out what kind of taboo phone sex cravings he had. For Chris has quite a few. I have blogged about him a number of times over the year, he is the one with the olfactophilia fetish. Now I know your wondering what the heck is that but he likes different smells. So a smell fetish for lack of a better description and we are not talking flower kinds either. But strong pungent ones.

This time Chris wanted something a bit different than our usual drive through the country smell fest. He wanted to smell farts. So course that had me creating a fart smelling trigger instantly. Rather comical one actually for not only was he smelling farts but confessing to them too.

Ok so that one was a bit for my amusement.

On the trigger command he would slide his finger in his ass pull it out and sniff it going mmm I farted. Which of course only had his cock throbbing to be stroked more. Each sniff of that fart had his balls aching and aching for more of an release.

The call was weaved with a few other magical triggers as well but shall save those for just Chris and I.

But as always it was so much fun talking and hypnotizing you Chris and exploring your unique and wonderful fetishes.Hope you were able to fall into a much needed wonderful sleep.


aim/yim hypnoticfetish

Is the number to call to reach Savannah