Hello Hypno Phone Lovers
I often get told from callers that they lurked my hypnosis blogs months before they even picked up the phone. Reading my blogs about previous hypnosis phone sex calls to see what I might do to them. That was the case when my phone rang Tuesday morning it was from a guy coming out of the lurking shadows.
It wasnt that he intend to lurk for over a month. Or maybe you did? Trying to fight the inevitable. For you know once you hear my hypnotic voice that would be it.
You would be Mine.
My hypnotic slave.
But he found reading my hypnosis blog allowed him to get to know not just me but those whose mind I take control of. Such as bathroom wanker, extend troy, trouble and quite a number that dont have sweet little nicknames but whose initials paint my blog. Their hypnosis stories about how I take their mind and play with my erotic triggers within their fetish fantasies.(No matter how taboo they maybe!)
Well welcome to the elite phone sex group S. So glad you came out of the shadows. Looking forward to putting you under more and more.
aim/yim hypnoticfetish