So many times I am asked What can I expect during an erotic hypnosis phone sex call? Really if your new and reading erotic hypnosis blog after blog its almost like they are geared for those who know what to expect rather than for a new person surfing their way through.
There are a few things you need to do before you even pick up the phone. The first is figuring out what you would like to do when your under an erotic trance. Often times this is the hardest for someone to figure out. You have read countless blogs and cant figure out which way you want to go is it an orgasm denial, feminization or something bit more sensual.
The possibilities are truly endless and an experienced hypno domme will guide you any where you crave to go. Even help narrow things down when you seem lost in all the wonderful fetishes.
If you are on the phone with a hypno domme who is trying to push you into an erotic hypnosis fantasy or fetish you are not comfortable with then you are with someone who has no grasping of the hypnosis fetish and you will not enjoy yourself. The whole point of choosing an erotic hypnosis domme is to find someone who will enhance your fantasies and desires, actually transform them into something wonderful beyond what you thought they could be.
Personally, I recommend that a new caller stick to a fetish or fantasy they already have experience with. Chances are if we have never played before on the phone that I will already add a new twist to your fantasy any ways but this allows you to experience the full effect of hypnosis and see if you really do enjoy it. Rather than being over whelmed with too many new experiences. This little tip has ensure that all my new callers have had the most wonderful first experience.
You can reach me via aim or yahoo hypnoticfetish if you have any questions.
Other wise I am usually around for calls from 5pm to 3am PST. This is a guideline for time.
Look forward to taking control of your mind soon.
aim/yim hypnoticfetish